juzed-dev / wp-cli-faker-fixtures
Easily generate fake data for WordPress with Faker and WP cli
Installs: 4
Dependents: 0
Suggesters: 0
Security: 0
Stars: 2
Watchers: 1
Forks: 1
Open Issues: 0
- php: ^7.4 || ^8.0
- fakerphp/faker: ^1.13
- nelmio/alice: ^3.8
- wp-cli/wp-cli: ^2.4
Requires (Dev)
- wp-cli/db-command: ^2.0
- wp-cli/entity-command: ^2.0
- wp-cli/wp-cli-tests: ^3.1
Forked from wp-cli-fixtures, inspired by Faker, this package provides an easy way to create massive and custom fake data for your WordPress installation.
It works with Advanced Custom Fields (Pro) and can generate random images with Picsum and rich text with LorIpsum API.
This package is based on nelmio/alice and fzaninotto/Faker. Please refer to these packages docs for advanced usage.
WARNING: This package is mostly intended to be used for development purposes. Use it at your own risk, don't run it on a production database or make sure to back it up first.
Quick links: Install | Usage | Contribute
Using WP cli:
wp package install git@github.com:JuZed-dev/wp-cli-faker-fixtures.git
Using composer:
composer require --save-dev juzed-dev/wp-cli-faker-fixtures
Requires PHP ^7.4
Create fixtures
At the root of your project, create a fixtures.yml
file (you can download it here):
# # USERS # JuZedDev\Fixtures\Entity\User: user{1..10}: user_login (unique): <username()> # '(unique)' is required user_pass: 123456 user_email: <safeEmail()> user_url: <url()> user_registered: <dateTimeThisDecade()> first_name: <firstName()> last_name: <lastName()> description: <sentence()> role: <randomElement(['subscriber', 'editor'])> meta: phone_number: <phoneNumber()> address: <streetAddress()> zip: <postcode()> city: <city()> acf: facebook_url: <url()> twitter_url: <url()> # # ATTACHMENTS # JuZedDev\Fixtures\Entity\Attachment: default (template): # templates can be extended to keep things DRY post_title: <title(2, true)> post_date: <dateTimeThisDecade()> post_content: <paragraphs(5, true)> images{1..15} (extends default): # Random Images file: <picsum(<uploadDir()>, 1200, 1200)> # We provide a picsum() provider which uses picsum for images. local_documents{1..2} (extends default): # Random Documents in a local folder file: <fileIn('relative/path/to/pdfs')> local_images{1..10} (extends default): # Random Images in a local folder file: <fileIn('relative/path/to/images')> # # TERMS # JuZedDev\Fixtures\Entity\Term: category{1..10}: name (unique): <title(2, true)> # '(unique)' is required description: <paragraphs(5, true)> parent: '50%? <termId(childless=1)>' # 50% of created categories will have a top level parent category taxonomy: 'category' # could be skipped, default to 'category' tag{1..40}: __construct: ['post_tag'] # This is required to ensure the dynamic parent field above doesn't use tags as possible parents name (unique): <title(2, true)> # '(unique)' is required description: <paragraphs(5, true)> taxonomy: post_tag places{1..4}: # custom taxonomy name (unique): <title(2, true)> # '(unique)' is required description: <paragraphs(5, true)> taxonomy: place acf: address: <streetAddress> zip: <postcode()> city: <city()> image: '@local_images*->ID' # # POSTS # JuZedDev\Fixtures\Entity\Post: # TEMPLATE default (template): post_title: <title(2, true)> post_date: <dateTimeThisDecade()> post_content: <richText(5, 'medium', ['decorate','link','ul','ol','dl','bq','code','headers','prude'])> post_excerpt: <paragraphs(1, true)> meta: _thumbnail_id: '@images*->ID' # POSTS post{1..30} (extends default): # 'meta' and 'meta_input' are basically the same, you can use one or both, # they will be merged, just don't provide the same keys in each definition meta: _thumbnail_id: '@images*->ID' meta_input: _extra_field: <paragraphs(1, true)> post_category: '3x @category*->term_id' # post_category only accepts IDs tax_input: post_tag: '5x @tag*->term_id' # post_tag: '5x <words(2, true)> # Or tags can be dynamically created # PAGES page{contact, privacy}: post_title: <current()> post_type: page # CUSTOM POST TYPE product{1..15}: post_type: product acf: # number field price: <numberBetween(10, 200)> # gallery field gallery: '3x @images*->ID' # oembed field video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E90_aL870ao # link field link: url: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E90_aL870ao title: <title(2, true)> target: _blank # repeater field features: - label: <words(2, true)> value: <sentence() - label: <words(2, true)> value: <sentence()> - label: <words(2, true)> value: <sentence()> # flexible content field blocks: - acf_fc_layout: text_image title: <title(4, true)> content: <richText(8, 'medium', ['decorate','link','ul','ol'])> image: '@images*->ID' - acf_fc_layout: image_image image_left: '@images*->ID' image_right: '@images*->ID' # # COMMENTS # JuZedDev\Fixtures\Entity\Comment: comment{1..50}: comment_post_ID: '@post*->ID' user_id: '@user*->ID' comment_date: <dateTimeThisDecade()> comment_author: <username()> comment_author_email: <safeEmail()> comment_author_url: <url()> comment_content: <paragraphs(2, true)> comment_agent: <userAgent()> comment_author_IP: <ipv4()> comment_approved: 1 comment_karma: <numberBetween(1, 100)> # 'meta' and 'comment_meta' are basically the same, you can use one or both, # they will be merged, just don't provide the same keys in each definition comment_meta: some_key: <sentence()> meta: another_key: <sentence()> # # NAV MENUS # JuZedDev\Fixtures\Entity\NavMenu: header: name: header locations: - header - footer # # NAV MENUS ITEMS # JuZedDev\Fixtures\Entity\NavMenuItem: custom_menu: menu_item_url: <url()> menu_item_title: <title(4, true)> menu_id: '@header->term_id' categories{1..3}: menu_item_object: '@category*' menu_id: '@header->term_id' posts{1..3}: menu_item_object: '@post*' menu_id: '@header->term_id' page: menu_item_object: '@page*' menu_id: '@header->term_id'
The example above will generate:
- 10 users
- 15 attachments
- 2 PDFs (found locally)
- 10 images (found locally)
- 10 categories
- 40 tags
- 4 terms for custom taxonomy named 'place'
- 30 posts with a thumbnail, 3 categories and 5 tags
- 2 pages (Contact and Privacy)
- 15 custom post types named 'product'
- 50 comments associated with post and user
- 1 nav menu
- 8 nav menu items
IMPORTANT: Make sure referenced IDs are placed BEFORE they are used.
