
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the leroy-merlin-br/bazaarvoice-feed package instead.

A PHP library for generating Bazaarvoice XML Product and Interaction Feeds.

2.3.1 2024-06-19 17:01 UTC


Bazaarvoice Product and Interaction feed Library

Latest Version on Packagist Software License Total Downloads Build Status Coverage Status

A PHP library for generating and sFTPing XML Bazaarvoice Feeds.


Via Composer

$ composer require leroy-merlin-br/bazaarvoice-feed


Creating a Feed.

$productFeed = new \BazaarVoice\Product\Feed();

Creating a feedElement

$productFeed = new \BazaarVoice\Product\Feed();
$feedElement = $productFeed->newFeed('my_feed');

Creating an Incremental feed.

$productFeed = new \BazaarVoice\Product\Feed();
$feedElement = $productFeed->newFeed('my_feed', true);
$productFeed = new \BazaarVoice\Product\Feed();
$feedElement = $productFeed->newFeed('my_feed')

Creating products and adding them to a feed.

$productFeed = new \BazaarVoice\Product\Feed();
$feedElement = $productFeed->newFeed('my_feed');

$productElement = $productFeed->newProduct('my_product', 'My Product', 'product_category_123', 'http://www.example.com/my-product', 'http://www.example.com/images/my-product.jpg');

$moreProducts = [];

$secondProduct = $productFeed->newProduct('second_product', 'Second Product', 'product_category_456', 'http://www.example.com/second-product', 'http://www.example.com/images/second-product.jpg');
  ->setDescription('This is my second product')
  ->addPageUrl('http://www.example.es/second-product', 'es_SP')
$moreProducts[] = $secondProduct;

$moreProducts[] = $productFeed->newProduct('third_product', 'Third Product', 'product_category_789', 'http://www.example.com/third-product', 'http://www.example.com/images/third-product.jpg')
  ->addPageUrl('http://www.example.co.uk/third-product', 'en_UK')
  ->addCustomAttribute('PRODUCT_FAMILY', 'example_products');


Creating categories and adding them to a feed.

$productFeed = new \BazaarVoice\Product\Feed();
$feedElement = $productFeed->newFeed('my_feed');

// ...

$categoryElement = $productFeed->newCategory('my_category', 'My Category', 'http://www.example.com/my-product');

$moreCategories = [];

$secondCategory = $productFeed->newCategory('second_category', 'Second Category', 'http://www.example.com/second-category')
  ->addImageUrl('http://www.example.co.uk/images/uk-second-category.jpg', 'en_UK')

$moreCategories[] = $secondCategory;


Creating brands and adding them to a feed.

$productFeed = new \BazaarVoice\Product\Feed();
$feedElement = $productFeed->newFeed('my_feed');

// ...

$brandElement = $productFeed->newBrand('my_brand', 'My Brand');

$moreBrands = [];

$secondBrand = $productFeed->newBrand('second_brand', 'Second Brand')
  ->addName('Duo Brand', 'es_SP')
  ->addName('Brand the Second', 'en_UK');

$moreBrands[] = $secondBrand;

$moreBrands[] = $productFeed->newBrand('third_brand', 'Third Brand');


Creating interactions (orders) and adding them to a feed.

$orderFeed = new \BazaarVoice\Interaction\Feed();
$feedElement = $orderFeed->newFeed('Order feed');

$orderProducts = [
        'id' => 'productId123',
        'name' => 'Product name',
        'category' => 'Product Category',
        'url' => 'http://product-url',
        'imageUrl' => 'http://image-url',
        'price' => 29,
$order = $feed->newInteraction('22/03/1987', 'john@doe.com', 'John Doe', 'userId123', 'pt_BR', $orderProducts);


// $orderFeed->printFeed();

Print ProductFeed XML string

$productFeed = new \BazaarVoice\Product\Feed();
$feedElement = $productFeed->newFeed('my_feed');

// ... add products, brands & categories ...

print $productFeed->printFeed($feedElement);

Saving Productfeed as an XML file.

$productFeed = new \BazaarVoice\Product\Feed();
$feedElement = $productFeed->newFeed('my_feed');

// ... add products, brands & categories ...

$productFeed->saveFeed($feedElement, 'path/to/dir', 'my_feed_XYZ');

SFTP ProductFeed to BazaarVoice Production.

$productFeed = new \BazaarVoice\Product\Feed();
$feedElement = $productFeed->newFeed('my_feed');

// ... add products, brands & categories ...

if ($feedFile = $productFeed->saveFeed($feedElement, 'path/to/dir', 'my_feed_XYZ') {  
  try {
    $productFeed->sendFeed($feedFile, $sftpUsername, $sftpPassword);
  } catch (\Exception $e) {
    // Failed to FTP feed file.

SFTP ProductFeed to Bazaarvoice Staging.

$productFeed = new \BazaarVoice\Product\Feed();
$feedElement = $productFeed->newFeed('my_feed');

// ... add products, brands & categories ...

if ($feedFile = $productFeed->saveFeed($feedElement, 'path/to/dir', 'my_feed_XYZ') {  
  try {
    $productFeed->useStage()->sendFeed($feedFile, $sftpUsername, $sftpPassword);
  } catch (\Exception $e) {
    // Failed to FTP feed file.


$ composer test



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.