
Render buienradar tile on your dashboard

1.0.3 2023-06-26 20:00 UTC


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This tile adds support to show buienradar widgets on your dashboard

This tile can be used on [the Laravel Dashboard](


You can install the package via composer:

composer require joeri-abbo/laravel-dashboard-buienradar-tile


In your dashboard view you use the livewire:buienradar component. There are 3 variants of the widget.

  • The first one is global overview of the netherlands.
  • the second one is a overview oth the netherlands with a overview of the predicted weather.
  • And the third one supports a map with a focus point. Based on lng and lat it shows the map. Optinal parameter is zoom for the zoom value. This int is default set to 8
    <livewire:buienradar position="a1" type="{{\JoeriAbbo\Buienradar\BuienradarServiceProvider::TYPE_IMAGE}}"/>
    <livewire:buienradar position="b1" type="{{\JoeriAbbo\Buienradar\BuienradarServiceProvider::TYPE_OVERVIEW}}"/>
    <livewire:buienradar position="c1" lat="51.84437" lng="4.16303"


composer test


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The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.