Example: Term
or Attachment
objects must be placed before Post
if you're referencing them in your fixtures.
Load fixtures
To load fixtures.yml
wp fixtures load
You can also specify a custom file by using the --file
wp fixtures load --file=data.yml
Delete fixtures
wp fixtures delete
You also can delete a single fixture type:
wp fixtures delete post
Valid types are post
, attachment
, comment
, term
, user
Add fake data to existing content
allows you to add/update content to existing entities by passing the ID as a constructor argument.
Add/update data to post ID 1:
JuZedDev\Fixtures\Entity\Post: my_post: __construct: [1] # Pass your post ID as the constructor argument post_title: '<title()>' post_content: '<richText(8, 'medium', ['decorate','link','ul','ol']>' post_excerpt: '<paragraphs(1, true)>'
Add/update data to 10 random existing posts:
JuZedDev\Fixtures\Entity\Post: post{1..10}: __construct: [<postId()>] # Use a custom formatters to return a random post ID as the constructor argument post_title: '<title()>' post_content: '<richText(8, 'medium', ['decorate','link','ul','ol']>' post_excerpt: '<paragraphs(1, true)>'
can take any parameters available in wp_insert_post
+ meta
and acf
Note: post_date_gmt
and post_modified_gmt
have been disabled, there are set from post_date
and post_modified
can take any parameters available in wp_insert_attachment
+ meta
, file
and acf
custom keys.
Note: parent
must be passed with post_parent
can take any parameters available in wp_insert_term
+ meta
and acf
custom keys.
Note: term
and taxonomy
must be respectively passed with name
and taxonomy
can take any parameters available in wp_insert_user
+ meta
and acf
custom keys.
can take any parameters available in wp_insert_comment
+ meta
custom key.
has been disabled, it is set from comment_date
Nav menu
is a term just like JuZedDev\Fixtures\Entity\Term
. It takes an additional locations
parameter to set the menu location.
JuZedDev\Fixtures\Entity\NavMenu: header: name: header locations: - header
Nav menu item
takes the same parameters as $menu_item_data
in wp_update_nav_menu_item
Note 1: replace dashes with underscore in keys (e.g. menu-item-object
becomes menu_item_object
Note 2: menu-item-object
can also accept an entity object, if so, menu-item-type
and menu-item-object-id
will be filled automatically with appropriate values
ACF Support
Each ACF supported entity (post, term, user) can have an acf
key, which works just like meta
JuZedDev\Fixtures\Entity\Post: post{1..30}: post_title: <title(3, true)> post_date: <dateTimeThisDecade()> acf: # number field named 'number' number: <numberBetween(10, 200)> # repeater field named 'features' features: - label: <words(2, true)> value: <sentence() - label: <words(2, true)> value: <sentence()> - label: <words(2, true)> value: <sentence()> # flexible content field named 'blocks' blocks: - acf_fc_layout: text_image title: <title(4, true)> content: <richText(8, 'medium', ['decorate','link','ul','ol'])> image: '@images*->ID' - acf_fc_layout: image_image image_left: '@images*->ID' image_right: '@images*->ID'
Be careful with duplicate field keys, if you have multiple field with the same key, prefer using ACF field key (field_948d1qj5mn4d3
Custom formatters
In addition to formatters provided by fzaninotto/Faker, you can use custom formatters below.
Rich Text: richText($num, $lengt, $options)
Returns a random Lorem Ipsum rich text.
You can find available options here.
<richText(5, 'medium', ['decorate','link','ul','ol','dl','bq','code','headers','prude'])>
Title: title($nbWords, $variableNbWords)
Returns a title.
If $variableNbWords
is set to true, $nbWords
can vary.
Post ID: postId($args)
Returns a random existing post ID.
is optional and can take any arguments from get_posts
Attachment ID: attachmentId($args)
Returns a random existing attachment ID.
is optional and can take any arguments from get_posts
Term ID: termId($args)
Returns a random existing term ID.
is optional and can take any arguments from get_terms
User ID: userId($args)
Returns a random existing user ID.
is optional and can take any arguments from get_users
File content: fileContent($file)
Returns the content of a file.
File in: fileIn($src, $target, false)
Wrapper around file provider because some Faker providers conflicts with PHP native . Returns file path or file name in a directory ($src
relative to fixtures.yml
Default target is the WordPress uploads
While playing with fixtures, the database command package can be useful to reset database faster than wp fixtures delete
and start over.
This package follows PSR2 coding standards and is tested with Behat. Execute composer run test
to ensure your PR passes.
You will need to run
composer run prepare-tests
before your first run.