
SSLCommerz - Laravel Library

v2.3 2024-06-02 06:18 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-02 07:35:52 UTC


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This is a php/laravel wrapper package for SSLCommerz


  • PHP >=7.4
  • Laravel >= 6
  • ext-curl '*'


composer require karim007/sslcommerz-laravel

vendor publish (config)

#it will publish config file in your config folders
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Karim007\SslcommerzLaravel\SslcommerzLaravelServiceProvider" --tag="config"

After publish config file setup your credential. you can see this in your config directory sslcommerz.php file

'sandbox' => env("SSLCOMMERZ_SANDBOX", false), // For Sandbox, use "true", For Live, use "false"
'middleware' => 'web',//you can change this middleware according to you
'store_id' => env("SSLCOMMERZ_STORE_ID"),
'store_password' => env("SSLCOMMERZ__STORE_PASSWORD"),
'success_url' => '/sslcommerz/success',
'failed_url' => '/sslcommerz/fail',
'cancel_url' => '/sslcommerz/cancel',
'ipn_url' => '/sslcommerz/ipn',
'return_response' => 'html', //html or json html means blade return json means json data return

Set .env configuration

SSLCOMMERZ_SANDBOX=true #For Sandbox, use "true", For Live, use "false"

For development purposes, you can obtain sandbox 'Store ID' and 'Store Password' by registering at https://developer.sslcommerz.com/registration/

publish SslCommerzPaymentController.php controller

#it will publish controllers file in your app\Http\Controllers folders

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Karim007\SslcommerzLaravel\SslcommerzLaravelServiceProvider" --tag="controllers"

this is your routes list

Route::group(['middleware'=>[config('sslcommerz.middleware','web')]], function () {
    Route::get('/sslcommerz/example1', [SslCommerzPaymentController::class, 'exampleEasyCheckout']);
    Route::get('/sslcommerz/example2', [SslCommerzPaymentController::class, 'exampleHostedCheckout']);

    Route::post('/sslcommerz/pay', [SslCommerzPaymentController::class, 'index']);
    Route::post('/sslcommerz/pay-via-ajax', [SslCommerzPaymentController::class, 'payViaAjax']);

    Route::post('/sslcommerz/success', [SslCommerzPaymentController::class, 'success']);
    Route::post('/sslcommerz/fail', [SslCommerzPaymentController::class, 'fail']);
    Route::post('/sslcommerz/cancel', [SslCommerzPaymentController::class, 'cancel']);

    Route::post('/sslcommerz/ipn', [SslCommerzPaymentController::class, 'ipn']);

Add exceptions for VerifyCsrfToken middleware accordingly.

protected $except = [

For payment ( All functionality already append in SslCommerzPaymentController)

$post_data = array();
$post_data['total_amount'] = '10'; # You cant not pay less than 10
$post_data['currency'] = "BDT";
$post_data['tran_id'] = uniqid(); // tran_id must be unique

$sslc = new SslCommerzNotification();

//for hosted payment
$payment_options = $sslc->makePayment($post_data, 'hosted');
//for api/popup payment
$payment_options = $sslc->makePayment($post_data, 'checkout', 'json');

for other info append(optional)

    $post_data = array();
    $post_data['total_amount'] = '10'; # You cant not pay less than 10
    $post_data['currency'] = "BDT";
    $post_data['tran_id'] = uniqid(); // tran_id must be unique

    $customer = array();
    $customer['name'] = 'Ab Karim';
    $customer['email'] = 'customer@mail.com';
    $customer['address_1'] = 'Dhaka';
    $customer['address_2'] = "";
    $customer['city'] = "";
    $customer['state'] = "";
    $customer['postcode'] = "";
    $customer['country'] = "Bangladesh";
    $customer['phone'] = '8801XXXXXXXXX';
    $customer['fax'] = "";

    $s_info = array();
    $s_info['shipping_method'] = 'Yes'; // string (50)	Mandatory - Shipping method of the order. Example: YES or NO or Courier
    $s_info['num_of_item'] = 1; // integer (1)	Mandatory - No of product will be shipped. Example: 1 or 2 or etc
    $s_info['ship_name'] = 'Abc'; // string (50)	Mandatory, if shipping_method is YES - Shipping Address of your order. Not mandatory but useful if provided
    $s_info['ship_add1'] = 'Dhaka';; // string (50)	Mandatory, if shipping_method is YES - Additional Shipping Address of your order. Not mandatory but useful if provided
    $s_info['ship_add2'] = ''; // string (50)	Additional Shipping Address of your order. Not mandatory but useful if provided
    $s_info['ship_city'] = 'Dhaka'; // string (50)	Mandatory, if shipping_method is YES - Shipping city of your order. Not mandatory but useful if provided
    $s_info['ship_state'] = ''; // string (50)	Shipping state of your order. Not mandatory but useful if provided
    $s_info['ship_postcode'] = '1215'; // string (50)	Mandatory, if shipping_method is YES - Shipping postcode of your order. Not mandatory but useful if provided
    $s_info['ship_country'] = 'Bangladesh'; // string (50)	Mandatory, if shipping_method is YES - Shipping country of your order. Not mandatory but useful if provided

    $sslc = new SslCommerzNotification();
    //then you can call
    $sslc->makePayment($post_data, 'hosted');
    $sslc->makePayment($post_data, 'checkout', 'json');

if you want you can publish orders migration

#if you already have orders or this related table then skip it
#it will publish order migrations file in your database\migrations folders
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Karim007\SslcommerzLaravel\SslcommerzLaravelServiceProvider" --tag="migrations"

php artisan migrate

you can also publish views(optionals)

#it will publish order migrations file in your resource\views\sslcommerz folders
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Karim007\SslcommerzLaravel\SslcommerzLaravelServiceProvider" --tag="views"

Contributions to the SSLCommerz Payment Gateway package you are welcome. Please note the following guidelines before submitting your pull request.

  • Follow PSR-4 coding standards.
  • Read SSLCommerz API documentations first. Please contact with SSLCommerz for their api documentation and sandbox access.


This repository is licensed under the MIT License.

Copyright 2023 md abdul karim. We are not affiliated with SSLCommerz and don't give any guarantee.