
MediaWiki categories parser

dev-master 2017-02-13 00:09 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-11 00:20:40 UTC



This parser parses MediaWiki categories.


This package is composer-enabled. Just require it in your composer.json.

"require": {
    "kolyunya/wiki-parser": "*"

Usage example

The following code parses English nouns to a file.

// Create a parser instance.
$parser = new Parser();

// Set host to wiktionary
$host = new Wiktionary();

// Set language to English.
$language = new EnglishLanguage();

// Set category to nouns.
$category = new NounsCategory();

// Add a filter which will filter out all non-alphabetical words.
$filter = new AlphabetFilter();

// Create a processor which will write all words to a file.
$processor = new FileSaver();

// Perform parsing.

Available filters

  • WordFilter - passes words matching the ^\w+$ regular expression pattern.
  • AlphabetFilter - passes words containing only alphabetical characters in a corresponding language.
  • MinimumLengthFilter - passes words longer than a specified length.
  • MaximumLengthFilter - passes words shorter than a specified length.

Available processors

  • StdoutPrinter - prints all words to the stdout.
  • FileSaver - saves all words to a specified file.
  • DatabaseSaver - saves all words to a database.
  • LowercaseShifter - converts all words to a lowercase.
  • UppercaseShifter - converts all words to an uppercase.

Adding languages

To add an arbitrary language you should implement the LanguageInterface. It contains only to methods. The getCode method must return the standard language code (e.g. en for English). The getAlphabet method must return an array of letters in language alphabet.

Custom categories

The recomended way of implementing custom categories is to extend the BaseCategory class. You should use the setTitle method in your category class constructor to add titles for specific languages.

class NounsCategory extends BaseCategory implements CategoryInterface
    public function __construct()
        $this->setTitle(new EnglishLanguage(), 'Category:English_nouns');
        $this->setTitle(new FrenchLanguage(), 'Catégorie:Noms_communs_en_français');
        $this->setTitle(new GermanLanguage(), 'Kategorie:Substantiv_(Deutsch)');
        $this->setTitle(new RussianLanguage(), 'Категория:Русские_существительные');

Custom processors

If you need to implement a custom processor you have two options.

First, you can implement the ProcessorInterface which is quite straightforward.

class StdoutPrinter implements ProcessorInterface
    public function process(LanguageInterface $language, &$item)
        $data = "$item\n";
        echo $data;

Second, you can use a CustomProcessor which should be provided with a callback function which will do something.

$stdoutPrinter = new CustomProcessor(
    function (LanguageInterface $language, &$item) {
        $data = "$item\n";
        echo $data;