keboola / looker-api
Installs: 1 001
Dependents: 0
Suggesters: 0
Security: 0
Stars: 2
Watchers: 20
Forks: 2
Open Issues: 2
- php: >=5.5 <8.0
- ext-curl: *
- ext-json: *
- ext-mbstring: *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle: ^6.2
Requires (Dev)
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer: ~2.12
- phpunit/phpunit: ^4.8
- squizlabs/php_codesniffer: ~2.6
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-01 00:23:02 UTC
API 4.0 is the current release of the Looker API. API 3.1 is deprecated.
The classic method of API authorization uses Looker API credentials for authorization and access control. Looker admins can create API credentials on Looker's Admin/Users page. API 4.0 adds additional ways to authenticate API requests, including OAuth and CORS requests. For details, see Looker API Authorization.
API Explorer
The API Explorer is a Looker-provided utility with many new and unique features for learning and using the Looker API and SDKs. For details, see the API Explorer documentation.
Looker Language SDKs
The Looker API is a RESTful system that should be usable by any programming language capable of making HTTPS requests. SDKs for a variety of programming languages are also provided to streamline using the API. Looker has an OpenSource sdk-codegen project that provides several language SDKs. Language SDKs generated by sdk-codegen
have an Authentication manager that can automatically authenticate API requests when needed.
For details on available Looker SDKs, see Looker API Client SDKs.
API Versioning
Future releases of Looker expand the latest API version release-by-release to securely expose more and more of the core power of the Looker platform to API client applications. API endpoints marked as "beta" may receive breaking changes without warning (but we will try to avoid doing that). Stable (non-beta) API endpoints should not receive breaking changes in future releases. For details, see Looker API Versioning.
In This Release
API 4.0 version was introduced to make adjustments to API functions, parameters, and response types to fix bugs and inconsistencies. These changes fall outside the bounds of non-breaking additive changes we can make to the previous API 3.1. One benefit of these type adjustments in API 4.0 is dramatically better support for strongly typed languages like TypeScript, Kotlin, Swift, Go, C#, and more. See the API 4.0 GA announcement for more information about API 4.0. The API Explorer can be used to interactively compare the differences between API 3.1 and 4.0.
API and SDK Support Policies
Looker API versions and language SDKs have varying support levels. Please read the API and SDK support policies for more information.
This PHP package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- API version:
- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.PhpClientCodegen For more information, please visit
PHP 5.5 and later
Installation & Usage
To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json
"repositories": [
"type": "git",
"url": ""
"require": {
"keboola/looker-api": "*@dev"
Then run composer install
Manual Installation
Download the files and include autoload.php
To run the unit tests:
composer install
Getting Started
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
<?php require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); $apiInstance = new Swagger\Client\Api\AlertApi( // If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`. // This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default. new GuzzleHttp\Client() ); $limit = 789; // int | (Optional) Number of results to return (used with `offset`). $offset = 789; // int | (Optional) Number of results to skip before returning any (used with `limit`). try { $result = $apiInstance->alertNotifications($limit, $offset); print_r($result); } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'Exception when calling AlertApi->alertNotifications: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; } ?>
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AlertApi | alertNotifications | GET /alert_notifications | Alert Notifications |
AlertApi | createAlert | POST /alerts | Create an alert |
AlertApi | deleteAlert | DELETE /alerts/{alert_id} | Delete an alert |
AlertApi | enqueueAlert | POST /alerts/{alert_id}/enqueue | Enqueue an alert |
AlertApi | followAlert | POST /alerts/{alert_id}/follow | Follow an alert |
AlertApi | getAlert | GET /alerts/{alert_id} | Get an alert |
AlertApi | readAlertNotification | PATCH /alert_notifications/{alert_notification_id} | Read a Notification |
AlertApi | searchAlerts | GET /alerts/search | Search Alerts |
AlertApi | unfollowAlert | DELETE /alerts/{alert_id}/follow | Unfollow an alert |
AlertApi | updateAlert | PUT /alerts/{alert_id} | Update an alert |
AlertApi | updateAlertField | PATCH /alerts/{alert_id} | Update select fields on an alert |
ApiAuthApi | login | POST /login | Login |
ApiAuthApi | loginUser | POST /login/{user_id} | Login user |
ApiAuthApi | logout | DELETE /logout | Logout |
ArtifactApi | artifact | GET /artifact/{namespace} | Get one or more artifacts |
ArtifactApi | artifactNamespaces | GET /artifact/namespaces | Get namespaces and counts |
ArtifactApi | artifactUsage | GET /artifact/usage | Artifact store usage |
ArtifactApi | artifactValue | GET /artifact/{namespace}/value | Get an artifact value |
ArtifactApi | deleteArtifact | DELETE /artifact/{namespace} | Delete one or more artifacts |
ArtifactApi | purgeArtifacts | DELETE /artifact/{namespace}/purge | Purge artifacts |
ArtifactApi | searchArtifacts | GET /artifact/{namespace}/search | Search artifacts |
ArtifactApi | updateArtifacts | PUT /artifacts/{namespace} | Create or update artifacts |
AuthApi | acquireEmbedCookielessSession | POST /embed/cookieless_session/acquire | Create Acquire cookieless embed session |
AuthApi | activateAppUser | POST /oauth_client_apps/{client_guid}/users/{user_id} | Activate OAuth App User |
AuthApi | addSupportAccessAllowlistEntries | POST /support_access/allowlist | Add Support Access Allowlist Users |
