
Create objects from arrays with type checks

1.0.0 2022-03-04 19:22 UTC

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Last update: 2024-04-28 06:38:49 UTC


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Create objects from arrays with type checks.


$ composer require lc5/from-array


Add FromArrayTrait to the class you wish to be instantiated with the values from the array. It provides fromArray method, which will validate the data and create the object if the data is valid. Otherwise, either PHP TypeError or Lc5\FromArray\Exception\InvalidArgumentException will be thrown.

The validation consists of the following steps:

  • check if all the required properties are present
  • check if there are no redundant properties
  • check if all the properties have correct types according to the doc blocks. See Supported Annotations

Aforementioned behaviour can be configured. See Options

Basic example

use Lc5\FromArray\FromArrayTrait;

class ExampleClass
    use FromArrayTrait;

    private bool $bool;
    private int $int;
    private float $float;
    private string $string;
    private array $array;
    private object $object;

$properties = [
    'bool' => true,
    'int' => 2,
    'float' => 3.5,
    'string' => 'example string',
    'array' => ['example array'],
    'object' => new stdClass()

$exampleObject = ExampleClass::fromArray($properties);

Advanced example

use Lc5\FromArray\FromArrayTrait;

class ExampleClass
    use FromArrayTrait;
    /** @var callable */
    private $callable;
    /** @var mixed[] */
    private iterable $iterable;
    /** @var stdClass[] */
    private array $typedArray;
    /** @var stdClass[] */
    private iterable $typedIterable;
    /** @var mixed */
    private $mixed;
    /** @var int|float */
    public $intOrFloat;

$properties = [
    'callable' => function (): void {},
    'iterable' => new ArrayObject(),
    'typedArray' => [new stdClass(), new stdClass()],
    'typedIterable' => new ArrayObject([new stdClass(), new stdClass()]),
    'mixed' => 'mixed',
    'intOrFloat' => 1.5

$exampleObject = ExampleClass::fromArray($properties);



The following options are available:

  • DEFAULT - check for missing and redundant properties and check types
  • VALIDATE_MISSING - check for missing properties
  • VALIDATE_REDUNDANT - check for redundant properties
  • VALIDATE_TYPES - check types of properties

Options can be combined using bitwise operators. To disable validation of redundant properties in order to be able to pass an array with more properties you can use the following code:

ExampleClass::fromArray($properties, Options::DEFAULT & ~Options::VALIDATE_REDUNDANT);

More info:

Supported Annotations

The following doc block annotations are supported:

  • callable - standard PHP callable type
  • mixed - represents PHP mixed typed, which basically means any type
  • T[] - represents typed iterable of items of a given type e.g. int[], stdClass[] etc.
  • union types - e.g. int|float - representing union of types

Standard PHP types are supported by native Typed Properties