
Content Delivery Network (CDN) Package for Laravel

dev-master 2021-04-07 03:00 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-07 09:14:24 UTC


Laravel8 CDN Assets Manager

Content Delivery Network Package for Laravel8

The package provides the developer the ability to upload their assets (or any public file) to a CDN with a single artisan command. And then it allows them to switch between the local and the online version of the files.

Fork From vipertecpro/laravelcdn6

This project has been forked from All credit for the original work goes there.

Laravel 7/8 Support

  • Laravel 7/8 is supported, as is package auto-discovery.


  • Amazon Web Services (AWS) - S3
  • DigitalOcean (DO) - Spaces
  • Artisan command to upload content to CDN
  • Simple Facade to access CDN assets


Via Composer

Require kiranajudiya/laravel-cdn in your project:

composer require kiranajudiya/laravel-cdn

If you are using Laravel 5.4 or below, you need to register the service provider:

Laravel 5.4 and below: Add the service provider and facade to config/app.php:

'providers' => array(
'aliases' => array(
     'CDN' => KiranAjudiya\laravelCDN\Facades\CdnFacadeAccessor::class

If you are using Laravel 5.5, there is no need to register the service provider as this package is automatically discovered.

Publish the package config file:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider 'KiranAjudiya\laravelCDN\CdnServiceProvider'

Environment Configuration

This package can be configured by editing the config/app.php file. Alternatively, you can set many of these options in as environment variables in your '.env' file.

AWS Credentials

Set your AWS Credentials and other settings in the .env file.

Note: you should always have an .env file at the project root, to hold your sensitive information. This file should usually not be committed to your VCS.


Set the CDN URL:

'url' => env('CDN_Url', ''),

This can altered in your '.env' file as follows:


To load your LOCAL assets for testing or during development, set the bypass option to true:

'bypass' => env('CDN_Bypass', false),

This can be altered in your '.env' file as follows:

Cloudfront Support
'cloudfront'    => [
    'use' => env('CDN_UseCloudFront', false),
    'cdn_url' => env('CDN_CloudFrontUrl', false)

This can be altered in your '.env' file as follows:

Default CDN Provider

For now, the only CDN provider available is AwsS3. Although, as DO natively support the AWS API, you can utilise it by also providing the endpoint, please see the cdn.php config for more info. This option cannot be set in '.env'.

'default' => 'AwsS3',
CDN Provider Configuration
'aws' => [

    's3' => [

        'version'   => 'latest',
        'region'    => '',
        'endpoint'  => '', // For DO Spaces

        'buckets' => [
            'my-backup-bucket' => '*',
Multiple Buckets
'buckets' => [

    'my-default-bucket' => '*',

    // 'js-bucket' => ['public/js'],
    // 'css-bucket' => ['public/css'],
    // ...

Files & Directories


Specify directories, extensions, files and patterns to be uploaded.

'include'    => [
    'directories'   => ['public/dist'],
    'extensions'    => ['.js', '.css', '.yxz'],
    'patterns'      => ['**/*.coffee'],

Specify what to be ignored.

'exclude'    => [
    'directories'   => ['public/uploads'],
    'files'         => [''],
    'extensions'    => ['.TODO', '.txt'],
    'patterns'      => ['src/*', '.idea/*'],
    'hidden'        => true, // ignore hidden files
Other Configurations
'acl'           => 'public-read',
'metadata'      => [ ],
'expires'       => gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s T", strtotime("+5 years")),
'cache-control' => 'max-age=2628000',

You can always refer to the AWS S3 Documentation for more details: aws-sdk-php


You can 'push' your assets to your CDN and you can 'empty' your assets as well using the commands below.


Only changed assets are pushed to the CDN. (THanks, )

Upload assets to CDN

php artisan cdn:push

You can specify a folder upload prefix in the cdn.php config file. Your assets will be uploaded into that folder on S3.

Load Assets

Use the facade CDN to call the CDN::asset() function.

Note: the asset works the same as the Laravel 8 asset it start looking for assets in the public/ directory:

{{CDN::asset('assets/js/main.js')}}        // example result:

{{CDN::asset('assets/css/style.css')}}        // example result:

Note: the elixir works the same as the Laravel 8 elixir it loads the manifest.json file from build folder and choose the correct file revision generated by gulp:

{{CDN::elixir('assets/js/main.js')}}        // example result:

{{CDN::elixir('assets/css/style.css')}}        // example result:

Note: the mix works the same as the Laravel 8 mix it loads the mix-manifest.json file from public folder and choose the correct file revision generated by webpack:

{{CDN::mix('/js/main.js')}}        // example result:

{{CDN::mix('/css/style.css')}}        // example result:

To use a file from outside the public/ directory, anywhere in app/ use the CDN::path() function:

{{CDN::path('private/something/file.txt')}}        // example result:


To run the tests, run the following command from the project folder.

$ ./vendor/bin/phpunit


Please request support or submit issues via Github


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

Security Related Issues

If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker for faster response. You should open an issue at the same time.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.