AuthApi | allOauthClientApps | GET /oauth_client_apps | Get All OAuth Client Apps |
AuthApi | allUserLoginLockouts | GET /user_login_lockouts | Get All User Login Lockouts |
AuthApi | createEmbedSecret | POST /embed_config/secrets | Create Embed Secret |
AuthApi | createEmbedUrlAsMe | POST /embed/token_url/me | Create Embed URL |
AuthApi | createOidcTestConfig | POST /oidc_test_configs | Create OIDC Test Configuration |
AuthApi | createSamlTestConfig | POST /saml_test_configs | Create SAML Test Configuration |
AuthApi | createSsoEmbedUrl | POST /embed/sso_url | Create SSO Embed Url |
AuthApi | deactivateAppUser | DELETE /oauth_client_apps/{client_guid}/users/{user_id} | Deactivate OAuth App User |
AuthApi | deleteEmbedCookielessSession | DELETE /embed/cookieless_session/{session_reference_token} | Delete cookieless embed session |
AuthApi | deleteEmbedSecret | DELETE /embed_config/secrets/{embed_secret_id} | Delete Embed Secret |
AuthApi | deleteOauthClientApp | DELETE /oauth_client_apps/{client_guid} | Delete OAuth Client App |
AuthApi | deleteOidcTestConfig | DELETE /oidc_test_configs/{test_slug} | Delete OIDC Test Configuration |
AuthApi | deleteSamlTestConfig | DELETE /saml_test_configs/{test_slug} | Delete SAML Test Configuration |
AuthApi | deleteSupportAccessAllowlistEntry | DELETE /support_access/allowlist/{entry_id} | Delete Support Access Allowlist Entry |
AuthApi | deleteUserLoginLockout | DELETE /user_login_lockout/{key} | Delete User Login Lockout |
AuthApi | deregisterMobileDevice | DELETE /mobile/device/{device_id} | Deregister Mobile Device |
AuthApi | disableSupportAccess | PUT /support_access/disable | Disable Support Access |
AuthApi | enableSupportAccess | PUT /support_access/enable | Enable Support Access |
AuthApi | fetchAndParseSamlIdpMetadata | POST /fetch_and_parse_saml_idp_metadata | Parse SAML IdP Url |
AuthApi | forcePasswordResetAtNextLoginForAllUsers | PUT /password_config/force_password_reset_at_next_login_for_all_users | Force password reset |
AuthApi | generateTokensForCookielessSession | PUT /embed/cookieless_session/generate_tokens | Generate tokens for cookieless embed session |
AuthApi | getSupportAccessAllowlistEntries | GET /support_access/allowlist | Get Support Access Allowlist Users |
AuthApi | invalidateTokens | DELETE /oauth_client_apps/{client_guid}/tokens | Invalidate Tokens |
AuthApi | ldapConfig | GET /ldap_config | Get LDAP Configuration |
AuthApi | oauthClientApp | GET /oauth_client_apps/{client_guid} | Get OAuth Client App |
AuthApi | oidcConfig | GET /oidc_config | Get OIDC Configuration |
AuthApi | oidcTestConfig | GET /oidc_test_configs/{test_slug} | Get OIDC Test Configuration |
AuthApi | parseSamlIdpMetadata | POST /parse_saml_idp_metadata | Parse SAML IdP XML |
AuthApi | passwordConfig | GET /password_config | Get Password Config |
AuthApi | registerMobileDevice | POST /mobile/device | Register Mobile Device |
AuthApi | registerOauthClientApp | POST /oauth_client_apps/{client_guid} | Register OAuth App |
AuthApi | samlConfig | GET /saml_config | Get SAML Configuration |
AuthApi | samlTestConfig | GET /saml_test_configs/{test_slug} | Get SAML Test Configuration |
AuthApi | searchUserLoginLockouts | GET /user_login_lockouts/search | Search User Login Lockouts |
AuthApi | sessionConfig | GET /session_config | Get Session Config |
AuthApi | supportAccessStatus | GET /support_access/status | Support Access Status |
AuthApi | testLdapConfigAuth | PUT /ldap_config/test_auth | Test LDAP Auth |
AuthApi | testLdapConfigConnection | PUT /ldap_config/test_connection | Test LDAP Connection |
AuthApi | testLdapConfigUserAuth | PUT /ldap_config/test_user_auth | Test LDAP User Auth |
AuthApi | testLdapConfigUserInfo | PUT /ldap_config/test_user_info | Test LDAP User Info |
AuthApi | updateLdapConfig | PATCH /ldap_config | Update LDAP Configuration |
AuthApi | updateMobileDeviceRegistration | PATCH /mobile/device/{device_id} | Update Mobile Device Registration |
AuthApi | updateOauthClientApp | PATCH /oauth_client_apps/{client_guid} | Update OAuth App |
AuthApi | updateOidcConfig | PATCH /oidc_config | Update OIDC Configuration |
AuthApi | updatePasswordConfig | PATCH /password_config | Update Password Config |
AuthApi | updateSamlConfig | PATCH /saml_config | Update SAML Configuration |
AuthApi | updateSessionConfig | PATCH /session_config | Update Session Config |
BoardApi | allBoardItems | GET /board_items | Get All Board Items |
BoardApi | allBoardSections | GET /board_sections | Get All Board sections |
BoardApi | allBoards | GET /boards | Get All Boards |
BoardApi | board | GET /boards/{board_id} | Get Board |
BoardApi | boardItem | GET /board_items/{board_item_id} | Get Board Item |
BoardApi | boardSection | GET /board_sections/{board_section_id} | Get Board section |
BoardApi | createBoard | POST /boards | Create Board |
BoardApi | createBoardItem | POST /board_items | Create Board Item |
BoardApi | createBoardSection | POST /board_sections | Create Board section |
BoardApi | deleteBoard | DELETE /boards/{board_id} | Delete Board |
BoardApi | deleteBoardItem | DELETE /board_items/{board_item_id} | Delete Board Item |
BoardApi | deleteBoardSection | DELETE /board_sections/{board_section_id} | Delete Board section |
BoardApi | searchBoards | GET /boards/search | Search Boards |
BoardApi | updateBoard | PATCH /boards/{board_id} | Update Board |
BoardApi | updateBoardItem | PATCH /board_items/{board_item_id} | Update Board Item |
BoardApi | updateBoardSection | PATCH /board_sections/{board_section_id} | Update Board section |
ColorCollectionApi | allColorCollections | GET /color_collections | Get all Color Collections |
ColorCollectionApi | colorCollection | GET /color_collections/{collection_id} | Get Color Collection by ID |
ColorCollectionApi | colorCollectionsCustom | GET /color_collections/custom | Get all Custom Color Collections |
ColorCollectionApi | colorCollectionsStandard | GET /color_collections/standard | Get all Standard Color Collections |
ColorCollectionApi | createColorCollection | POST /color_collections | Create ColorCollection |
