
This package will scaffold a modular project structure in laravel

v1.0.8 2020-01-07 14:18 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-08 01:42:55 UTC


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Laramodula is a Laravel package which is used to manage large Laravel app. As your app grows in complexity and size, managing it with the default Laravel folder structure makes it less maintainable. Modularizing your app gives you more room for maintainability and extension. This is what this package does by grouping related controllers, models, views etc into same folders called modules.


This provides a modular project structure scaffold in Laravel.


Using Composer

composer require kunsal/laramodula

Manual Installation

Modify your composer.json file to include:

    "require": {
        "kunsal/laramodula": "1.0.*"

and run composer install

This package will be auto-discovered by Laravel at installation and so there is no need add it to config/app.php.


To generate a simple Blog module, run

php artisan make:module Blog

You can optionally pass parameters to the generation script like so:

  • Module with default migration scaffold

    php artisan make:module Blog --migration

  • Module with default form: This module leverages on Kris\LaravelFormBuilder

    php artisan make:module Blog --migration --form="title:text, body:textarea"

    Check https://kristijanhusak.github.io/laravel-form-builder/overview/commands.html for more on form field values and implementation of the form builder.

  • Make a resource controller with boilerplate code with the flag --resources

Below is how a Blog module is structured when you run php artisan module:make.

 |-- ... 
 |-- Modules/
 |---- Blogs/
 |------ Events/ 
 |------ Forms/ 
 |-------- BlogForm.php 
 |------ Http/
 |-------- Controllers/ 
 |---------- BlogController.php 
 |-------- Requests/
 |---------- StoreBlogRequest.php 
 |---------- UpdateBlogRequest.php 
 |-------- Services/
 |---------- CreateBlogService.php 
 |-------- routes.php 
 |------ Listeners/
 |------ Mail/
 |------ Models/
 |-------- Migrations/
 |---------- 2019_12_21_112619_create_blogs_table.php
 |-------- Blog.php 
 |------ Providers/
 |-------- BlogEventServiceProvider.php
 |-------- BlogServiceProvider.php
 |------ Repositories/
 |-------- Eloquent/
 |---------- BlogRepository.php
 |-------- BlogInterface.php
 |------ Resources/
 |-------- Lang/
 |-------- Views/
 |---------- index.blade.php
 |---------- form.blade.php
 |------ Traits/


This package has an MIT License. Please see Licence File for more.