
Standalone RabbitMQ Command line Manager

v1.0.1 2015-10-03 17:39 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 21:16:55 UTC


Latest Stable Version Latest Unstable Version License

There is also a separate Laravel 5.1 package

Rabbit Manager is a standalone php package to easily manage RabbitMQ

  • Built-in command line tools. Simple commands to add/receive messages to/from RabbitMQ
  • Install as Standalone, or add it to your own project
  • Built in Message Handler and Broker

Install with composer

$ composer require kontouis/rabbit-manager

Or use it as standalone

$ git clone https://github.com/kontoulis/rabbit-manager
$ cd rabbit-manager
$ sudo composer update

Add bin/rabbit-manager to /usr/local/bin

$ sudo ln -s /full/path/to/project/bin/rabbit-manager /usr/local/bin/rabbit-manager

Use the default commands or create your own based on those.


  • A running instance of RabbitMQ of course


Don't forget to run the tests!

$ vendor/bin/phpunit


There are two types of Jobs. One to add messages to a queue and one to listen to that queue.

Command Line

You can build your own commands based on the ones already defined in the package and then adding them in src/manager.php

    		new RabbitManager\Commands\QueueAddCommand,
    		new RabbitManager\Commands\QueueListenCommand,
    		new RabbitManager\Commands\YourCustomCommand,

The package includes 2 basic Commands You can run those from command line, or even add them to supervisor as workers for as many instances you need

  • queue:add -> Adds a message to the specified queue
$ rabbit-manager queue:add [queueName] [message]
  • queue:listen -> Consumes the messages from a queue
$ rabbit-manager queue:listen [queueName]

As a library

You can use the package as a library by creating your own CustomHandler and Broker. (However you can use broker as a four-liner to add a message to queue)

  • Adding messages to a queue
use RabbitManager\Libs\Broker;
use RabbitManager\Libs\Message;

// Your Class and Methods

public function publishMessage($message , $queueName = "Default")
    /* Makes the AMPQ message */
    $msg = new Message($queueName, ["message" => $message]);
    /* Sends the message */
    $output->writeln('<info>Successfully submitted in queue</info>');
  • Consuming the queue : To consume a queue you probabbly need a script to run from the command line, or a script that can run until the queue is empty. A good practice is to have a script just to listen to the Queue and a Handler to do the job with every received message. You can add that file as a worker to the supervisor or just run it as it is. You could also do all that in the same file.
use RabbitManager\Libs\Broker;

public function listenToQueue($queueName = "Default" )
// Listening to queue
  $broker = new Broker();
  // Here you tell the broker which handler to call in order to parse the message
  // Use a fully qualified Namespace.
  // The broker will call the tryProcessing() method of the specified Handler
  // for every message received from the queue.
  // The handler in the package is named DefaultHandler
  // Make your own handlers according to your needs
  		"\\RabbitManager\\Handlers\\" . $queueName . "Handler"
use RabbitManager\Libs\Handler;
use RabbitManager\Libs\Message;

class TheNameOfTheQueue extends Handler

	 * Tries to process the incoming message.
	 * @param Message $msg
	 * @return int One of the possible return values defined as Handler
	 * constants.
	public function tryProcessing(Message $msg)
	  // TODO : Check, modify or validate the message.
	  // If the message is OK, process it
		return $this->handleSuccess($msg->getAMQPMessage()->body);


	 * @param $msg
	 * @return int
	protected function handleSuccess($msg)
	  // TODO : Do the processing. Store something in the db,
	  // Send a notification or eanything you are supossed to do with the received message
		echo $msg . "\n";
    // Returns and integer to the Broker, and the broker continues accordingly.
    // For a full list of return codes see the section bellow
		return Handler::RV_SUCCEED_CONTINUE;

Handler return values

These return values will tell the broker what to do after you process a message

	 * Pass this message and proceed with the next
	const RV_PASS = 1;
	 * Continue and ignore the failed message
	 * We failed to do our job with this message (e.g. failed to store it in the database),
	 * Force exit
	const RV_FAILED_STOP = 11;
	 * We failed to do our job with this message (e.g. failed to store it in the database),
	 * put it again in the queue
	const RV_FAILED_REQUEUE = 12;
	 * Keep listening to the queue after successfully parsing the message
	 *  Force stop listening after successfully parsing a message
	const RV_SUCCEED_STOP = 21;
	const RV_ACK = Handler::RV_SUCCEED;
	const RV_NACK = Handler::RV_FAILED_STOP;



Feel free to give some feedback or ask any questions