
PHPStan baseline warnings generator for GitHub Actions

v0.4 2025-03-03 18:14 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-03 18:26:30 UTC


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TL;DR: Compare your PR's changed files with your PHPStan baseline, and let developers know they modified a file that has skipped errors, prompting them to fix them!

$ vendor/bin/phpstan-baseline-warnings src/Foo.php src/Bar.php src/Baz.php

::warning file=src/Foo.php,line=0,title=Found 3 errors that occur a total of 6 times:%0A- `#^Property Juampi92\\PhpstanBaselineWarnings\\Domain\\BaselineParser\:\:\$storage is never read, only written\.$#` : 3 times%0A- `#^Unsafe usage of new static\(\)\.$#` : 2 times
::warning file=src/Baz.php,line=0,title=Found 1 errors that occur a total of 2 times:%0A- `#^Unsafe usage of new static\(\)\.$#` : 2 times

It also comes avaialble as a github action!

Example of a PR with warnings

A Composer package that analyzes PHPStan baseline files and generates GitHub PR warning annotations for files with baseline-ignored errors. This helps teams maintain code quality by highlighting technical debt that's been temporarily suppressed through baselines whenever that file is modified.


You can install the package via composer, or directly using a github action (see below).

composer require --dev juampi92/phpstan-baseline-warnings


After installing, you can run the command to analyze specific files against your PHPStan baseline:

# Basic usage with default baseline path
vendor/bin/phpstan-baseline-warnings src/MyClass.php src/OtherClass.php

# Specify a custom baseline path and base directory
vendor/bin/phpstan-baseline-warnings \
    --baseline-path=tools/phpstan-baseline.neon \
    --base-dir=../ \
    src/Domain/Entity/Post.php \

The command will:

  1. Read your PHPStan baseline file (default: phpstan-baseline.neon)
  2. Check if the provided files have any baseline-ignored errors
  3. Generate GitHub-compatible warning annotations for those files


  • --baseline-path: Path to your PHPStan baseline file (default: ./phpstan-baseline.neon)
  • --base-dir: Base directory for resolving relative paths. Useful when your phpstan config is inside a sub-folder (default: ./)

GitHub Action

You can also use this tool as a GitHub Action in your workflows:

name: PHPStan Baseline Warnings

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v4

      - name: PHPStan Baseline Warnings
        uses: juampi92/phpstan-baseline-warnings@v0.4
          baseline-path: ./phpstan-baseline.neon
          base-dir: ./

This will analyze your PHPStan baseline file and create warning annotations in your GitHub repository.


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.


This package is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.