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Schema tooling: modelling, documentation, generators, validators

v1.1.9 2020-03-09 11:45 UTC



You can use the included generator tools using the following steps

  • Make you have composer is installed (
  • Add the dependency: composer require linkorb/schemata
  • Install the dependencies by running composer install. This will download all libraries we need in the vendor/ subdirectory


General CLI Usage

vendor/bin/schemata <command> <arguments>

Schema HTML documentation

Type the following command to generate HTML documentation based on the schema files:

`vendor/bin/schemata generate:html-doc /path/to/schema /path/to/build/html-doc`

This will parse the schema defined in the schema/ directory, and generate a complete set of HTML documentation in to the build/html-doc directory.

You can browse the documentation by opening the index.html file in a web-browser.

open `build/html-doc/index.html`

GraphQL schema definitions

Type the following command to generate GraphQL schema definitions based on the schema files:

`vendor/bin/schemata generate:graphql-schema /path/to/schema /path/to/build/graphql [--bundle]`

This will parse the schema defined in the schema/ directory, and generate a complete set of GraphQL types in to the build/graphql directory. Passing the --bundle flag will create a single bundled file instead of one per type

Context schema definitions

Type the following command to generate context schema definitions based on the schema files:

`vendor/bin/schemata generate:context-schema /path/to/schema /path/to/build/context [--bundle]`

This will parse the schema defined in the schema/ directory, and generate a complete set of GraphQL types in to the build/context directory. Passing the --bundle flag will create a single bundled file instead of one per type

Schema Validation

`vendor/bin/schemata schemata:validate /path/to/schema`

A service that scans through all tables and columns, performs validation. The console command returns 0 if no issues, returns -1 if issues exist.

Schema Diff

`vendor/bin/schemata schemata:diff /path/to/schemaOne /path/to/schemaTwo`

A console command that:

  • loads 2 schemas;
  • scans throught all tables+columns, and build an array of differences (added+removed tables and columns);
  • outputs the list of differences to the console.

Inline Usage Example


require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use LinkORB\Schemata\Service\SchemaProviderPath;
use LinkORB\Schemata\Service\SchemaService;

$schemaProvider = new SchemaProviderPath('/workspace/schema');

$service = new SchemaService($schemaProvider->getSchema());


$schema = $service->getSchema();

    'Number of tables: ' . count($schema->getTables()) . PHP_EOL,
    'Number of codelists: ' . count($schema->getCodelists()) . PHP_EOL

Conventional Commits

This repository is using Conventional Commits

Please run npm install at least once, in order to install the appropriate tooling and git hooks (this helps you to follow the conventions by linting them before actually committing).

In short: you should prefix your commit titles with the correct type (i.e. feat: my new cool feature). This helps to create clear commit histories, automatically handles semver, tagging and generation.

If you'd like to reference a card in our planning system, simply add a #123 to the end of your commit title. The card will be correctly linked from the changelogs etc.

To publish a new release, simply run npm run publish. This will update the changelog, and manifests like composer.json, package.json, etc to a new tag. The tag follows Semver, and is selected based on your commit types since the last release.