
A SF2 bundle to register parameters from database to container

1.0.1 2014-10-28 09:21 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-25 04:47:47 UTC


Symfony 2 allow you to access your parameters in a file, but what if you need it from a database ? This bundle will create all keys before any other load.

You can also load a bunch of parameters from a specific namespace from an apache vhost environment var

1- Install

Add plugin to your composer.json require:

    "require": {
        "jihel/dynamic-parameter-bundle": "dev-master",


php composer.phar require jihel/dynamic-parameter-bundle

Update your AppKernel.php by using the Kernel class provided by the bundle, and register it

use Jihel\Plugin\DynamicParameterBundle\HttpKernel\Kernel;


public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = array(
        new Jihel\Plugin\DynamicParameterBundle\JihelPluginDynamicParameterBundle(),

Add to your parameter.yml:

    jihel.plugin.dynamic_parameter.table_prefix: whatever # can be '' for no prefix, will be 'jihel_' by default

Install database table:

php app/console doctrine:schema:update


You can define some namespaces keys to load from you vhost configuration.

The is two keys:


You can specify multiple namespaces with a comma separator. The request is associative as you can specify both allowed and denied namespaces.


<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName      Symfony2
    DocumentRoot    "/path/to/symfony_2_app/web"
    DirectoryIndex  index.php index.html

    <Directory "/path/to/symfony_2_app/web">
        AllowOverride All
        Allow from All

2- Configure cache management

    jihel.plugin.dynamic_parameter.dynamic_parameter_cache: ['env'|true|false]

The 'env' value will use the cache only in production environment true will enable it anytime.

3- Usage

Add parameters keys to you database. You can create a crud of your own but a default one is present, to enable it just add the route to your routing.yml file:

    resource: '@JihelPluginDynamicParameterBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml'
    prefix: /jihel

You will only see the keys visible in your namespace and with the column isEditable to true

*/!\ You have to clean the cache when you update the keys directly from database /!* If you use a back end / front end logic with two separated cache, you have to use the command to cleanup after each modifications :

php app/console jihel:parameter:purge-cache

The keys will be invalidate automatically (in the current cache) if you use the controller provided. Else you will have to use the service jihel.plugin.dynamic_parameter.loader.parameter and jihel.plugin.dynamic_parameter.cache.parameter like this:

/** @var \Jihel\Plugin\DynamicParameterBundle\DependencyInjection\Loader\ParameterLoader $parameterLoader */
$parameterLoader = $this->get('jihel.plugin.dynamic_parameter.loader.parameter');
$dynamicParameters = $parameterLoader->load(true);

/** @var \Jihel\Plugin\DynamicParameterBundle\DependencyInjection\Cache\ParameterCache $parameterCache */
$parameterCache = $this->get('jihel.plugin.dynamic_parameter.cache.parameter');
$parameterCache->createCache($dynamicParameters, true);

4- Note

Obviously if you load multiple keys with the same name, only one will be registered ... Beware of the location where you are executing the key add, you may have to clear the cache manually if you use a back / front app separation, so be carefull.

5 - Important !

You have to know that the environment parameters in vhost will no longer be cached, or at least, everywhere but in the service definition (yeah I know ...).

Symfony2 replace the parameter keys by their raw values in cache. Because of this you can't use dynamic parameters in the dependencie injection system if you share the source code between project. A workaround for environment vars is provided with the service jihel.plugin.dynamic_parameter.loader.environment.

To use them anyway a possible workaround is to inject the service container (yeah I know ... Again ...) directly in you service instead of only the key.

I'd like to change the way it's done but rewriting the PhpDumper completely may not be a clean solution. So as usual with those damn private and not protected functions (and you know there is a lot in SF2 ...), deal with it, inject the container but discard it just after usage like this.

public function __construct(Container $container)
    $this->myDynamicParameter = $container->getParameter('jihel.dynamic.myDynamic');

You also might experience some issues with the cache management (shared templates etc), as a simple workaround you can create a cache directory for each domain.

 * {@inheritdoc}
 * @api
public function getCacheDir()
    if (!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) {
        return $this->rootDir.'/../var/cache/'.$this->environment;

    $dir = $this->rootDir.'/../var/cache/'.$this->sanitiseDomainName($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
    if (!is_dir($dir)) {
        mkdir($dir, 0777, true);

    return $dir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$this->environment;

 * Remove all subdomain in the name
 * @param string $name
 * @return string
public function sanitiseDomainName($name)
    $exp = explode('.', $name);
    $length = $exp[count($exp)-1] === 'pp' ? -3 : -2;
    return strtolower(implode('.', array_splice($exp, $length)));


  • Quick workaround


  • No cache warmup
  • Inode consumption

6- Thanks

Thanks to me for giving my free time doing class for lazy developers. You can access read CV here