ColorCollectionApi | defaultColorCollection | GET /color_collections/default | Get Default Color Collection |
ColorCollectionApi | deleteColorCollection | DELETE /color_collections/{collection_id} | Delete ColorCollection |
ColorCollectionApi | setDefaultColorCollection | PUT /color_collections/default | Set Default Color Collection |
ColorCollectionApi | updateColorCollection | PATCH /color_collections/{collection_id} | Update Custom Color collection |
ConfigApi | allLegacyFeatures | GET /legacy_features | Get All Legacy Features |
ConfigApi | allLocales | GET /locales | Get All Locales |
ConfigApi | allTimezones | GET /timezones | Get All Timezones |
ConfigApi | apiSpec | GET /api_spec/{api_version}/{specification} | Get an API specification |
ConfigApi | cloudStorageConfiguration | GET /cloud_storage | Get Cloud Storage |
ConfigApi | createDigestEmailSend | POST /digest_email_send | Deliver digest email contents |
ConfigApi | customWelcomeEmail | GET /custom_welcome_email | Get Custom Welcome Email |
ConfigApi | digestEmailsEnabled | GET /digest_emails_enabled | Get Digest_emails |
ConfigApi | getSetting | GET /setting | Get Setting |
ConfigApi | internalHelpResources | GET /internal_help_resources_enabled | Get Internal Help Resources |
ConfigApi | internalHelpResourcesContent | GET /internal_help_resources_content | Get Internal Help Resources Content |
ConfigApi | legacyFeature | GET /legacy_features/{legacy_feature_id} | Get Legacy Feature |
ConfigApi | mobileSettings | GET /mobile/settings | Get Mobile_Settings |
ConfigApi | publicEgressIpAddresses | GET /public_egress_ip_addresses | Public Egress IP Addresses |
ConfigApi | setSetting | PATCH /setting | Set Setting |
ConfigApi | setSmtpSettings | POST /smtp_settings | Set SMTP Setting |
ConfigApi | smtpStatus | GET /smtp_status | Get SMTP Status |
ConfigApi | updateCloudStorageConfiguration | PATCH /cloud_storage | Update Cloud Storage |
ConfigApi | updateCustomWelcomeEmail | PATCH /custom_welcome_email | Update Custom Welcome Email Content |
ConfigApi | updateCustomWelcomeEmailTest | PUT /custom_welcome_email_test | Send a test welcome email to the currently logged in user with the supplied content |
ConfigApi | updateDigestEmailsEnabled | PATCH /digest_emails_enabled | Update Digest_emails |
ConfigApi | updateInternalHelpResources | PATCH /internal_help_resources | Update internal help resources configuration |
ConfigApi | updateInternalHelpResourcesContent | PATCH /internal_help_resources_content | Update internal help resources content |
ConfigApi | updateLegacyFeature | PATCH /legacy_features/{legacy_feature_id} | Update Legacy Feature |
ConfigApi | updateWhitelabelConfiguration | PUT /whitelabel_configuration | Update Whitelabel configuration |
ConfigApi | versions | GET /versions | Get ApiVersion |
ConfigApi | whitelabelConfiguration | GET /whitelabel_configuration | Get Whitelabel configuration |
ConnectionApi | allConnections | GET /connections | Get All Connections |
ConnectionApi | allDialectInfos | GET /dialect_info | Get All Dialect Infos |
ConnectionApi | allExternalOauthApplications | GET /external_oauth_applications | Get All External OAuth Applications |
ConnectionApi | allSshServers | GET /ssh_servers | Get All SSH Servers |
ConnectionApi | allSshTunnels | GET /ssh_tunnels | Get All SSH Tunnels |
ConnectionApi | connection | GET /connections/{connection_name} | Get Connection |
ConnectionApi | createConnection | POST /connections | Create Connection |
ConnectionApi | createExternalOauthApplication | POST /external_oauth_applications | Create External OAuth Application |
ConnectionApi | createOauthApplicationUserState | POST /external_oauth_applications/user_state | Create Create OAuth user state. |
ConnectionApi | createSshServer | POST /ssh_servers | Create SSH Server |
ConnectionApi | createSshTunnel | POST /ssh_tunnels | Create SSH Tunnel |
ConnectionApi | deleteConnection | DELETE /connections/{connection_name} | Delete Connection |
ConnectionApi | deleteConnectionOverride | DELETE /connections/{connection_name}/connection_override/{override_context} | Delete Connection Override |
ConnectionApi | deleteSshServer | DELETE /ssh_server/{ssh_server_id} | Delete SSH Server |
ConnectionApi | deleteSshTunnel | DELETE /ssh_tunnel/{ssh_tunnel_id} | Delete SSH Tunnel |
ConnectionApi | sshPublicKey | GET /ssh_public_key | Get SSH Public Key |
ConnectionApi | sshServer | GET /ssh_server/{ssh_server_id} | Get SSH Server |
ConnectionApi | sshTunnel | GET /ssh_tunnel/{ssh_tunnel_id} | Get SSH Tunnel |
ConnectionApi | testConnection | PUT /connections/{connection_name}/test | Test Connection |
ConnectionApi | testConnectionConfig | PUT /connections/test | Test Connection Configuration |
ConnectionApi | testSshServer | GET /ssh_server/{ssh_server_id}/test | Test SSH Server |
ConnectionApi | testSshTunnel | GET /ssh_tunnel/{ssh_tunnel_id}/test | Test SSH Tunnel |
ConnectionApi | updateConnection | PATCH /connections/{connection_name} | Update Connection |
ConnectionApi | updateSshServer | PATCH /ssh_server/{ssh_server_id} | Update SSH Server |
ConnectionApi | updateSshTunnel | PATCH /ssh_tunnel/{ssh_tunnel_id} | Update SSH Tunnel |
ContentApi | allContentMetadataAccesses | GET /content_metadata_access | Get All Content Metadata Accesses |
ContentApi | allContentMetadatas | GET /content_metadata | Get All Content Metadatas |
ContentApi | contentFavorite | GET /content_favorite/{content_favorite_id} | Get Favorite Content |
ContentApi | contentMetadata | GET /content_metadata/{content_metadata_id} | Get Content Metadata |
ContentApi | contentThumbnail | GET /content_thumbnail/{type}/{resource_id} | Get Content Thumbnail |
ContentApi | contentValidation | GET /content_validation | Validate Content |
ContentApi | createContentFavorite | POST /content_favorite | Create Favorite Content |
ContentApi | createContentMetadataAccess | POST /content_metadata_access | Create Content Metadata Access |
ContentApi | deleteContentFavorite | DELETE /content_favorite/{content_favorite_id} | Delete Favorite Content |
