
Integerate Symfony Workflow component into laravel Trident.

v0.1.0.1 2020-04-09 19:58 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-10 06:43:42 UTC


Use the Symfony Workflow component in Laravel.


composer require j0hnys/trident-workflow

Add the Workflow facade to your facades array:

    'Workflow' => J0hnys\TridentWorkflow\Facades\WorkflowFacade::class,


Publish the config file

    php artisan vendor:publish --provider="J0hnys\TridentWorkflow\WorkflowServiceProvider"

Configure your workflow in config/workflow.php


return [
    'straight'   => [
        'type'          => 'workflow',
        'marking_store' => [
            'type'      => 'single_state',
            'arguments' => ['currentPlace']
        'supports'      => ['App\BlogPost'],
        'places'        => ['draft', 'review', 'rejected', 'published'],
        'transitions'   => [
            'to_review' => [
                'from' => 'draft',
                'to'   => 'review'
            'publish' => [
                'from' => 'review',
                'to'   => 'published'
            'reject' => [
                'from' => 'review',
                'to'   => 'rejected'

Use the WorkflowTrait inside supported classes


namespace App;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use J0hnys\TridentWorkflow\Traits\WorkflowTrait;

class BlogPost extends Model
  use WorkflowTrait;




use App\BlogPost;
use J0hnys\TridentWorkflow\WorkflowRegistry;

$workflow_name = 'straight';
$configuration = config('workflow')[$workflow_name];

$workflow_configuration = app()->make('J0hnys\TridentWorkflow\PackageProviders\Configuration');
$workflow_configuration->setWorkflow($workflow_name, $configuration);
$workflow_registry = new WorkflowRegistry($workflow_name);

$post = BlogPost::find(1);
$workflow = $workflow_registry->get($post);

$workflow->can($post, 'publish'); // False
$workflow->can($post, 'to_review'); // True
$transitions = $workflow->getEnabledTransitions($post);

// Apply a transition
$workflow->apply($post, 'to_review');
$post->save(); // Don't forget to persist the state

Use the events

This package provides a list of events fired during a transition


You can subscribe to an event


namespace App\Listeners;

use J0hnys\TridentWorkflow\Events\GuardEvent;

class BlogPostWorkflowSubscriber
     * Handle workflow guard events.
    public function onGuard(GuardEvent $event) {
        /** Symfony\Component\Workflow\Event\GuardEvent */
        $originalEvent = $event->getOriginalEvent();

        /** @var App\BlogPost $post */
        $post = $originalEvent->getSubject();
        $title = $post->title;

        if (empty($title)) {
            // Posts with no title should not be allowed

     * Handle workflow leave event.
    public function onLeave($event) {}

     * Handle workflow transition event.
    public function onTransition($event) {}

     * Handle workflow enter event.
    public function onEnter($event) {}

     * Handle workflow entered event.
    public function onEntered($event) {}

     * Register the listeners for the subscriber.
     * @param  Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher  $events
    public function subscribe($events)






Dump Workflows

Symfony workflow uses GraphvizDumper to create the workflow image. You may need to install the dot command of Graphviz

php artisan workflow:dump workflow_name --class App\\BlogPost

You can change the image format with the --format option. By default the format is png.

php artisan workflow:dump workflow_name --format=jpg