
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

This Bundles enables 'multiplexing' multiple requests into a single Request/Response

Installs: 45

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 12

Watchers: 49

Forks: 2

Open Issues: 0


1.1.2 2013-02-11 14:19 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2020-01-18 20:57:40 UTC


This bundle is no longer maintained. Feel free to fork it if needed.

Overview Build Status

This Bundles enables "multiplexing" multiple requests into a single Request/Response:

for example this request:[login][uri]=/session/new&requests[notification][uri]=/notifications&requests[notification][method]=get&requests[notification][parameters][]=broadcasts&requests[notification][parameters][]=personal

will internally call:

/session/new and /notifications

and return one Response:

    "/session/new"   : {"request" : "/session/new", "status": 200, "response": "the Response Content of /session/new"},
    "/notifications" : {"request" : "/notifications", "status": 403, "response": "Forbidden"}

Attention: Installing this Bundle basically lets anyone side step the security firewall. Therefore its important to either secure the multiplex route or to implement security checks inside all relevant controllers


  1. Add this bundle to your project with Composer:
$ php composer.phar require liip/multiplex-bundle
  1. Add this bundle to your application's kernel:
``` php
  // app/AppKernel.php
  public function registerBundles()
      return array(
          // ...
          new Liip\MultiplexBundle\LiipMultiplexBundle(),
          // ...


The following Configuration Options exists:

  • allow_externals : if enabled also external urls can be multiplexed (default: true)
  • display_errors : if enabled and an error occured, the error message will be returned, otherwise (if available) the http status code message (default: true)
  • route_option : only used in combination with restrict_routes, defines the route option which should be looked up if restrict_routes is on (default: multiplex_expose)
  • restrict_routes : if enabled only routes with the route_option are multiplexable (default: false)

Application Configuration

here the default config

    allow_externals: true
    display_errors: true
    route_option: 'multiplex_expose'
    restrict_routes: false

Routing Configuration

if you want to restrict multiplexing to specific routes, define the option in each route you want to expose

<route id="_my_route" pattern="/foo/bar">
    <default key="_controller">MyBundle:Controller:index</default>
    <option key="multiplex_expose">true</option>

and don't forget to set restrict_routes to true!


This Bundles provides a decent Javascript Library to use the Multiplexer Endpoint.

Integration of the Javascript

  {% javascripts
    <script src="{{ asset_url }}"></script>
  {% endjavascripts %}

Using the Javascript Multiplexer

//configuring the Multiplexer
Multiplexer.setEndpoint('/path/to/multiplexer/endpoint'); //as in your routing defaults to /multiplex.json
Multiplexer.setFormat('json'); //only useful exchange format

//adding Requests to the Multiplexer
    {'uri' : '/foo/bar', 'method' : 'GET', 'parameters' : {'foo':'bar'}}, //the Request Object
    function(content) { /* ... */}, // the Success Callback
    function(content) { /* ... */}  // the Error Callback

    {'uri' : '', 'method' : 'GET', 'parameters' : {'q':'Symfony2'}},
    function(content) { /* this callback is called on success for this request*/},
    function(content) { /* this callback is called on error for this request*/}

//pushing all Requests to the Server
    function(r){ /* ... */ }, //the global success callback (optional)
    function(r){ /* ... */ } //the global error callback (optional)

//pushing only a set of Requests to the Server['/foo/bar']);


  1. To run the unit tests, require all dependencies
$ php composer.phar update --dev
  1. Run PHPUnit
$ phpunit
  1. See Travis for automated Tests


  • more output formats (usable html/xml formats)