
Kipopay payment gateway library OOP (PHP)

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0.5.7 2020-03-04 17:00 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-05 01:49:47 UTC


Latest Stable Version

PHP Kipo KPG Library make it easy to stablish payment with kipo gateway.

KipoPay Company logo


To install PHP Kipo KPG Library, simply:

$ composer require kipolaboratory/kipo-kpg

For latest commit version:

$ composer require kipolaboratory/kipo-kpg @dev


PHP Kipo KPG Library works with PHP 5.6, 7.0, 7.1, 7.2.

Quick Start and Examples

Initial Kipo KPG and request shoping key from kipo server.

use kipolaboratory\KipoPay\KipoKPG;

 * Initial Kipo Library and craete object from that class
 * Merchant key is merchant phone number
$kipo = new KipoKPG(['merchant_key' => '09*********']);

 * Replace "YOUR CALLBACK URL" and "AMOUNT" with what you want
 * KPGInitiate return ARRAY for result
 * Successful - ['status' => true, 'shopping_key' => SHOPING_KEY]
 * Failed - ['status' => false, 'message' => ERROR_MESAGE, 'code' => ERROR_CODE]
$kpg_initiate = $kipo->KPGInitiate(AMOUNT, 'YOUR CALLBACK URL');

if ($kpg_initiate['status']) {
     * Store $kpg_initiate['shopping_key'] to session to verfiy
     * payment after user came back from gateway
     * Call renderForm function to render a html form and send
     * user to Kipo KPG Gateway (you can create this form manually
     * where you want - form example is at the end of Quick Start
} else {
     * Show error to user
     * You can call getErrorMessage and send error code to that
     * and get error message
     * $kipo->getErrorMessage(ERROR_CODE)

Verify payment after user return back to CALLBACK URL

 * Replace "SHOPPING_KEY" with your SHOPPING_KEY that you taken from
 * Initiate function
 * KPGInquery return ARRAY for result
 * Successful - ['status' => true, 'referent_code' => REFERENT_CODE, 'amount' => PAYMENT_AMOUNT]
 * Failed - ['status' => false, 'message' => ERROR_MESAGE, 'code' => ERROR_CODE]
$kpg_inquery = $kipo->KPGInquery(SHOPPING_KEY);
// Get shopping key after KPGInitiate called
// Get referent code after KPGInquery called


// URL of Kipo KPG -
// Shopping key must post to this url with SK name

HTML Form to transfer user to KPG

<form id="kipopay-gateway" method="post" action="KIPO_WEBGATE_URL" style="display: none;">
    <input type="hidden" id="sk" name="sk" value="SHOPING_KEY"/>
<script language="javascript">document.forms['kipopay-gateway'].submit();</script>

Error code and messages

  • -1: There is a problem with request parameters, please check them out (initial payment)
  • -2: There is a problem with parse requested data (please request again later)
  • -3: Connection error, API can't connect to KIPO server
  • -4: There is a problem with request parameters, please check them out (verify payment)
  • -5: Payment canceled by user or there is a problem
  • -6: Invalid Merchant key (Merchant mobile number)
  • -7: Minimum payment must be atleast 1.000 Rials
  • -8: Maximum payment must be 100.000.000 Rials
  • -9: Invalid payment token (shoping key) format