ContentApi | deleteContentMetadataAccess | DELETE /content_metadata_access/{content_metadata_access_id} | Delete Content Metadata Access |
ContentApi | searchContent | GET /content/{terms} | Search Content |
ContentApi | searchContentFavorites | GET /content_favorite/search | Search Favorite Contents |
ContentApi | searchContentViews | GET /content_view/search | Search Content Views |
ContentApi | updateContentMetadata | PATCH /content_metadata/{content_metadata_id} | Update Content Metadata |
ContentApi | updateContentMetadataAccess | PUT /content_metadata_access/{content_metadata_access_id} | Update Content Metadata Access |
ContentApi | vectorThumbnail | GET /vector_thumbnail/{type}/{resource_id} | Get Vector Thumbnail |
DashboardApi | allDashboards | GET /dashboards | Get All Dashboards |
DashboardApi | copyDashboard | POST /dashboards/{dashboard_id}/copy | Copy Dashboard |
DashboardApi | createDashboard | POST /dashboards | Create Dashboard |
DashboardApi | createDashboardElement | POST /dashboard_elements | Create DashboardElement |
DashboardApi | createDashboardFilter | POST /dashboard_filters | Create Dashboard Filter |
DashboardApi | createDashboardFromLookml | POST /dashboards/from_lookml | Create Dashboard from LookML |
DashboardApi | createDashboardLayout | POST /dashboard_layouts | Create DashboardLayout |
DashboardApi | dashboard | GET /dashboards/{dashboard_id} | Get Dashboard |
DashboardApi | dashboardAggregateTableLookml | GET /dashboards/aggregate_table_lookml/{dashboard_id} | Get Aggregate Table LookML for a dashboard |
DashboardApi | dashboardDashboardElements | GET /dashboards/{dashboard_id}/dashboard_elements | Get All DashboardElements |
DashboardApi | dashboardDashboardFilters | GET /dashboards/{dashboard_id}/dashboard_filters | Get All Dashboard Filters |
DashboardApi | dashboardDashboardLayouts | GET /dashboards/{dashboard_id}/dashboard_layouts | Get All DashboardLayouts |
DashboardApi | dashboardElement | GET /dashboard_elements/{dashboard_element_id} | Get DashboardElement |
DashboardApi | dashboardFilter | GET /dashboard_filters/{dashboard_filter_id} | Get Dashboard Filter |
DashboardApi | dashboardLayout | GET /dashboard_layouts/{dashboard_layout_id} | Get DashboardLayout |
DashboardApi | dashboardLayoutComponent | GET /dashboard_layout_components/{dashboard_layout_component_id} | Get DashboardLayoutComponent |
DashboardApi | dashboardLayoutDashboardLayoutComponents | GET /dashboard_layouts/{dashboard_layout_id}/dashboard_layout_components | Get All DashboardLayoutComponents |
DashboardApi | dashboardLookml | GET /dashboards/lookml/{dashboard_id} | Get lookml of a UDD |
DashboardApi | deleteDashboard | DELETE /dashboards/{dashboard_id} | Delete Dashboard |
DashboardApi | deleteDashboardElement | DELETE /dashboard_elements/{dashboard_element_id} | Delete DashboardElement |
DashboardApi | deleteDashboardFilter | DELETE /dashboard_filters/{dashboard_filter_id} | Delete Dashboard Filter |
DashboardApi | deleteDashboardLayout | DELETE /dashboard_layouts/{dashboard_layout_id} | Delete DashboardLayout |
DashboardApi | importDashboardFromLookml | POST /dashboards/lookml | Import Dashboard from LookML |
DashboardApi | importLookmlDashboard | POST /dashboards/{lookml_dashboard_id}/import/{space_id} | Import LookML Dashboard |
DashboardApi | moveDashboard | PATCH /dashboards/{dashboard_id}/move | Move Dashboard |
DashboardApi | searchDashboardElements | GET /dashboard_elements/search | Search Dashboard Elements |
DashboardApi | searchDashboards | GET /dashboards/search | Search Dashboards |
DashboardApi | syncLookmlDashboard | PATCH /dashboards/{lookml_dashboard_id}/sync | Sync LookML Dashboard |
DashboardApi | updateDashboard | PATCH /dashboards/{dashboard_id} | Update Dashboard |
DashboardApi | updateDashboardElement | PATCH /dashboard_elements/{dashboard_element_id} | Update DashboardElement |
DashboardApi | updateDashboardFilter | PATCH /dashboard_filters/{dashboard_filter_id} | Update Dashboard Filter |
DashboardApi | updateDashboardLayout | PATCH /dashboard_layouts/{dashboard_layout_id} | Update DashboardLayout |
DashboardApi | updateDashboardLayoutComponent | PATCH /dashboard_layout_components/{dashboard_layout_component_id} | Update DashboardLayoutComponent |
DataActionApi | fetchRemoteDataActionForm | POST /data_actions/form | Fetch Remote Data Action Form |
DataActionApi | performDataAction | POST /data_actions | Send a Data Action |
DatagroupApi | allDatagroups | GET /datagroups | Get All Datagroups |
DatagroupApi | datagroup | GET /datagroups/{datagroup_id} | Get Datagroup |
DatagroupApi | updateDatagroup | PATCH /datagroups/{datagroup_id} | Update Datagroup |
DerivedTableApi | checkPdtBuild | GET /derived_table/{materialization_id}/status | Check status of a PDT materialization |
DerivedTableApi | graphDerivedTablesForModel | GET /derived_table/graph/model/{model} | Get Derived Table graph for model |
DerivedTableApi | graphDerivedTablesForView | GET /derived_table/graph/view/{view} | Get subgraph of derived table and dependencies |
DerivedTableApi | startPdtBuild | GET /derived_table/{model_name}/{view_name}/start | Start a PDT materialization |
DerivedTableApi | stopPdtBuild | GET /derived_table/{materialization_id}/stop | Stop a PDT materialization |
FolderApi | allFolders | GET /folders | Get All Folders |
FolderApi | createFolder | POST /folders | Create Folder |
FolderApi | deleteFolder | DELETE /folders/{folder_id} | Delete Folder |
FolderApi | folder | GET /folders/{folder_id} | Get Folder |
FolderApi | folderAncestors | GET /folders/{folder_id}/ancestors | Get Folder Ancestors |
FolderApi | folderChildren | GET /folders/{folder_id}/children | Get Folder Children |
FolderApi | folderChildrenSearch | GET /folders/{folder_id}/children/search | Search Folder Children |
FolderApi | folderDashboards | GET /folders/{folder_id}/dashboards | Get Folder Dashboards |
FolderApi | folderLooks | GET /folders/{folder_id}/looks | Get Folder Looks |
FolderApi | folderParent | GET /folders/{folder_id}/parent | Get Folder Parent |
FolderApi | searchFolders | GET /folders/search | Search Folders |
