
Filtering Laravel Eloquent queries with ease!

1.0.0 2015-09-09 08:56 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-19 10:11:25 UTC


Latest Stable Version License


Simple and easy filtering an Eloquent Query of Laravel 5.1 with Inputs!


Step 1: Install Through Composer

Add to your root composer.json and install with composer install or composer update

  "require": {
    "krenor/eloquent-filter": "~1.0.0"

or use composer require krenor/eloquent-filter in your console.

Step 2: Import the Trait

In the Model you want to listen to Inputs, and automatically
filter them down by that input, just use and add the Trait.

namespace App\Http\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Krenor\EloquentFilter\FilterableTrait;

class Order extends Model
	use FilterableTrait;



Add a protected $filterable = [] to the Model using the Trait.

  1. Column Names

    • Correspond to the column name in the URL and filter down by that.
      URL : /some_orders/all?status_id=2
      protected $filterable = [ 'status_id' ]
  2. Aliases

    1. Use an column alias instead for nice names.
      URL : /some_orders/all?status=2
      protected $filterable = [ 'status_id' => 'status' ]

    2. Add values aliases to a column alias.
      URL : /some_orders/all?status=processing

    protected $filterable = [
        // column name => column alias
        'status_id' => ['status' => [
            // value aliases in database => input value
            1 => 'pending',
            2 => 'processing',
            3 => 'completed'

Now each time you run a query like Order::with('relation1')->paginate()
the filter is automatically applied and checks for the Inputs in the URL.
Note that this package currently only supports the equal operator for filtering a query down.


If you believe you have found an issue, please report it using the GitHub issue tracker,
or better yet, fork the repository and submit a pull request.


eloquent-filter is distributed under the terms of the MIT license