
A small collection of read/write for multiples cache systems using PSR-16

1.0.2 2024-03-05 20:20 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-16 01:29:21 UTC



A small collection of read/write functions for multiples cache systems


composer require juanchosl/simplecache


From faster to slower

  • Process: It's only valid for current request execution
  • Session: Only valid for a current user session
  • Memcached: If Memcached service is available
  • Memcache: If Memcached service is available
  • Redis: If Redis service is available
  • File: The most compatible system, file into filesystem, but slower

How use it

Use directly one of the available libs

For create a cache instance

use JuanchoSL\SimpleCache\Repositories\ProcessCache;

$cache = new ProcessCache($_ENV['CACHE_ENVIRONMENT']);

For write a cache index

The max time to expire is 30 days if you do not set a time

$result = $cache->set(string $cache_key, mixed $value, int $ttl = 0);

For read a cache index

$cache_value = $cache->get(string $cache_key);

For delete a cache index

$result = $cache->delete(string $cache_key);

For replace a cache index

$result = $cache->replace(string $cache_key, mixed $new_value);

For change the time to live of cache index

$result = $cache->touch(string $cache_key, int $new_ttl);

For increment a cache index numeric value

$result = $cache->increment(string $cache_key, int $numeric_increment, int $stating_value_if_not_exists = 0, int $ttl_if_not_exists = $max_ttl);

For decrement a cache index numeric value

$result = $cache->decrement(string $cache_key, int $numeric_decrement, int $stating_value_if_not_exists = 0, int $ttl_if_not_exists = $max_ttl);

Use the provided adapter for use with compatibility with PSR-16 Simple-Cache

Create a cache instance

use JuanchoSL\SimpleCache\Repositories\ProcessCache;
use JuanchoSL\SimpleCache\Adapters\SimpleCacheAdapter;

$lib = new ProcessCache($_ENV['CACHE_ENVIRONMENT']);
$cache = new SimpleCacheAdapter($lib);

write a cache index

The max time to expire is 30 days if you do not set a time

$result = $cache->set(string $cache_key, mixed $value, int $ttl = 0);

check availability for a cache index

$result = $cache->has(string $cache_key);

read a cache index

$cache_value = $cache->get(string $cache_key);

delete a cache index

$result = $cache->delete(string $cache_key);