FolderApi | updateFolder | PATCH /folders/{folder_id} | Update Folder |
GroupApi | addGroupGroup | POST /groups/{group_id}/groups | Add a Group to Group |
GroupApi | addGroupUser | POST /groups/{group_id}/users | Add a User to Group |
GroupApi | allGroupGroups | GET /groups/{group_id}/groups | Get All Groups in Group |
GroupApi | allGroupUsers | GET /groups/{group_id}/users | Get All Users in Group |
GroupApi | allGroups | GET /groups | Get All Groups |
GroupApi | createGroup | POST /groups | Create Group |
GroupApi | deleteGroup | DELETE /groups/{group_id} | Delete Group |
GroupApi | deleteGroupFromGroup | DELETE /groups/{group_id}/groups/{deleting_group_id} | Deletes a Group from Group |
GroupApi | deleteGroupUser | DELETE /groups/{group_id}/users/{user_id} | Remove a User from Group |
GroupApi | deleteUserAttributeGroupValue | DELETE /groups/{group_id}/attribute_values/{user_attribute_id} | Delete User Attribute Group Value |
GroupApi | group | GET /groups/{group_id} | Get Group |
GroupApi | searchGroups | GET /groups/search | Search Groups |
GroupApi | searchGroupsWithHierarchy | GET /groups/search/with_hierarchy | Search Groups with Hierarchy |
GroupApi | searchGroupsWithRoles | GET /groups/search/with_roles | Search Groups with Roles |
GroupApi | updateGroup | PATCH /groups/{group_id} | Update Group |
GroupApi | updateUserAttributeGroupValue | PATCH /groups/{group_id}/attribute_values/{user_attribute_id} | Set User Attribute Group Value |
HomepageApi | allPrimaryHomepageSections | GET /primary_homepage_sections | Get All Primary homepage sections |
IntegrationApi | acceptIntegrationHubLegalAgreement | POST /integration_hubs/{integration_hub_id}/accept_legal_agreement | Accept Integration Hub Legal Agreement |
IntegrationApi | allIntegrationHubs | GET /integration_hubs | Get All Integration Hubs |
IntegrationApi | allIntegrations | GET /integrations | Get All Integrations |
IntegrationApi | createIntegrationHub | POST /integration_hubs | Create Integration Hub |
IntegrationApi | deleteIntegrationHub | DELETE /integration_hubs/{integration_hub_id} | Delete Integration Hub |
IntegrationApi | fetchIntegrationForm | POST /integrations/{integration_id}/form | Fetch Remote Integration Form |
IntegrationApi | integration | GET /integrations/{integration_id} | Get Integration |
IntegrationApi | integrationHub | GET /integration_hubs/{integration_hub_id} | Get Integration Hub |
IntegrationApi | testIntegration | POST /integrations/{integration_id}/test | Test integration |
IntegrationApi | updateIntegration | PATCH /integrations/{integration_id} | Update Integration |
IntegrationApi | updateIntegrationHub | PATCH /integration_hubs/{integration_hub_id} | Update Integration Hub |
LookApi | allLooks | GET /looks | Get All Looks |
LookApi | copyLook | POST /looks/{look_id}/copy | Copy Look |
LookApi | createLook | POST /looks | Create Look |
LookApi | deleteLook | DELETE /looks/{look_id} | Delete Look |
LookApi | look | GET /looks/{look_id} | Get Look |
LookApi | moveLook | PATCH /looks/{look_id}/move | Move Look |
LookApi | runLook | GET /looks/{look_id}/run/{result_format} | Run Look |
LookApi | searchLooks | GET /looks/search | Search Looks |
LookApi | updateLook | PATCH /looks/{look_id} | Update Look |
LookmlModelApi | allLookmlModels | GET /lookml_models | Get All LookML Models |
LookmlModelApi | createLookmlModel | POST /lookml_models | Create LookML Model |
LookmlModelApi | deleteLookmlModel | DELETE /lookml_models/{lookml_model_name} | Delete LookML Model |
LookmlModelApi | lookmlModel | GET /lookml_models/{lookml_model_name} | Get LookML Model |
LookmlModelApi | lookmlModelExplore | GET /lookml_models/{lookml_model_name}/explores/{explore_name} | Get LookML Model Explore |
LookmlModelApi | updateLookmlModel | PATCH /lookml_models/{lookml_model_name} | Update LookML Model |
MetadataApi | connectionColumns | GET /connections/{connection_name}/columns | Get columns for a connection |
MetadataApi | connectionCostEstimate | POST /connections/{connection_name}/cost_estimate | Estimate costs for a connection |
MetadataApi | connectionDatabases | GET /connections/{connection_name}/databases | List accessible databases to this connection |
MetadataApi | connectionFeatures | GET /connections/{connection_name}/features | Metadata features supported by this connection |
MetadataApi | connectionSchemas | GET /connections/{connection_name}/schemas | Get schemas for a connection |
MetadataApi | connectionSearchColumns | GET /connections/{connection_name}/search_columns | Search a connection for columns |
MetadataApi | connectionTables | GET /connections/{connection_name}/tables | Get tables for a connection |
MetadataApi | getModel | GET /models/{model_name} | Get a single model |
MetadataApi | modelFieldnameSuggestions | GET /models/{model_name}/views/{view_name}/fields/{field_name}/suggestions | Model field name suggestions |
ProjectApi | allGitBranches | GET /projects/{project_id}/git_branches | Get All Git Branches |
ProjectApi | allGitConnectionTests | GET /projects/{project_id}/git_connection_tests | Get All Git Connection Tests |
ProjectApi | allLookmlTests | GET /projects/{project_id}/lookml_tests | Get All LookML Tests |
ProjectApi | allProjectFiles | GET /projects/{project_id}/files | Get All Project Files |
ProjectApi | allProjects | GET /projects | Get All Projects |
ProjectApi | createGitBranch | POST /projects/{project_id}/git_branch | Checkout New Git Branch |
ProjectApi | createGitDeployKey | POST /projects/{project_id}/git/deploy_key | Create Deploy Key |
ProjectApi | createProject | POST /projects | Create Project |
ProjectApi | deleteGitBranch | DELETE /projects/{project_id}/git_branch/{branch_name} | Delete a Git Branch |
ProjectApi | deleteRepositoryCredential | DELETE /projects/{root_project_id}/credential/{credential_id} | Delete Repository Credential |
ProjectApi | deployRefToProduction | POST /projects/{project_id}/deploy_ref_to_production | Deploy Remote Branch or Ref to Production |
ProjectApi | deployToProduction | POST /projects/{project_id}/deploy_to_production | Deploy To Production |
