jacmoe / template-mthaml
A PhileCMS plugin that provides a Mthaml (Multi target HAML) template parser
This package's canonical repository appears to be gone and the package has been frozen as a result.
- mthaml/mthaml: ^1.7
- phile-cms/phile: >=1
- phile-cms/plugin-installer-plugin: >=1
A PhileCMS plugin that provides a Mthaml (Multi target HAML) template parser.
What is MtHaml?
MtHaml is a PHP implementation of the HAML language which can target multiple languages.
Currently supported targets are PHP and Twig, and new ones can be added easily.
This plugin uses the Twig target and allows us to write our template in HAML with Twig tags (instead of Ruby tags)
With composer
composer require jacmoe/template-mthaml
- Install Phile
- Clone this repo into plugins/jacmoe/templateMthaml
After you have installed the plugin. You need to add the following line to your config.php file:
$config['plugins']['jacmoe\\templateMthaml'] = array('active' => true);
You need to turn off the default template Phile parser:
$config['plugins']['phile\\templateTwig'] = array('active' => false);
How to use the plugin
Once installed, this plugin now renders any haml files in your theme directory.
Template extension
You can change the default template extension (.haml) in the plugin configuration, but then you need to insert the following code at the start of each of your template files:
{% haml %}
You don't need that tag when your are using .haml files.
Example template
There is an example index.haml file in the [plugin]/example
Usage examples
- for user in users
= user.name
Email: #{user.email}
%a(href=user.url) Home page
<ul id="users">
{% for user in users %}
<li class="user">
{{ user.name }}
Email: {{ user.email }}
<a href="{{ user.url }}">Home page</a>
{% endfor %}
Here is the example template:
%meta(charset="#{ config.charset }")
%base(href="#{ base_url }")
-if meta.title
-if meta.description
%meta(name="description" content="#{ meta.description }")
-if meta.robots
%meta(name="robots" content="#{ meta.robots }")
%meta(property="og:type" content="article")
%meta(property="og:title" content="#{ current_page.title } | #{ site_title }")
%meta(property="og:description" content="#{ meta.description }")
%meta(property="og:url" content="#{ current_page.url }")
%meta(property="og:site_name" content="#{ site_title }")
%link(rel="stylesheet" href="#{ theme_url }/css/style.css")
%link(rel="stylesheet" href="#{ theme_url }/css/tomorrow-night.css")
%a(href="#{ base_url }") = site_title
-for page in pages
%a(href="#{ page.url }") = page.title
%a(href="https://github.com/PhileCMS/Phile") Phile
was made by
%a(href="https://github.com/PhileCMS") The PhileCMS Community
%script(src="#{ theme_url }/js/highlight.js")
Cleaner than regular twig templates, eh?
While the main template files have to be in MtHaml (.haml) you can include your 'old' .html partial templates, like this:
- include 'header.html'
Any Twig markup is processed by the engine, and that means that you can incrementally upgrade your theme to be using MtHaml.
If you want a full-fledged example, then check out the haml template files here: Jacmoes Cyber Soapbox Mercurial Repository