
Lableb cloud search sdk for php

2.0.3 2021-12-22 15:56 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-27 13:56:00 UTC


Software License

Easily integrate with Lableb to add powerful search capabilities in-website/in-app :

  • search (instant results & highly configurable)
  • autocomplete (super fast & understand what you want)
  • recommend (direct links between your data can be fetching using smart recommendation)
  • index new data(documents) (indexing data make it available in search results)
  • update existing data (documents get updated all the problem, you can update it easily)
  • delete documents(easily remove from search results)

To get your api keys and other config options

  • login to Lableb Dashboard
  • open API Keys tab
  • generate new api key(or use the existing ones)
  • copy project name as it is(in small letters)


Install using composer:

$ composer require lableb/php-sdk


To use the sdk, first of all require composer's autoload file in your php code:

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

Then you can initialize the sdk as follows:

use Lableb\LablebSDK;

$lableb = new LablebSDK(
  "project name",
  "search api key",
  "indexing api key"


All LablebSDK methods throws LablebException exception in case of an exception happens. Use the sdk with try-catch

Index Documents

$lableb->index( $indexName, $documents )

  • \$indexName: what index you want to use in order to index documents on, e.x posts.
  • \$documents: a document or an array of documents to be indexed.


$indexName = 'index';
$documents = [[
  "id" => 1,
  "title" => "this is a title 1",
  "content" => "this is article content",
  "category" => ["cat1", "cat2"],
  "tags" => ["tag1", "tag2"],
  "url" => "",
  "authors" => ["Lableb Team"],
  "date" => new \DateTime()

  $response = $lableb->index( $indexName, $documents );
catch ( \Lableb\Exceptions\LablebException $e )
  echo $e->getStatus()." - ".$e->getMessage();

Example response:

  "indexed" => true,
  "message" => "1 documents has been indexed"

Search Documents

$lableb->search( $indexName, $queryOptions, $handler )

  • \$indexName: index name you want to search in.
  • \$queryOptions: an associative array of search parameters.
  • \$handler: an optional parameter that has the value of default by default, specify it if you want to use a custom search handler.

Search Parameters (\$queryOptions):

qsearch termyes'how to make pizza'
filtersearch filtersno[ 'tags' => 'delicious' ]
limithow many documents to fetchno10
skiphow many documents to skip (offset)no50
sortorder of documentsno'date asc' or 'date desc', in general it's field_name + order
user_ida unique user idno1254
user_ipuser IP addressno''
user_countryuser country codeno'CA'

You can specify any additional query string parameters if you need to, for example 'lang' => 'ar' or 'tag' => ['tag1', 'tag2'].


  $response = $lableb->search( 'index', [
    'q' => 'how to make pizza',
    'filter' => [
      'category' => 'Food',
      'tags' => [ 'delicious', 'pizza' ]
  ] );
catch( \Lableb\Exceptions\LablebException $e )
  echo $e->getStatus()." - ".$e->getMessage();

Example Response:

  'totalDocuments' => 50,
  'results' => [
      'id' => 1,
      'title' => 'How to make italian pizza',
      'content' => 'The italian pizza, margherita ...',
      'date' => '2018-12-06T12:16:00.000+0000',
      'url' => '',
      'image' => '',
      'feedbackUrl' => ''
  'totalFacets' => 50,
  'facets' => [
    'categories' => [
        'value' => 'Food',
        'count' => 8
    'tags' => [],
    'authors' => [],
    'year' => []


Each result will have an additional field called feedbackUrl which you can perform a GET request on to submit search feedback


$lableb->autocomplete( $indexName, $queryOptions, [$handler] )

  • \$indexName: index name you want to search for suggestions in.
  • \$queryOptions: an associative array with search parameters.
  • \$handler: an optional parameter that has the value of suggest by default, specify it if you want to use a custom autocomplete handler.

Autocomplete Options (\$queryOptions):

qsearch termyes'how to ma'
limithow many documents to fetchno10
user_ida unique user idno1254
user_ipuser IP addressno''
user_countryuser country codeno'CA'

You can specify any additional query string parameters if you need to.


  $response = $lableb->autocomplete( 'index', [
    'q' => 'how to ma'
  ] );
catch( \Lableb\Exceptions\LablebException $e )
  echo $e->getMessage();

Example response:

There are two types of suggestions:

  1. Navigational suggestion which refers to an article
  2. Filter suggestion which has search filters that can be used with search
  'totalSuggestions' => 33,
  'suggestions' => [
      'suggestion_type' => 'navigational',
      'id' => 1,
      'phrase' => 'How to make italian pizza',
      'date' => '2018-12-06T12:16:00.000+0000',
      'url' => '',
      'feedbackUrl' => ''
      'suggestion_type' => 'filter',
      'phrase' => 'Posts about pizza',
      'filters' => [
        'meta' => ['Pizza', 'Food']
  'totalFacets' => 0
  'facets' => Array


Each result will have an additional field called feedbackUrl which you can perform a GET request on to submit autocomplete feedback.