ProjectApi | findGitBranch | GET /projects/{project_id}/git_branch/{branch_name} | Find a Git Branch |
ProjectApi | getAllRepositoryCredentials | GET /projects/{root_project_id}/credentials | Get All Repository Credentials |
ProjectApi | gitBranch | GET /projects/{project_id}/git_branch | Get Active Git Branch |
ProjectApi | gitDeployKey | GET /projects/{project_id}/git/deploy_key | Git Deploy Key |
ProjectApi | lockAll | POST /projects/{project_id}/manifest/lock_all | Lock All |
ProjectApi | manifest | GET /projects/{project_id}/manifest | Get Manifest |
ProjectApi | project | GET /projects/{project_id} | Get Project |
ProjectApi | projectFile | GET /projects/{project_id}/files/file | Get Project File |
ProjectApi | projectValidationResults | GET /projects/{project_id}/validate | Cached Project Validation Results |
ProjectApi | projectWorkspace | GET /projects/{project_id}/current_workspace | Get Project Workspace |
ProjectApi | resetProjectToProduction | POST /projects/{project_id}/reset_to_production | Reset To Production |
ProjectApi | resetProjectToRemote | POST /projects/{project_id}/reset_to_remote | Reset To Remote |
ProjectApi | runGitConnectionTest | GET /projects/{project_id}/git_connection_tests/{test_id} | Run Git Connection Test |
ProjectApi | runLookmlTest | GET /projects/{project_id}/lookml_tests/run | Run LookML Test |
ProjectApi | tagRef | POST /projects/{project_id}/tag | Tag Ref |
ProjectApi | updateGitBranch | PUT /projects/{project_id}/git_branch | Update Project Git Branch |
ProjectApi | updateProject | PATCH /projects/{project_id} | Update Project |
ProjectApi | updateRepositoryCredential | PUT /projects/{root_project_id}/credential/{credential_id} | Create Repository Credential |
ProjectApi | validateProject | POST /projects/{project_id}/validate | Validate Project |
QueryApi | allRunningQueries | GET /running_queries | Get All Running Queries |
QueryApi | createMergeQuery | POST /merge_queries | Create Merge Query |
QueryApi | createQuery | POST /queries | Create Query |
QueryApi | createQueryTask | POST /query_tasks | Run Query Async |
QueryApi | createSqlQuery | POST /sql_queries | Create SQL Runner Query |
QueryApi | killQuery | DELETE /running_queries/{query_task_id} | Kill Running Query |
QueryApi | mergeQuery | GET /merge_queries/{merge_query_id} | Get Merge Query |
QueryApi | query | GET /queries/{query_id} | Get Query |
QueryApi | queryForSlug | GET /queries/slug/{slug} | Get Query for Slug |
QueryApi | queryTask | GET /query_tasks/{query_task_id} | Get Async Query Info |
QueryApi | queryTaskMultiResults | GET /query_tasks/multi_results | Get Multiple Async Query Results |
QueryApi | queryTaskResults | GET /query_tasks/{query_task_id}/results | Get Async Query Results |
QueryApi | runInlineQuery | POST /queries/run/{result_format} | Run Inline Query |
QueryApi | runQuery | GET /queries/{query_id}/run/{result_format} | Run Query |
QueryApi | runSqlQuery | POST /sql_queries/{slug}/run/{result_format} | Run SQL Runner Query |
QueryApi | runUrlEncodedQuery | GET /queries/models/{model_name}/views/{view_name}/run/{result_format} | Run Url Encoded Query |
QueryApi | sqlQuery | GET /sql_queries/{slug} | Get SQL Runner Query |
RenderTaskApi | createDashboardElementRenderTask | POST /render_tasks/dashboard_elements/{dashboard_element_id}/{result_format} | Create Dashboard Element Render Task |
RenderTaskApi | createDashboardRenderTask | POST /render_tasks/dashboards/{dashboard_id}/{result_format} | Create Dashboard Render Task |
RenderTaskApi | createLookRenderTask | POST /render_tasks/looks/{look_id}/{result_format} | Create Look Render Task |
RenderTaskApi | createQueryRenderTask | POST /render_tasks/queries/{query_id}/{result_format} | Create Query Render Task |
RenderTaskApi | renderTask | GET /render_tasks/{render_task_id} | Get Render Task |
RenderTaskApi | renderTaskResults | GET /render_tasks/{render_task_id}/results | Render Task Results |
RoleApi | allModelSets | GET /model_sets | Get All Model Sets |
RoleApi | allPermissionSets | GET /permission_sets | Get All Permission Sets |
RoleApi | allPermissions | GET /permissions | Get All Permissions |
RoleApi | allRoles | GET /roles | Get All Roles |
RoleApi | createModelSet | POST /model_sets | Create Model Set |
RoleApi | createPermissionSet | POST /permission_sets | Create Permission Set |
RoleApi | createRole | POST /roles | Create Role |
RoleApi | deleteModelSet | DELETE /model_sets/{model_set_id} | Delete Model Set |
RoleApi | deletePermissionSet | DELETE /permission_sets/{permission_set_id} | Delete Permission Set |
RoleApi | deleteRole | DELETE /roles/{role_id} | Delete Role |
RoleApi | modelSet | GET /model_sets/{model_set_id} | Get Model Set |
RoleApi | permissionSet | GET /permission_sets/{permission_set_id} | Get Permission Set |
RoleApi | role | GET /roles/{role_id} | Get Role |
RoleApi | roleGroups | GET /roles/{role_id}/groups | Get Role Groups |
RoleApi | roleUsers | GET /roles/{role_id}/users | Get Role Users |
RoleApi | searchModelSets | GET /model_sets/search | Search Model Sets |
RoleApi | searchPermissionSets | GET /permission_sets/search | Search Permission Sets |
RoleApi | searchRoles | GET /roles/search | Search Roles |
RoleApi | searchRolesWithUserCount | GET /roles/search/with_user_count | Search Roles with User Count |
RoleApi | setRoleGroups | PUT /roles/{role_id}/groups | Update Role Groups |
RoleApi | setRoleUsers | PUT /roles/{role_id}/users | Update Role Users |
RoleApi | updateModelSet | PATCH /model_sets/{model_set_id} | Update Model Set |
RoleApi | updatePermissionSet | PATCH /permission_sets/{permission_set_id} | Update Permission Set |
RoleApi | updateRole | PATCH /roles/{role_id} | Update Role |
ScheduledPlanApi | allScheduledPlans | GET /scheduled_plans | Get All Scheduled Plans |
ScheduledPlanApi | createScheduledPlan | POST /scheduled_plans | Create Scheduled Plan |
ScheduledPlanApi | deleteScheduledPlan | DELETE /scheduled_plans/{scheduled_plan_id} | Delete Scheduled Plan |
ScheduledPlanApi | scheduledPlan | GET /scheduled_plans/{scheduled_plan_id} | Get Scheduled Plan |
