
a package for Laravel Auth, performing crud operations on users

v1.2 2020-08-30 15:43 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-29 05:36:27 UTC


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This package provides a CRUD(create read update delete) interface, extending the laravel/ui auth package. Cooked up with Livewire and a Dash of turbolinks. Get started right away with our quickstart guide or go to the documentation section for more in depth information.

Checkout the official site Crudwire.be

Crudwire was built thanks to the following technologies.

some screenshots:

alt text alt text


Let's get this party started!

This is a quickstart guide, please check documentation for more in depth information.

Install Laravel authentication

composer require laravel/ui

php artisan ui vue --auth

Migrate database.

Install Turbolinks

Install Turbolinks on your Laravel app.

npm install turbolinks

Add Turbolinks to your app.js below bootstrap.js.

    var Turbolinks = require("turbolinks")

Add data-turbolinks-track attribute to your script/css tags. Make sure to check this happens on every page layouts.app.

      <script defer src="{{ mix('js/app.js') }}" data-turbolinks-track="true" ></script>

      <link href="{{mix('css/app.css')}}" rel="stylesheet" data-turbolinks-track="true">

Please check that your app.js is loaded on every page.

Install Crudwire

composer require janmoo/crudwire

npm install && npm run dev

npm install && npm run dev

All set and ready to go.


Table of contents

  1. installation
    1. Install Laravel authentication
    2. Install Turbolinks
    3. Install Crudwire
  2. Configuration options
    1. Publishing the configuration file
    2. routes
    3. Adding AUTH to the middleware
    4. Changing the pagination
    5. Change which columns are displayed in the user overview
  3. Extending and customizing this package
    1. Changing the validation rules
    2. Adding input elements to the create and update view
    3. Customizing the Crudwire Views

1 Installation

Turbolinks.js and Laravel authentication must be installed to use Crudwire.

This package uses Bootstrap.

1.1 Install Laravel authentication

Install Laravel authentication on your app.

composer require laravel/ui

php artisan ui vue --auth

Migrate database.

1.2 Install Turbolinks

Install Turbolinks on your laravel app.

npm install turbolinks

Add Turbolinks to your app.js below bootstrap.js.

var Turbolinks = require("turbolinks")

Add data-turbolinks-track attribute to your script/css tags. Make sure to check this happens on every page (layouts.app).

  <script defer src="{{ mix('js/app.js') }}" data-turbolinks-track="true" ></script>

  <link href="{{mix('css/app.css')}}" rel="stylesheet" data-turbolinks-track="true">

Plese check that your app.js is loaded on every page.

1.3 Install Crudwire

Now you can install Crudwire.

composer require janmoo/crudwire

Don't forget to run:

npm install && npm run dev

Now you can run php artisan serve, and visit localhost/crudwire/user.

2 Configuration options

2.1 Publishing the configuration file

To change the configuration options you must publish the configuration file, this can be done with the command below.

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="crudwire.config"

2.2 Routes

By default crudwire is configured to be served on the route yourwebsite.example/crudwire/user. This prefix can be changed by publishing the config.

Now you can add an ENV variable to the .ENV``CRUDWIRE_PREFIX.

e.g: CRUDWIRE_PREFIX=happy => yourwebsite.example/happy is where you will find the user overview.

The routes used by Crudwire are the following:

All of these routes use the CruwireUsersController.php.

2.3 Adding AUTH to the middleware

CRUDWIRE_MIDDLEWARE can be added to the .ENV. This array contains all the middleware used by Crudwire routes, Crudwire uses the middleware 'web', make sure this is always present.

2.4 The layouts used by Crudwire

To change the layout used by Crudwire. You should add CRUDWIRE_LAYOUT to the .ENV file. This variable defines the layout which crudwire uses to extend and display views. By default this is set to crudwire::layouts.base. Please don't forget to add the livewire directives @@livewireStyles and @@livewireScripts to your own layout. Add turbolinks.js and make sure your layout has a @@section('content')

2.4 Changing the pagination

By adding the CRUDWIRE_PAGINATION variable to the .ENV file, you can change the default pagination which is set to 10. The value given to the variable should be a non negative integer.

2.5 Change which columns are displayed in the user overview

By adding the CRUDWIRE_DONT_DISPLAY variable to the .ENV. This is an array containing the columnnames of the columns you wish not to display. The Default values are ["password","remebertoken"].

3 Extending and customizing this package

Please note that virtual columns are not supported yet.

3.1 Changing the validation rules

When the config file is published, you will find that it contains two arrays with validation rules.

  • validation_rules_create_new_user: to validate newly created users.
  • `validation_rules_update_user`: to validate updated user's info.

These arrays should be customized to reflect changes made to the $user model or migration. Crudwire is configured to display all fields that are $fillable.

3.2 Adding input elements to the create and update view

In the config file app/config/crudwire.php, you will find an array crudwire_form_inputs, add the name of your blade components $value with a $key equal to the columnname to this array. An example of an input blade component can be found in resources/views/vendor/crudwire/form/inputs.

e.g.: Blade component name equal to form.input.name and DB columnname equal to name.

'crudwire_form_inputs'                  => ['name'    => 'form.inputs.name'],

3.3 Customizing the Crudwire Views

To customize the Crudwire Views, you should first publish them. This should be done with the following command.

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="crudwire.views"

Once you have used the vendor:publish command you will find the views resources/views/vendor/crudwire. When customized Laravel will detect changes and use the customized view automatically.