Recommendations (Related Articles)

To fetch other posts that are related to some post

$lableb->recommend( $indexName, $options, [$handler] )

  • \$indexName: index name you want to search for recommendations in.
  • \$options: an associative describing the source document.
  • \$handler: an optional parameter that has the value of recommend by default, specify it if you want to use a custom search handler.

Source document parameters (\$options):

idID of the source documentyes1
titletitle of the source documentno'How to make italian pizza'
urlurl of the source documentno''
limithow many documents to fetchno5
user_ida unique user idno1254
user_ipuser IP addressno''
user_countryuser country codeno'CA'
  $response = $lableb->recommend( 'index', [
    'id' => 1
  ] );
catch( \Lableb\Exceptions\LablebException $e )
  echo $e->getMessage();

Example response:

  'totalDocuments' => 50,
  'results' => [
      'id' => 1,
      'title' => 'How to make italian pizza',
      'content' => 'The italian pizza, margherita ...',
      'date' => '2018-12-06T12:16:00.000+0000',
      'url' => '',
      'image' => '',
      'feedbackUrl' => ''
  'totalFacets' => 0
  'facets' => Array


Each result will have an additional field called feedbackUrl which you can perform a GET request on to submit recommend feedback.

Submit Feedback

There are three types of feedback:

  • Search feedback: this feedback is submitted when a user searches then hits a search result.
  • Autocomplete feedback: this feedback is submitted when a user hits an autocomplete suggestion.
  • Recommendation feedback: this feedback is submitted when a user hits a recommended article.

Submit Search Feedback

$lableb->submitSearchFeedback( $indexName, $options, [$handler] )

  • \$indexName: index name that search has been made in.
  • \$options: an associative describing the hit document.
  • \$handler: an optional parameters which defaults to default and it is handler name used in search.

Search Feedback Options (\$options):

querywhat was the query user searched foryes'how to make pizza'
item_idthe ID of the hit resultyes1
item_orderthe order of the hit in the results starting from 1 not from 0yes1
urlurl of the source documentyes''
user_ida unique user idno1254
user_ipuser IP addressno''
user_countryuser country codeno'CA'


  $lableb->submitSearchFeedback( 'index', [
    'query' => 'How to make pizza',
    'item_id' => 1,
    'item_order' => 1,
    'url' => ''
  ] );
catch( \Lableb\Exceptions\LablebException $e )
  echo $e->getMessage();

Example response:

  'submitted' => true

Submit Autocomplete Feedback

$lableb->submitAutocompleteFeedback( $indexName, $options, [$handler] )

Exactly same as Search feedback submission but item_id and url are not required for navigational suggestions.

Submit Recommendation Feedback

$lableb->submitRecommendationFeedback( $indexName, $source, $target, [$handler] )

  • \$indexName: index name that search for recommendations has been made in.
  • \$source: the source document.
  • \$target: the hit document.
  • \$handler: an optional parameters which defaults to default and it is handler name used in search.


  $source = [
    'id' => 1, // REQUIRED
    'title' => 'How to make italian pizza',
    'url' => '',

    // OPTIONAL fields and only specified in source
    'user_id' => 2582,
    'user_ip' => '',
    'user_country' => 'CA'

  $target = [
    'id' => 2, // REQUIRED
    'title' => 'How to make margherita',
    'url' => '',

    // Only in target
    'item_order' => 1

  $response = $lableb->submitRecommendationFeedback( 'index', $source, $target );
catch( \Lableb\Exceptions\LablebException $e )
  echo $e->getMessage();

Example response:

  'submitted' => true

Delete Documents

$lableb->delete( $indexName, $id )

  • \$indexName: index name you want to delete the document from.
  • \$id: ID of the document to be deleted.


  $response = $lableb->delete( 'index', 1 );
catch( \Lableb\Exceptions\LablebException $e )
  echo $e->getMessage();

Example response:

  'deleted' => true,
  'message' => 'Document with ID of 1 has been deleted'

Using Php SDK With Laravel Projects


Install using composer:

$ composer require lableb/php-sdk

Then To Publish lableb.php File To Your Config Directory:

$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Lableb\ServiceProviders\LablebServiceProvider"

Add The Following Keys To Your Environment Variables File .env file

( You Can Get The Values From ) :


You May Probably Need To Clear Cache After That Using The Following Commands :

$ php artisan config:clear


you can initialize the sdk without parameters as follows: Just in Laravel Project you can do that if you add your configuration to .env file:

use Lableb\LablebSDK;

$lableb = new LablebSDK(); 

You Can Also Pass Parameters Like This

use Lableb\LablebSDK;

$lableb = new LablebSDK(
  "project name",
  "search api key",
  "indexing api key"


it is preferred to keep your api keys out of your source code you can save them in an environment variables file then add it to .gitignore for example .

SDK offers:

  • indexing documents function (indexing data make it available in search results)
  • delete document function (easily remove from search results)
  • search function that enable you to send queries to Lableb API
  • autocomplete function that help your user predicting what they are searching for
  • recommend function help you get similar document given an existing document
  • feedback function for search & autocomplete & recommend which is highly important to you to track your users search choices & recommendation in Lableb dashboard


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.