
This package provides a easy way to synchronize database structure to laravel

0.1.0 2016-12-03 08:49 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-02 04:17:15 UTC


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This tool provide an easy way to synchronize database structure including tables, views, functions, procedures for Laravel 5.


  1. In order to install mysql-syncer, just add

to your composer.json. Then run composer install or composer update.

  1. In your config/app.php add


If you want to customize the base path of the sql file, please copy src/config.php to laravel project config directory, rename it to msyncer.php

return [

    'sql_path' => './', // sql file base path where MySQL-Syncer is looking for.

    'driver' => 'mysql', // connection driver, currently only supports MySQL.


run the command in console:

    # php artisan db:sync --drop <file>


  • file: The file path of the sql file, without .sql extension


  • --drop: allow drop columns, keys


Grant select privilege on mysql.func and mysql.proc to make sure the tools can fetch the definition of functions & procedure.


mysql-syncer is free software distributed under the terms of the MIT license.

Contribution guidelines

Support follows PSR-1 and PSR-4 PHP coding standards, and semantic versioning.

Please report any issue you find in the issues page. Pull requests are welcome.