
Express Checkout SDK for PHP allows easy integration with Juspay's EC payments as a service platform

v2.0.4 2024-09-02 06:45 UTC


The Juspay ExpressCheckout PHP SDK makes it easier for merchants to integrate the express-checkout APIs in their product. This SDK is distributed using composer. To add the SDK to your project, add the following code to your composer.json:


"require" : {
	"juspay/expresscheckout-php-sdk" : "1.0.4"

This package requires a minimum-stability of stable. Set the minimum-stability in your composer.json accordingly.

Setting up the SDK for use.

By default SDK is initialised for Juspay production account.

To setup PHP SDK for production account with default timeouts, use following code:


To setup PHP SDK for sandbox account with default timeouts, use following code:


To setup PHP SDK for production account with custom timeouts, use following code:


To setup PHP SDK for sandbox account with custom timeouts, use following code:


To setup PHP SDK with custom CA Certificate, use following code:

->withCACertificatePath("file path to ca certificate");

Using SDK

The input to all methods in SDK is an associative array and most of the methods will return the object of the corresponding class.


Adding a card to Juspay Locker:

$params = array ();
$params ['merchant_id'] = "merchantId";
$params ['customer_id'] = "customerId";
$params ['customer_email'] = "support@juspay.in";
$params ['card_number'] = "4111111111111111";
$params ['card_exp_year'] = "2018";
$params ['card_exp_month'] = "07";
$params ['name_on_card'] = "Juspay Technologies";
$params ['nickname'] = "ICICI VISA";
$card = Card::create ( $params );

Getting order status using JWT

Pass JuspayJWT in request option. JuspayJWT implements IJuspayJWT interface. IJuspayJWT has three methods consumePayload, preparePayload and Initialize (a factory method to initialize ISign and IEnc objects) along with three attributes array of keys, Sign of type ISign and Enc of type IEnc. JuspayJWT currently uses SignRSA5 which is a implementation of ISign interface and EncRSAOEAP which is a implementation of IEnc interface. Currently JuspayJWT class comes with the SDK. Implement IJuspayJWT to create custom JWT classes. JuspayJWT constructor accepts $keys and two kid as arguments.

With RequestOptions

$params = array ();
$params ['order_id'] = $this->order->orderId;
$keys = [];
$privateKey = file_get_contents("./tests/privateKey.pem");
$publicKey = file_get_contents("./tests/publicKey.pem");
$order = Order::encryptedOrderStatus($params, new RequestOptions(new JuspayJWT("testJwe", $publicKey, $privateKey)));

With JuspayEnvironment

$params = array ();
$params ['order_id'] = $this->order->orderId;
$keys = [];
$privateKey = file_get_contents("./tests/privateKey.pem");
$publicKey = file_get_contents("./tests/publicKey.pem");
JuspayEnvironment::init()->withJuspayJWT(new JuspayJWT("testJwe", $publicKey, $privateKey));
$order = Order::status($params, null);

Error Handling

use Juspay\Exception\AuthenticationException;
use Juspay\Exception\APIConnectionException;
use Juspay\Exception\APIException;
use Juspay\Exception\InvalidRequestException;
use Juspay\Exception\JuspayException;
use Juspay\Model\Order;
try {
$params = array ();
$params ['order_id'] = "order id";
$order = Order::status ( $params );
catch (APIConnectionException ex)
// Handle API connection exception
catch (APIException ex)
// Handle API exception
catch (AuthenticationException ex)
// Handle Authentication exception
catch (InvalidRequestException ex)
// Handle invalid request exception
catch (JuspayException ex)
// All above exception extends juspay exception
// Default exception handler

Sample Integration

use Juspay\JuspayEnvironment;
use Juspay\Model\Order;
use Juspay\Exception\JuspayException;
JuspayEnvironment::init ()
->withApiKey ("api key")
->withBaseUrl ("base url")
->withJuspay(new JuspayJWT($keys, "public key id");
try {

    // create order
    $orderId = uniqid ();
    $params = array ();
    $params ['order_id'] = $orderId;
    $params ['amount'] = 10000.0;
    $order = Order::create ( $params );
    $orderId = $order->orderId;

    // Get order
    $params = array ();
    $params ['order_id'] = $orderId;
    $order = Order::status ( $params );
    $status = $order->status; // verify status of the order ("NEW", "CHARGED"..)

    // update order
    $params = array ();
    $params ['amount'] = $order->amount + 100;
    $order = Order::update ( $params, $orderId );

    //Refund order
    $params = array ();
    $params ['order_id'] = $orderId;
    $params ['amount'] = 10;
    $params['unique_request_id'] = uniqid('php_sdk_test_');
    $order = Order::refund ( $params );
    $amountRefunded = $order->amountRefunded

catch (JuspayException $ex) {
    // Handle exception

## To Run Test

### PHP Version >=7.1 and <= 7.2
composer install --dev
./vendor/bin/phpunit tests -c ./phpunit-config-php7.xml

PHP Version > 7.2

composer install --dev
./vendor/bin/phpunit tests -c ./phpunit-config-php8.xml

PHP Version 5

./vendor/bin/phpunit tests -c ./phpunit-config-php7.xml

Note: Wallet test for authentication might fail due to OTP request limit