
PayTabs driver for the Omnipay payment processing library

dev-master / 2.0.x-dev 2018-05-25 15:04 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-06 10:22:46 UTC


PayTabs driver for the Omnipay PHP payment processing library

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Omnipay is a framework agnostic, multi-gateway payment processing library for PHP 5.3+. This package implements PayTabs support for Omnipay.


Omnipay is installed via Composer. To install, simply add it to your composer.json file:

    "require": {
        "jestillore/omnipay-paytabs": "~2.0"

And run composer to update your dependencies:

$ curl -s | php
$ php composer.phar update

Basic Usage

The following gateways are provided by this package:

  • PayTabs

Create a Gateway instance:

$gateway = Omnipay::create('PayTabs');

Validate Secret Key:

$response = $gateway->validateSecretKey()->send();
if ($response->isSuccessful())
    // secret key valid
    // secret key invalid


$card = new CreditCard(array(
	'firstName' => 'John',
	'lastName' => 'doe',
	'address1' => 'Address One',
	'address2' => 'Address Two',
	'city' => 'Sampe City',
	'postCode' => '1234',
	'state' => '', // When the country is selected as USA or CANADA, the statfield should contain a string of 2 characters containing the ISO state code otherwise the payments may be rejected. For other countries, the state can be a string of up to 32 characters.
	'country' => 'PHL', // 3 characters ISO code
	'phone' => '639123456789',
	'email' => ''

$items = new ItemBag();

$item1 = new Item(array(
	'name' => 'One',
	'price' => 10,
	'quantity' => 2

$item2 = new Item(array(
	'name' => 'Two',
	'price' => 20,
	'quantity' => 3


$purchase = $gateway->purchase(array(
	'card' => $card,
	'amount' => '80.00',
	'currency' => 'PHP',
	'transactionId' => '123456789',
	'clientIp' => '',
	'returnUrl' => '',
	'title' => 'Bill',
	'items' => $items

$data = $purchase->getData();

// other_charges and discount fields are required
$data['other_charges'] = '0';
$data['discount'] = '0';

$response = $purchase->sendData($data);

if ($response->isSuccessful())
	// always returns false since PayTabs is an off-site gateway
else if ($response->isRedirect())
    // always returns false since PayTabs is an off-site gateway
	// paypage is not created

Create Recurring Pay Page:

// You need to pass all the same parameters used for create pay page, in addition to the following fields

$data = $purchase->getData();

// set is recurrence to true
$data['is_recurrence_payments'] = 'TRUE';

// Start date on which this recurrence should start with the format DD/MM/YYYY. Date must be a future date.
$data['recurrence_start_date'] = '24/04/2015';

// Frequency is how many times you want to bill your customer. Maximum number of allowed recurrences is 24
$data['recurrence_frequency'] = '4';

// What billing cycle you are going to use (monthly , weekly, daily, yearly)
$data['recurrence_billing_cycle'] = 'monthly';

$response = $purchase->sendData($data);

if ($response->isSuccessful())
	// always returns false since PayTabs is an off-site gateway
else if ($response->isRedirect())
    // always returns false since PayTabs is an off-site gateway
	// paypage is not created

Create Tokenization Profile for Customers:

// You need to pass all the same parameters used for create pay page, in addition to the following fields

$data = $purchase->getData();

// set is tokenization to true
$data['is_tokenization'] = 'TRUE';

// FALSE: If you want to create an existing token
// TRUE: If you want to use an existing token for a returning
$data['is_existing_customer'] = 'FALSE';

// This pt_token is received in the API post response after completing the payment; it will be redirected to return_url. While returning back to that URL, iwill send a POST request to that page.
$data['pt_token'] = 'R7ANsPK1q91fv5QObmQ3';

// The customer email linked to the tokenization profile used, by default when the profile is created at the first successful payment, it will use customer_email value sent in the API to link it to the token.
$data['pt_customer_email'] = '';

// This pt_ customer_password is received in the API post response after completing the payment; it will be redirected to return_url. While returning back to that URL, it will send a POST request to that page.
$data['pt_customer_password'] = '1q91fv5QOb';

$response = $purchase->sendData($data);

if ($response->isSuccessful())
	// always returns false since PayTabs is an off-site gateway
else if ($response->isRedirect())
    // always returns false since PayTabs is an off-site gateway
	// paypage is not created

Verify Payment:

$transactionReference = $_POST['payment_reference'];
$purchase = $gateway->completePurchase(array(
	'transactionReference' => $transactionReference,
$response = $purchase->send();
if ($response->isSuccessful())
	// payment is sucessful
	// paypage failed

For general usage instructions, please see the main Omnipay repository.


If you are having general issues with Omnipay, we suggest posting on Stack Overflow. Be sure to add the omnipay tag so it can be easily found.

If you want to keep up to date with release anouncements, discuss ideas for the project, or ask more detailed questions, there is also a mailing list which you can subscribe to.

If you believe you have found a bug, please report it using the GitHub issue tracker, or better yet, fork the library and submit a pull request.