
Support for authenticating WordPress users in Symfony2.

Installs: 23 026

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 101

Watchers: 12

Forks: 43

Open Issues: 12


v5.0.5-BETA 2023-10-03 07:46 UTC


Improved version of the original WordpressBundle. The biggest different is this new KayueWordpressBundle won't load the entire WordPress core, thus all the WordPress template funtions won't be available in your Symfony app. This is also the goal of the bundle; do everything in Symfony's way.

I started that bundle two years ago and the original repository grew somewhat chaotically, so I decided to start fresh with new repositories.

Build Status


  • WordPress authentication (v1.0.0)
  • Custom table prefix (v1.0.1)
  • WordPress entities (v1.0.2)
  • Multisite support (v1.1.0)
  • Twig extension (v1.1.0)
  • WordPress style shortcode (v1.1.0)
  • Major code update. (v2.0.0)
  • Support Symfony 4, new cache configuration (v4.0.0)


  • Unit test (please help!)



composer require kayue/kayue-wordpress-bundle

Register the bundle

// app/AppKernel.php

public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = array(
        // ...
        new Kayue\WordpressBundle\KayueWordpressBundle(),
    // ...



This bundle requrie database connection. Make sure you have Doctrine configurated properly.

// app/config/parameters.yml

    database_driver:   pdo_mysql
    database_port:     ~
    database_name:     my_wordpress_db
    database_user:     root
    database_password: pass


The following configuration is optional.

    # Custom table prefix. Default is "wp_".
    table_prefix:   'wp_'

    # Doctrine connection to use. Default is 'default'.
    connection: 'default'

    # Specify Symfony cache pool
        metadata_cache_pool: cache.system
        query_cache_pool: cache.app
        result_cache_pool: cache.app
    # The following configuration only needed only when you use WordPress authentication. 
    # Site URL must match *EXACTLY* with WordPress's setting. Can be found
    # on the Settings > General screen, there are field named "WordPress Address"
    site_url:       'http://localhost/wordpress'

    # Logged in key and salt. Can be found in the wp-config.php file.
    logged_in_key:  ':j$_=(:l@8Fku^U;MQ~#VOJXOZcVB_@u+t-NNYqmTH4na|)5Bhs1|tF1IA|>tz*E'
    logged_in_salt: ')A^CQ<R:1|^dK/Q;.QfP;U!=J=(_i6^s0f#2EIbGIgFN{,3U9H$q|o/sJfWF`NRM'

    # WordPress cookie path / domain settings.
    cookie_path:    '/'
    cookie_domain:  null


An example to obtain post content, author, comments and categories:

// path/to/controller.php

public function postAction($slug)
    $repo = $this->get('kayue_wordpress')->getManager()->getRepository('KayueWordpressBundle:Post');
    $post = $repo->findOneBy(array(
        'slug'   => 'hello-world',
        'type'   => 'post',
        'status' => 'publish',

    echo $post->getTitle() , "\n";
    echo $post->getUser()->getDisplayName() , "\n";
    echo $post->getContent() , "\n";

    foreach($post->getComments() as $comment) {
        echo $comment->getContent() . "\n";

    foreach($post->getTaxonomies()->filter(function(Taxonomy $tax) {
        // Only return categories, not tags or anything else.
        return 'category' === $tax->getName();
    }) as $tax) {
        echo $tax->getTerm()->getName() . "\n";

    // ...

Twig Extension

This bundle comes with the following Twig extensions.


  • wp_switch_blog - equivalent to WordPress's switch_to_blog() method.
  • wp_find_option_by - equivalent to WordPress's get_option() method.
  • wp_find_post_by - Get post by ID or slug.
  • wp_find_post_metas_by($post, $key) - equivalent to WordPress's get_post_meta() method.
  • wp_find_post_metas_by({'post': $post, 'key': $key}) - Same as above, accept array as argument.
  • wp_find_comments_by_post($post) - return all approved comments in a post.
  • wp_find_attachments_by_post($post)
  • wp_find_attachment_by_id($id)
  • wp_find_thumbnail($post) - alias of wp_find_featured_image_by_post
  • wp_find_featured_image - equivalent to WordPress's get_the_post_thumbnail method.
  • wp_get_attachment_url($post)
  • wp_get_post_format
  • wp_find_terms_by_post
  • wp_find_categories_by_post - equivalent to WordPress's get_categories() method.
  • wp_find_tags_by_post - equivalent to WordPress's get_tags() method.


  • wp_autop - Wrap paragraph with <p> tag. Needed for post formatting.
  • wp_texturize - Texturize. Needed for post formatting
  • wp_shortcode - equivalent to WordPress's do_shortcode() method.

To transform extra content like video links or social network links, you can use the Essence Bundle


Multisite is a feature of WordPress that allows multiple virtual sites to share a single WordPress installation. In this bundle, each blog (site) has its own entity manager. You need to use blog manager to retrive the blog and then the entity manager.

The following example shows you how to display the latest 10 posts in blog 2.


public function firstPostAction()
    // Method 1: Switch current blog's id. Similar to WordPress's `switch_to_blog()` method.
    // Changing the current blog ID will affect Twig extensions too.
    $blogManager = $this->get('kayue_wordpress')->getManager();

    // Method 2: Use entity manager if you don't want to switch the entire blog.
    // This won't change the current blog ID.
    $blogId = 3;
    $anotherBlog = $this->get('kayue_wordpress')->getManager($blogId);
    $posts = $anotherBlog->getRepository('KayueWordpressBundle:Post')->findOneById(1);

WordPress Authentication

This bundle allow you to create a WordPress login form in Symfony. All you have to do is to configure the WordPress firewall in your security.yml.

The following example demonstrates how to turn AcmeDemoBundle's login form into a WordPress login form.

        # Add the WordPress password encoder
            id: kayue_wordpress.security.encoder.phpass

        # Add the WordPress user provider
            entity: { class: Kayue\WordpressBundle\Entity\User, property: username }

            pattern:  ^/demo/secured/login$
            security: false
            pattern:    ^/demo/secured/
            # Add the WordPress firewall. Allow you to read WordPress's login state in Symfony app.
            kayue_wordpress: ~
            # Optional. Symfony's default form login works for WordPress user too.
                 check_path: /demo/secured/login_check
                 login_path: /demo/secured/login
                 default_target_path: /demo/secured/hello/world
            # Optional. Use this to logout.
                path:   /demo/secured/logout
                target: /demo/secured/login
            # ...


WordpressBundle support WordPress style shortcode. At the moment the bundle only come with the [caption] and [gallery] shortcode. Pull request is welcome.

To create new shortcode, you need to

  1. extends ShortcodeInterface
  2. tag it with kayue_wordpress.shortcode

use Kayue\WordpressBundle\Wordpress\Shortcode\ShortcodeInterface;

class GalleryShortcode implements ShortcodeInterface
    public function getName()
        return 'gallery';

    public function($attr, $content = null)
        // do your things...

        return "<p>Return HTML</p>";
        class: Acme\DemoBundle\Wordpress\Shortcode\GalleryShortcode
            - { name: kayue_wordpress.shortcode }