
Color control for the Kirki Customizer framework using react-color.

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Open Issues: 5


v1.0.12 2020-07-24 12:25 UTC


This is a simple control for the WordPress Customizer use react-color.


To install this package use composer:

composer require kirki-framework/control-react-color

NOTE: If you get errors with the package dependencies, please run the following first:

composer require kirki-framework/control-base:dev-master
composer require kirki-framework/field:dev-master
composer require kirki-framework/url-getter:dev-master

Until Kirki v4.0 is released some of these dependencies may not have a tag released, so in the meantime the above will allow you to install and use everything.


This package contains the control itself, as well as a simplified API for the WordPress Customizer, installed via the composer dependencies system.

Using the simplified API

new \Kirki\Field\ReactColor( [
	'settings'    => 'my_setting',
	'label'       => esc_html__( 'My Color Control', 'textdomain' ),
	'description' => esc_html__( 'A description here.', 'kirki' ),
	'section'     => 'title_tagline',
	'default'     => '#0008DC',
	'choices'     => [
		'formComponent' => 'ChromePicker',
] );

Using the Customizer API

 * Add Customizer settings & controls.
 * @since 1.0
 * @param WP_Customize_Manager $wp_customize The WP_Customize_Manager object.
 * @return void
add_action( 'customize_register', function( $wp_customize ) {

    // Add setting.
	$wp_customize->add_setting( 'my_setting', [
		'type'              => 'theme_mod',
		'capability'        => 'edit_theme_options',
		'default'           => '#0008DC',
		'transport'         => 'refresh', // Or postMessage.
		'sanitize_callback' => [ '\kirki\Field\Color', 'sanitize' ], // Or a custom sanitization callback.
	] );

    // Add control.
	$wp_customize->add_control( new \Kirki\Control\ReactColor( $wp_customize, 'my_setting', [
		'label'       => esc_html__( 'My Color Control', 'textdomain' ),
		'description' => esc_html__( 'A description here.', 'kirki' ),
		'section'     => 'title_tagline',
		'choices'     => [
			'formComponent' => 'ChromePicker',
	] ) );
} );


You can pass arguments to the react-color using the choices argument in the control. The only required argument here is formComponent. In the formComponent argument you can define the type of control you want, using one of the the following:

  • AlphaPicker
  • BlockPicker
  • ChromePicker
  • CirclePicker
  • CompactPicker
  • GithubPicker
  • HuePicker
  • MaterialPicker
  • PhotoshopPicker
  • SketchPicker
  • SliderPicker
  • SwatchesPicker
  • `TwitterPicker

For information about the extra arguments you can use, please refer to the react-color script.


If you want to make changes to this control, you can edit the JS files in the src folder. Once done editing you can update the compiled script by running the following:

npm install
npm run build