ScheduledPlanApi | scheduledPlanRunOnce | POST /scheduled_plans/run_once | Run Scheduled Plan Once |
ScheduledPlanApi | scheduledPlanRunOnceById | POST /scheduled_plans/{scheduled_plan_id}/run_once | Run Scheduled Plan Once by Id |
ScheduledPlanApi | scheduledPlansForDashboard | GET /scheduled_plans/dashboard/{dashboard_id} | Scheduled Plans for Dashboard |
ScheduledPlanApi | scheduledPlansForLook | GET /scheduled_plans/look/{look_id} | Scheduled Plans for Look |
ScheduledPlanApi | scheduledPlansForLookmlDashboard | GET /scheduled_plans/lookml_dashboard/{lookml_dashboard_id} | Scheduled Plans for LookML Dashboard |
ScheduledPlanApi | scheduledPlansForSpace | GET /scheduled_plans/space/{space_id} | Scheduled Plans for Space |
ScheduledPlanApi | updateScheduledPlan | PATCH /scheduled_plans/{scheduled_plan_id} | Update Scheduled Plan |
SessionApi | session | GET /session | Get Auth |
SessionApi | updateSession | PATCH /session | Update Auth |
ThemeApi | activeThemes | GET /themes/active | Get Active Themes |
ThemeApi | allThemes | GET /themes | Get All Themes |
ThemeApi | createTheme | POST /themes | Create Theme |
ThemeApi | defaultTheme | GET /themes/default | Get Default Theme |
ThemeApi | deleteTheme | DELETE /themes/{theme_id} | Delete Theme |
ThemeApi | searchThemes | GET /themes/search | Search Themes |
ThemeApi | setDefaultTheme | PUT /themes/default | Set Default Theme |
ThemeApi | theme | GET /themes/{theme_id} | Get Theme |
ThemeApi | themeOrDefault | GET /themes/theme_or_default | Get Theme or Default |
ThemeApi | updateTheme | PATCH /themes/{theme_id} | Update Theme |
ThemeApi | validateTheme | POST /themes/validate | Validate Theme |
UserApi | allUserCredentialsApi3s | GET /users/{user_id}/credentials_api3 | Get All API Credentials |
UserApi | allUserCredentialsEmbeds | GET /users/{user_id}/credentials_embed | Get All Embedding Credentials |
UserApi | allUserSessions | GET /users/{user_id}/sessions | Get All Web Login Sessions |
UserApi | allUsers | GET /users | Get All Users |
UserApi | createEmbedUser | POST /users/embed_user | Create an embed user from an external user ID |
UserApi | createUser | POST /users | Create User |
UserApi | createUserCredentialsApi3 | POST /users/{user_id}/credentials_api3 | Create API Credential |
UserApi | createUserCredentialsEmail | POST /users/{user_id}/credentials_email | Create Email/Password Credential |
UserApi | createUserCredentialsEmailPasswordReset | POST /users/{user_id}/credentials_email/password_reset | Create Password Reset Token |
UserApi | createUserCredentialsTotp | POST /users/{user_id}/credentials_totp | Create Two-Factor Credential |
UserApi | deleteUser | DELETE /users/{user_id} | Delete User |
UserApi | deleteUserAttributeUserValue | DELETE /users/{user_id}/attribute_values/{user_attribute_id} | Delete User Attribute User Value |
UserApi | deleteUserCredentialsApi3 | DELETE /users/{user_id}/credentials_api3/{credentials_api3_id} | Delete API Credential |
UserApi | deleteUserCredentialsEmail | DELETE /users/{user_id}/credentials_email | Delete Email/Password Credential |
UserApi | deleteUserCredentialsEmbed | DELETE /users/{user_id}/credentials_embed/{credentials_embed_id} | Delete Embedding Credential |
UserApi | deleteUserCredentialsGoogle | DELETE /users/{user_id}/credentials_google | Delete Google Auth Credential |
UserApi | deleteUserCredentialsLdap | DELETE /users/{user_id}/credentials_ldap | Delete LDAP Credential |
UserApi | deleteUserCredentialsLookerOpenid | DELETE /users/{user_id}/credentials_looker_openid | Delete Looker OpenId Credential |
UserApi | deleteUserCredentialsOidc | DELETE /users/{user_id}/credentials_oidc | Delete OIDC Auth Credential |
UserApi | deleteUserCredentialsSaml | DELETE /users/{user_id}/credentials_saml | Delete Saml Auth Credential |
UserApi | deleteUserCredentialsTotp | DELETE /users/{user_id}/credentials_totp | Delete Two-Factor Credential |
UserApi | deleteUserSession | DELETE /users/{user_id}/sessions/{session_id} | Delete Web Login Session |
UserApi | me | GET /user | Get Current User |
UserApi | searchCredentialsEmail | GET /credentials_email/search | Search CredentialsEmail |
UserApi | searchUsers | GET /users/search | Search Users |
UserApi | searchUsersNames | GET /users/search/names/{pattern} | Search User Names |
UserApi | sendUserCredentialsEmailPasswordReset | POST /users/{user_id}/credentials_email/send_password_reset | Send Password Reset Token |
UserApi | setUserAttributeUserValue | PATCH /users/{user_id}/attribute_values/{user_attribute_id} | Set User Attribute User Value |
UserApi | setUserRoles | PUT /users/{user_id}/roles | Set User Roles |
UserApi | updateUser | PATCH /users/{user_id} | Update User |
UserApi | updateUserCredentialsEmail | PATCH /users/{user_id}/credentials_email | Update Email/Password Credential |
UserApi | user | GET /users/{user_id} | Get User by Id |
UserApi | userAttributeUserValues | GET /users/{user_id}/attribute_values | Get User Attribute Values |
UserApi | userCredentialsApi3 | GET /users/{user_id}/credentials_api3/{credentials_api3_id} | Get API Credential |
UserApi | userCredentialsEmail | GET /users/{user_id}/credentials_email | Get Email/Password Credential |
UserApi | userCredentialsEmbed | GET /users/{user_id}/credentials_embed/{credentials_embed_id} | Get Embedding Credential |
UserApi | userCredentialsGoogle | GET /users/{user_id}/credentials_google | Get Google Auth Credential |
UserApi | userCredentialsLdap | GET /users/{user_id}/credentials_ldap | Get LDAP Credential |
UserApi | userCredentialsLookerOpenid | GET /users/{user_id}/credentials_looker_openid | Get Looker OpenId Credential |
UserApi | userCredentialsOidc | GET /users/{user_id}/credentials_oidc | Get OIDC Auth Credential |
UserApi | userCredentialsSaml | GET /users/{user_id}/credentials_saml | Get Saml Auth Credential |
UserApi | userCredentialsTotp | GET /users/{user_id}/credentials_totp | Get Two-Factor Credential |
UserApi | userForCredential | GET /users/credential/{credential_type}/{credential_id} | Get User by Credential Id |
UserApi | userRoles | GET /users/{user_id}/roles | Get User Roles |
