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Sistema AMOS per la chat

1.7.2 2023-05-23 11:30 UTC


Plugin to manage private messages, conversations with user contacts.


Add chat requirement in your composer.json:

"open20/amos-chat": "dev-master",

Enable the Chat modules in modules-amos.php, add :

 'chat' => [
	'class' => 'open20\amos\chat\AmosChat',

add chat migrations to console modules (console/config/migrations-amos.php):


Configurable fields

Here the list of configurable fields, properties of module AmosChat. If some property default is not suitable for your project, you can configure it in module, eg:

 'chat' => [
	'class' => 'open20\amos\chat\AmosChat',
	'immediateNotificationForce' => false, //changed property (default was true)
  • formRedactorButtons - array, default = ['file']
    List of all Redactor visible buttons in message form
'chat' => [
    'class' => 'open20\amos\chat\AmosChat',
    'formRedactorButtons' => ['image', 'file']
  • immediateNotificationForce - boolean, default = true
    Force notification sending to the message receiver

  • defaultEmailSender - string Default e-mail sender if the server allow only sender with the same domain

  • subjectOfimmediateNotification - string Default subject for emails of "immediate notification force". If in the module settings override the value, you detach translation system

  • enableForwardMessage - boolean, default = false
    used to enable the forwarding of messages. It's required to insert an array of user_id in the variable $userIdForwardMessage

  • userIdForwardMessage - (array) integer , default = []
    It's required to enable the function of forwarding message, it contain the list of user to which forward the messages

  • onlyNetworkUsers - boolean, default = true

  • subjectOfimmediateNotification - string Default subject for emails of "immediate notification force". If in the module settings override the value, you detach translation system

  • emailMessageContentAllowedTag - string, default = 'p,div'

  • enableVideoconference - boolean, default = false

  • assistanceUserId - integer, default = 1 User Id of the assistance user to open a conversation on click on WidgetIconChatAssistance