
Testing and code standards module

dev-master 2021-10-18 23:57 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-19 07:51:53 UTC


This module is set up to enable packages access to unified coding standards and testing tools for package development, for example traits used for package unit tests, the ability to mock things.

It also allows CI/CD pipelines to run against the standards set out within this package as failures will produce error exit codes stopping your pipeline.


To install this package simply composer require larapkg/testing


In your package composer.json add the following at the end of the file as the testing binary will be copied to your vendor/bin directory on installation.

"scripts": [
  "testing": "./vendor/bin/testing"

You will now be able to run the command composer testing in your package root to run the testing tool.

Using the above command will run a console instance with the available commands for checking standards, fixing coding standards issues and running static analysis.

If doing work to submit to the LaraPKG Organisation then require this module is it does not already exist in the repo you are working on as a PR will be unable to merge without it.

If not using this package for working with a LaraPKG package then it is advisable to fork this repo and add your unit traits' etcetera, to your own version as you develop them.

Available Commands

The package provides several commands

Code Standards:

  • cs:all
  • cs:code_sniffer
  • cs:psalm
  • cs:mess_detector
  • cs:loc

Fix Tools:

  • fix:all
  • fix:code_beautifier
  • fix:psalm

Unit Testing:

  • test


  • test:copy


The composer testing cs:all command will run all above code standards commands.


The composer testing cs:code_sniffer command will run the code sniffer standards checks separately, at LaraPKG we use WebImpress Coding Standards with minor alterations which can be found in the ruleset.xml file at the base of this repository. Web Impress - Code Sniffer

When the command is run, if a rule is found to be violated it will be displayed below the infringed rule.


When the composer testing cs:psalm command is run, static analysis will be tested across the package. We use the highest level of alert in an attempt to get the highest quality code possible into the repositories, free from bugs. Psalm


Mess Detector composer testing cs:mess_detector is a tool for weeding out bad code and helps massively to improve practice and to reduce unforeseen design flaws whilst encouraging best practice. We use several rule sets for mess detector:

  • codesize
  • controversial
  • design
  • cleancode

We believe this makes a good set of rules for producing solid code.

Note if using this tool within a large code base, you may find certain practices too large to handle, it is advisable to cure everything you can first and then create a baseline file to ignore the violations that you want to remain present. Please read mess detectors website for advice on this. Mess Detector


composer testing cs:loc PhpLoc is a tool for quickly measuring the size and analyzing the structure of a PHP project.

It will provide you with an analysis of the complexity of your codebase. PhpLoc


The composer testing fix:all command will run all the fixing tools, be careful!


The composer testing fix:code_beautifier command will run code sniffers companion fixer tool using the same set of standards that code sniffer uses to analyse you code base so should be quite safe to run. Code Sniffer


The composer testing fix:psalter command runs Psalms companion fixing tool, whilst this is relatively safe to do as we have limited what it fixes, it "could" produce more work for you so if you do use it, do so before running the cs command then you won't know if its produced more work for you. Psalm


The composer testing test command will fire uup phpunit to run your unit tests, as this package is for working with packages for Lumen or Laravel we also pull in orchestra/testbench Testbench


The composer testing test:copy command is a utility command that you will not need to run manually. When the test command is run, if you have no phpunit.xml in the base of your code base, this command will be run to add it using our basic template.

And that completes the roundup of the commands within the package, you should see that this will help you to achieve a high standard of practice, quality and reliability within your code bases. Good Luck!