UserApi | userSession | GET /users/{user_id}/sessions/{session_id} | Get Web Login Session |
UserApi | wipeoutUserEmails | POST /users/{user_id}/update_emails | Wipeout User Emails |
UserAttributeApi | allUserAttributeGroupValues | GET /user_attributes/{user_attribute_id}/group_values | Get User Attribute Group Values |
UserAttributeApi | allUserAttributes | GET /user_attributes | Get All User Attributes |
UserAttributeApi | createUserAttribute | POST /user_attributes | Create User Attribute |
UserAttributeApi | deleteUserAttribute | DELETE /user_attributes/{user_attribute_id} | Delete User Attribute |
UserAttributeApi | setUserAttributeGroupValues | POST /user_attributes/{user_attribute_id}/group_values | Set User Attribute Group Values |
UserAttributeApi | updateUserAttribute | PATCH /user_attributes/{user_attribute_id} | Update User Attribute |
UserAttributeApi | userAttribute | GET /user_attributes/{user_attribute_id} | Get User Attribute |
WorkspaceApi | allWorkspaces | GET /workspaces | Get All Workspaces |
WorkspaceApi | workspace | GET /workspaces/{workspace_id} | Get Workspace |
Documentation For Models
- AccessToken
- Alert
- AlertAppliedDashboardFilter
- AlertConditionState
- AlertDestination
- AlertField
- AlertFieldFilter
- AlertNotifications
- AlertPatch
- ApiSession
- ApiVersion
- ApiVersionElement
- Artifact
- ArtifactNamespace
- ArtifactUsage
- BackupConfiguration
- Board
- BoardItem
- BoardSection
- ColorCollection
- ColorStop
- ColumnSearch
- ConnectionFeatures
- ContentFavorite
- ContentMeta
- ContentMetaGroupUser
- ContentSearch
- ContentValidation
- ContentValidationAlert
- ContentValidationDashboard
- ContentValidationDashboardElement
- ContentValidationDashboardFilter
- ContentValidationError
- ContentValidationFolder
- ContentValidationLook
- ContentValidationLookMLDashboard
- ContentValidationLookMLDashboardElement
- ContentValidationScheduledPlan
- ContentValidatorError
- ContentView
- ContinuousPalette
- CostEstimate
- CreateCostEstimate
- CreateCredentialsApi3
- CreateDashboardFilter
- CreateDashboardRenderTask
- CreateEmbedUserRequest
- CreateFolder
- CreateOAuthApplicationUserStateRequest
- CreateOAuthApplicationUserStateResponse
- CreateQueryTask
- CredentialsApi3
- CredentialsEmail
- CredentialsEmailSearch
- CredentialsEmbed
- CredentialsGoogle
- CredentialsLDAP
- CredentialsLookerOpenid
- CredentialsOIDC
- CredentialsSaml
- CredentialsTotp
- CustomWelcomeEmail
- DBConnection
- DBConnectionBase
- DBConnectionOverride
- DBConnectionTestResult
- Dashboard
- DashboardAggregateTableLookml
- DashboardAppearance
- DashboardBase
- DashboardElement
- DashboardFilter
- DashboardLayout
- DashboardLayoutComponent
- DashboardLookml
- DataActionForm
- DataActionFormField
- DataActionFormSelectOption
- DataActionRequest
- DataActionResponse
- DataActionUserState
- Datagroup
- DelegateOauthTest
- DependencyGraph
- Dialect
- DialectInfo
- DialectInfoOptions
- DigestEmailSend
- DigestEmails
- DiscretePalette
- EgressIpAddresses
- EmbedCookielessSessionAcquire
- EmbedCookielessSessionAcquireResponse
- EmbedCookielessSessionGenerateTokens
- EmbedCookielessSessionGenerateTokensResponse
- EmbedParams
- EmbedSecret
- EmbedSsoParams
- EmbedUrlResponse
- Error
- ExternalOauthApplication
- Folder
- FolderBase
- GitBranch
- GitConnectionTest
- GitConnectionTestResult
- GitStatus
- Group
- GroupHierarchy
- GroupIdForGroupInclusion
- GroupIdForGroupUserInclusion
- GroupSearch
- HomepageItem
- HomepageSection
- ImportedProject
- Integration
- IntegrationHub
- IntegrationParam
- IntegrationRequiredField
- IntegrationTestResult
- InternalHelpResources
- InternalHelpResourcesContent
- LDAPConfig
- LDAPConfigTestIssue
- LDAPConfigTestResult
- LDAPGroupRead
- LDAPGroupWrite
- LDAPUser
- LDAPUserAttributeRead
- LDAPUserAttributeWrite
- LegacyFeature
- Locale
- LocalizationSettings
- Look
- LookBasic
- LookModel
- LookWithDashboards
- LookWithQuery
- LookmlModel
- LookmlModelExplore
- LookmlModelExploreAccessFilter
- LookmlModelExploreAlias
- LookmlModelExploreAlwaysFilter
- LookmlModelExploreConditionallyFilter
- LookmlModelExploreError
- LookmlModelExploreField
- LookmlModelExploreFieldEnumeration
- LookmlModelExploreFieldMapLayer
- LookmlModelExploreFieldMeasureFilters
- LookmlModelExploreFieldSqlCase
- LookmlModelExploreFieldTimeInterval
- LookmlModelExploreFieldset
- LookmlModelExploreJoins
- LookmlModelExploreSet
- LookmlModelExploreSupportedMeasureType
- LookmlModelNavExplore
- LookmlTest
- LookmlTestResult
- Manifest
- MaterializePDT
- MergeFields
- MergeQuery
- MergeQuerySourceQuery
- MobileFeatureFlags
- MobilePayload
- MobileSettings
- MobileToken
- Model
- ModelFieldSuggestions
- ModelNamedValueFormats
- ModelSet
- ModelsNotValidated
- OIDCConfig
- OIDCGroupRead
- OIDCGroupWrite
- OIDCUserAttributeRead
- OIDCUserAttributeWrite
- OauthClientApp
- PasswordConfig
- Permission
- PermissionSet
- PrivatelabelConfiguration
- Project
- ProjectError
- ProjectFile
- ProjectValidation
- ProjectValidationCache
- ProjectWorkspace
- Query
- QueryTask
- RenderTask
- RepositoryCredential
- ResultMakerFilterables
- ResultMakerFilterablesListen
- ResultMakerWithIdVisConfigAndDynamicFields
- Role
- RoleSearch
- RunningQueries
- SamlConfig
- SamlGroupRead
- SamlGroupWrite
- SamlMetadataParseResult
- SamlUserAttributeRead
- SamlUserAttributeWrite
- ScheduledPlan
- ScheduledPlanDestination
- Schema
- SchemaColumn
- SchemaColumns
- SchemaTable
- SchemaTables
- Session
- SessionConfig
- Setting
- SmtpNodeStatus
- SmtpSettings
- SmtpStatus
- Snippet
- SqlQuery
- SqlQueryCreate
- SshPublicKey
- SshServer
- SshTunnel
- SupportAccessAddEntries
- SupportAccessAllowlistEntry
- SupportAccessEnable
- SupportAccessStatus
- Theme
- ThemeSettings
- Timezone
- UpdateArtifact
- UpdateFolder
- User
- UserAttribute
- UserAttributeGroupValue
- UserAttributeWithValue
- UserEmailOnly
- UserLoginLockout
- UserPublic
- ValidationError
- ValidationErrorDetail
- WelcomeEmailTest
- WhitelabelConfiguration
- Workspace
- WriteScheduledPlan
Documentation For Authorization
All endpoints do not require authorization.