
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Admin LTE Vuefied

1.3.55 2018-09-18 15:09 UTC


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Admin LTE Vueified for Laravel Enso


  • Addresses - polymorphic addresses functionality
  • Box
  • BoxWidget
  • Breadcrumbs - uses is included in the Page component and automatically generates the breadcrumbs
  • InfoBox
  • Notifications - is the notifications menu, used in the header
  • Overlay - is a spinner overlay used to indicate the loading state
  • Page - is the container for the page contents
  • RoAddresses - an extension for addresses with Romanian-specific formatting
  • SmallBox
  • Tabs
  • UserMenu - is the user menu, used in the header
  • UserWidget
  • VueFilter - additional filters for DataTable


Takes the following parameters: type - string, the addressable model alias you set in the config | required

  • id - number, the id of the addressable model | required
  • theme - string, the class used for setting the styling of the box. Defaults to primary.
  • solid - boolean, a flag for showing a solid type of a box. Defaults to false.
  • open - boolean, a flag for the starting style (open/closed) of the box. Defaults to true.
  • title - string, the text for the box title. Defaults to null.


Takes the following parameters:

  • theme - string, the class used for setting the styling of the box.
  • border, boolean, a flag for showing a border arount the component. Defaults to false.
  • solid - boolean, a flag for showing a solid type of a box. Defaults to false.
  • open - boolean, a flag for the starting style (open/closed) of the box. Defaults to true.
  • footer - string, a flag for displaying the footer. Defaults to false.
  • icon - string, the class for the icon of the box. Defaults to null.
  • title - string, the text for the box title. Defaults to null.
  • search - boolean, a flag for displaying the search input. Defaults to false.
  • badge - number, the number to be displayed in a badge, in the box header. Defaults to null.
  • refresh - boolean, a flag for showing the refresh control. Defaults to false.
  • collapsible - boolean, a flag for showing the minimization control. Defaults to false.
  • removable - boolean, a flag for showing the close control. Defaults to false.
  • overlay - boolean, a flag for displaying the loading overlay (spinner). Defaults to false.
  • bodyStyle - object, an object for styling the body. Defaults to {}.


  • takes no parameters.
  • uses the global Store object and the given breadcrumbs to automatically generate breadcrumbs for the current page.
  • is included in the Page component but can be used standalone if needed, as long as it has access to the Store.


Takes the following parameters:

  • video, object, contains the information to display a video | required
  • tagList, object, contains the list of all available tags | required

Note that this component has not been designed to be reused outside of the HowToVideos menu/page.

Info Box

Takes the following parameters:

  • theme - string, the class used for setting the styling of the box. Required.
  • icon - string, the class for the icon of the box. Defaults to null.
  • text - string, the text shown in the box. Defaults to null.
  • number, string, the text shown in the box. Defaults to null.
  • progress - string, progress percentage. Defaults to false.
  • description - string, the description shown for the progress. Defaults to false.


Takes the following parameters:

  • user-id - number, the id of the user for whom the notifications are loaded. Required.
  • paginate - number, the # of items on one page, shown or loaded. Defaults to 6.


Takes the following parameters:

  • line-fg-Color - string, the color for the foreground of the spinner. Defaults to #41b883.
  • line-bg-Color - string, the color for the background of the spinner. Defaults to transparent.
  • speed - number, the speed of the spinner. Defaults to 1.
  • size - string, the size of the spinner. Defaults to medium.


Takes the following parameters:

  • custom-render - function, the method for handling custom rendering. Defaults to null.

Romanian Addresses

Takes the same parameters as Addresses - see above.

Small Box

Takes the following parameters:

  • theme - string, the class used for setting the styling of the box.
  • icon - string, the class for the icon of the box. Defaults to null.
  • title - string, the text for the box title. Defaults to null.
  • body, string, text shown as body. Defaults to null.
  • overlay - boolean, a flag for displaying the loading overlay (spinner). Defaults to false.


Takes the following parameters:

  • tabs - array, array of strings / objects used for rendering the tabs and their slots. Required.
  • title - string, the text for the box title. Defaults to null.
  • reverse - boolean, flag for reversing the tab list. Defaults to false.
  • active, number, the index of the active tab. Defaults to 0.
  • icon - string, the class for the icon of the box. Defaults to null.

User Menu

Takes no parameters, uses the global Store variable

User Widget

  • theme - string, the class used for setting the styling. Required.
  • background - string, the class used for setting the background.
  • avatar - string, the url for the location of the avatar picture.
  • name - string, the name of the user displayed. Defaults to null.
  • position - string, the position of the user. Defaults to null.
  • items - array, list of items to be displayed. Each item must be an object with value and label properties. Defaults to empty array.
  • overlay - boolean, a flag for displaying the loading overlay (spinner). Defaults to false.

Vue Filter

Takes the following parameters:

  • title - string, the text for the box title. Defaults to null.
  • theme - string, the class used for setting the styling of the box. Defaults to primary.
  • options - array, the list of options to display. Defaults to empty array
  • value - anything, the default, starting value | required
  • offSwitch - boolean, flag that determines if an off switch is rendered. Defaults to true

To use it include it in the page:

        title="Taxes Paid"

where the vueFilterOptions and filters may be something like:

vueFilterOptions: [
    {value:true, label:"Yes"},
    {value:false, label:"No"}
filters: {
    orders: {                
        paid_taxes: '',                

Next, when defining your DataTable, make sure you give it your filters:


Note that you may use more than one such filter, just bind it inside the same encompassing filters object and it will get passed to the datatables BE logic.


are welcome. Pull requests are great, but issues are good too.


This package is released under the MIT license.