
Integrate seamless commenting functionality into your Laravel project.

2.0.0-beta 2024-06-23 07:36 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-25 13:16:31 UTC


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Everything you need for your commenting system

A Laravel package that brings powerful commenting functionality to your apps 😍

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Admin Panel



Commenter is a feature-rich, modern package with an admin panel designed to address all your commenting needs. With this package, you won't need any additional tools for the comment functionality in your Laravel projects.

See the documentation for detailed installation and usage instructions.

<x-comments :model="$post" />


Why Commenter

The commenting feature is a common requirement for most websites. Allowing users to comment enables interaction and enhances the user experience. While Laravel offers a wealth of packages to meet various project needs, there are limited options when it comes to commenting features. Here are some drawbacks of existing commenting packages:

  • Outdated: Uses outdated technologies and is not actively maintained.
  • Lack of Features: Missing many essential features.
  • No Admin Panel: Requires additional time to implement an admin panel independently.
  • User Interface: Interfaces are not user-friendly.
  • Mobile Responsiveness: Not optimized for mobile devices.
  • Performance Issues: May cause performance slowdowns.
  • Lack of Configurability: Limited options for customization and configuration.

Due to these issues, most companies tend to opt for commercial packages or plugins. However, spending extra money on commercial packages reduces the company's overall profit. This package is developed to address all these shortcomings.

As a full stack developer, I have personally encountered these issues. That's why I developed this package—not only for my own projects but also to benefit other developers.



Mini video


This mini demo video provides a basic overview of Commenter. The full scope and features of Commenter are much more extensive. A comprehensive video will be published with the stable release.


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The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.