
Object oriented library written in php for obtaining polish cadastral plot geographic localisation using it's number or coordinates. The library uses ULDK www service for obtaining informations (

v1.0 2020-03-22 21:11 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-19 20:44:53 UTC


Object oriented library written in php for obtaining polish cadastral plot geographic localisation using it's number or coordinates. The library uses ULDK www service for obtaining informations (


composer require kryst3q/php-uldk


Assuming that php file lies in project's root directory on the same level as vendor directory:


use Kryst3q\PhpUldk\Domain\CoordinateSystem;
use Kryst3q\PhpUldk\Domain\ObjectIdentifier;
use Kryst3q\PhpUldk\Domain\ResponseContentOptions;
use Kryst3q\PhpUldk\PhpUldk;
use Kryst3q\PhpUldk\ValueObject\GeometryFormat;

require_once __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';

# 1. Create an instance of PhpUldk class.
$uldk = new PhpUldk();

# 2. Prepare input arguments. In below case it will be parcel identifier.
$parcelId = new ObjectIdentifier('141201_1.0001.6509');

# 3. (optional) Prepare options. It depends on them what information will be returned.
$options = new ResponseContentOptions();
$options->setGeometryFormat(new GeometryFormat(GeometryFormat::FORMAT_WKT)); # Default is WKB
$options->setCoordinateSystem(new CoordinateSystem(CoordinateSystem::SRID_4326)); # Default is ESD:2180

# 4. Make request.
$uldkObject = $uldk->getParcelById($parcelId, $options);

# 5. Read data from UldkObject or UldkObjectCollection classes.
echo $uldkObject->getGeometry()->getGeometry();
echo "\n";
echo $uldkObject->getBoundingBox()->getValue();
echo "\n";


  • Up to know only two coordinates systems are supported: EPSG:2180 and EPSG:4326. If you need another you must extend Kryst3q\PhpUldk\Domain\CoordinateSystem::getSupportedSrids method by yours SRID.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
