
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

A Symfony 3.4 LTS compatible Bundle for uploading payments from the bunq Bundle to YNAB

v1.0.1 2019-10-09 09:23 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-02-26 04:40:25 UTC


A Symfony 3.4 LTS compatible Bundle for uploading payments from the bunq Bundle to YNAB

Realtime connection between bunq and YNAB

Uses symfony-bunq-bundle to subscribe to bank account mutation events and creates transactions in YNAB.

More documentation coming soon, work in progress



I used to make this instructions an ubuntu machine from Amazon EC2.

Maybe you you need to change something to get it working.

Make sure you have SSH access to the machine you are trying to access. It will need a HTTPS web server with PHP installed (PHP-cli also). And you will need a DNS to allow Bunq to send you the notifications.


  1. Install apache + php;

    You can follow the instructions from:

  2. Enable HTTPS support:

    Create a new certificate and follow the instructions from:

  3. Create the symfony project that will hold the bundle:

    $ composer create-project symfony/framework-standard-edition bunq-ynab
  4. Require the bundle:

    $composer require jorijn/ynab-bunq-connector-bundle

    Maybe you will need to use --ignore-platform-reqs

  5. Configure the symfony installation

    Take care, maybe you will need to override some configuration and choose the best place to put it. Below the list of files that need to be updated and the key=>values.

    1. /app/config/services.yml

          router.request_context.scheme: 'https'
    2. /app/config/routing.yml

          path:     /bunq/callback
          defaults: { _controller: JorijnSymfonyBunqBundle:Bunq:callback }
    3. /app/config/config.yml

              bunq_account_id:      **change_me**
              ynab_budget_id:       **change_me**
              ynab_account_id:      **change_me**
          api_key: **change_me**
  6. Enable the symfony bundles:

    /app/AppKernel.php :

    //Inside the method registerBundles() of the class AppKernel:
        $bundles[] = new \Jorijn\SymfonyBunqBundle\JorijnSymfonyBunqBundle;
        $bundles[] = new \Jorijn\YNAB\BunqConnectorBundle\JorijnYNABBunqConnectorBundle;
  7. Run the bin/console commands to configure the bunq connector:

    This first command you will have to inform the API key (get it into the Bunq app);

    <project>$ php bin/console bunq:initialize

    Set the callback url for bunq

    <project>$ php bin/console bunq:callback-url

    You can see other availables commands by running:

    <project>$ php bin/console list
  8. Done!