HTML tag and attributes generator in PHP

1.2.0 2020-03-06 10:42 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-06 22:07:44 UTC


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PHP HTML handler the OOP way

Table Of Contents


The best way to use this package is through Composer:

composer require italystrap/html

Basic Usage

Attributes Class

use ItalyStrap\HTML\AttributesInterface;

$sut = new AttributesInterface();

$sut->add( 'context', [
    'class'	=> 'color-primary',
    'id'	=> 'unique_id',
] );

// ' class="color-primary" id="unique_id"'
echo $sut->render( 'context' );

$sut->add( 'another_context', [
    'class'	=> '', // This will be skipped because empty
    'attr1'	=> null, // This will be skipped because null
    'attr2'	=> false, // This will be skipped because false
    'attr3'	=> 0, // This will be skipped because 0 is also false
    'id'	=> 'unique_id',
] );
// ' id="unique_id"'
echo $sut->render( 'another_context' );

Attributes can be also used with the get_attr() and get_attr_e() helpers functions under the same namespece.

use function ItalyStrap\HTML\{get_attr, get_attr_e};

// Return ' class="someClass"'
$attr = get_attr( 'context', ['class' => 'someClass'] );

// Echo ' class="someClass"'
get_attr_e( 'context', ['class' => 'someClass'] );


Build list of attributes into a string and apply contextual filter on string:

use function ItalyStrap\HTML\{get_attr, get_attr_e};

$attr = [
	'id'	=> 'unique_id',
	'class'	=> 'some_class',

$output = get_attr( $context, $attr, false );

// id="unique_id" class="some_class"



<span<?php get_attr_e( $context, $attr, true ) ?>>Title</span>
// <span id="unique_id" class="some_class">Title</span>
use function ItalyStrap\HTML\{open_tag, close_tag, open_tag_e, close_tag_e};

\ItalyStrap\HTML\Tag::$is_debug = false; // If you don't want tu print debug comments
$open = \ItalyStrap\HTML\open_tag( 'test', 'div', [ 'class' => 'btn-primary' ] );
$this->assertStringContainsString( '<div class="btn-primary">', $open, '' );
$closed = \ItalyStrap\HTML\close_tag( 'test' );
$this->assertStringContainsString( '</div>', $closed, '' );

\ItalyStrap\HTML\Tag::$is_debug = false;
\ItalyStrap\HTML\open_tag_e( 'test', 'div', [ 'class' => 'btn-primary' ] );
echo 'Content';
\ItalyStrap\HTML\close_tag_e( 'test' );

$this->expectOutputString( '<div class="btn-primary">Content</div>' );

Tag Class

use ItalyStrap\HTML\{Tag,AttributesInterface};

Tag::$is_debug = true; // This will print comment <! some comment> around the output for debugging, you can see it with ctrl + u key in the browser
$sut = new Tag( new AttributesInterface() );

// <div class="someClass">Some content inside HTML div tags</div>
echo $sut->open( 'some_context', 'div', [ 'class' => 'someClass' ] );
echo 'Some content inside HTML div tags';
echo $sut->close( 'some_context' );

// <input type="text"/>
echo $sut->void( 'some_other_context', 'input', [ 'type' => 'text' ] );


use ItalyStrap\HTML\{Tag,AttributesInterface};

$context = 'some_context';

\add_filter("italystrap_{$context}_tag", function( string $tag, string $context, Tag $obj) {
    // Do some staff with $tag
    $new_tag = 'span';
    return $new_tag;
}, 10, 3);

$sut = new Tag( new AttributesInterface() );
echo $sut->open( 'some_context', 'div', [ 'class' => 'someClass' ] );
echo 'Some content inside HTML div tags';
echo $sut->close( 'some_context' );

// <span class="someClass">Some content inside HTML div tags</span>

Advanced Usage

See in tests folder for more advance usage.


All feedback / bug reports / pull requests are welcome.


Copyright (c) 2019 Enea Overclokk, ItalyStrap

This code is licensed under the MIT.

