
Laravel Package for Maya SDK

v1.0.1 2023-08-14 09:56 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-14 12:24:11 UTC



Laravel Maya SDK

Laravel Package that will handle the Maya Payments / Checkout and other Maya API

Request Feature

Downloads Contributors Issues License: MIT Laravel

Table Of Contents

What It Does

This package allows you manage your customer checkouts, webhooks, and other payments using Maya API.

Supported Features:

  • Checkout
  • Wallet
    • Create Single Payment
  • Webhooks
  • Customizations

Next Release:

  • Payment Transactions
  • Card Payment Vault
  • Wallet
  • QR

Getting Started

This is how you can install or use the library.


  1. Install Maya Payment to your Laravel Application
  composer require iss/laravel-maya-sdk
  1. Publish the configuration
  php artisan vendor:publish --tag=maya
  1. In your config/maya.php, add your public_key and private_key from your PayMaya account.


return [
    "public_key" => env('MAYA_PUBLIC_KEY', ""),
    "private_key" => env('MAYA_PRIVATE_KEY', ""),

   // other configurations...


Integrate to your Laravel Application.

Adding an Item

use Iss\LaravelMayaSdk\Facades\Maya;

$itemService = Maya::item();
    "amount" => [
        "value" => 1200
    "totalAmount" => [
        "value" => 1200
    "name" => "Shoes",
    "code" => "SHOE-1",
    "description" => "Nike Shoes",
    "quantity" => "1"

Calculating the total amount, discounts, shipping fee and other charges

use Iss\LaravelMayaSdk\Facades\Maya;

You need to pass the Maya::item()->getItems() to calculate the total amount.

$itemService = Maya::item();
$totalAmountService = Maya::totalAmount();



$totalAmountService = Maya::totalAmount();


To get the totalAmount object you can call the get() method:

return $totalAmountService->get();


    "currency" => "PHP",
    "value" => 1649.95, // float
    "details" => [
        "discount" => "0.05",
        "serviceCharge" => "100",
        "shippingFee" => "250",
        "tax" => "100",
        "subtotal" => "1200"

Customer Shipping Address

use Iss\LaravelMayaSdk\Facades\Maya;

$shippingService = Maya::shippingAddress();
$shippingService->setFirstName('Test First Name')
    ->setLastName('Test Last Name')
    ->setCity('Test City')
    ->setLine1('Test Line 1')
    ->setLine2('Test Line 2')
    ->setState('Test State')

Customer Billing Address

use Iss\LaravelMayaSdk\Facades\Maya;

$billingService = Maya::billingAddress();
$billingService->setLine1('Test Line 1');
$billingService->setLine2('Test Line  2');
$billingService->setCity('Test City');
$billingService->setState('Test State');

Buyer's Details

use Iss\LaravelMayaSdk\Facades\Maya;

$buyerService = Maya::buyer();

To add shipping / billing address to the buyer, you can use this:

For shipping address:


For billing address:


Redirect URLs

You can use route name from your web.php or api.php file or use static URL with parameters.

The $custom_uuid is from your order's table or any reference ID from your application.

use Iss\LaravelMayaSdk\Facades\Maya;

$redirectService = Maya::redirect();
$redirectService->setCancel(route('checkout.cancel') . '?id=' . $custom_uuid);
$redirectService->setFailure(route('checkout.failure') . '?id=' . $custom_uuid);
$redirectService->setSuccess(route('checkout.success') . '?id=' . $custom_uuid);


Build body request for your checkout based on our created objects above.

$parameters = [
    "totalAmount" => Maya::totalAmount()->get(),
    "items" => Maya::item()->getItems(),
    "buyer" => Maya::buyer()->get(),
    "redirectUrl" => Maya::redirect()->getRedirectUrls(),
    "requestReferenceNumber" => $custom_uuid

$checkoutService = Maya::checkout();
return $checkoutService->checkout($parameters);

Array Response from Maya Checkout Request:

  "data" => [
    'checkoutId' => '',
    'redirectUrl' => ''
  "code" => 200,
  "message" => "success",

Webhooks Management

Use the MayaWebhook by injecting the facade to your application and to be able to manage your webhooks.

use Iss\LaravelMayaSdk\Facades\Maya;

Get All Webhooks

return Maya::webhook()->get();


  "data" => [
        "id": "7549dd53-38fb-49b9-9ad8-af6223937e92",
        "name": "PAYMENT_FAILED",
        "callbackUrl": "",
        "createdAt": "2023-04-24T06:57:35.000Z",
        "updatedAt": "2023-04-24T06:57:35.000Z"
        "id": "e63c832b-e9dc-426e-831f-6756bbd33bbc",
        "name": "PAYMENT_EXPIRED",
        "callbackUrl": "",
        "createdAt": "2023-04-24T06:57:30.000Z",
        "updatedAt": "2023-04-24T06:57:30.000Z"
  "code" => 200,
  "message" => "success",

Create New Webhook

The supported events that you can pass through for method are the following:


Pass the URL parameter on create() method.

return Maya::webhook()->for("PAYMENT_SUCCESS")->create('');


  "data" => [
    "id" => "98397531-e6cd-4c5c-ba6c-089546098989",
    "name" => "PAYMENT_SUCCESS",
    "callbackUrl" => "",
    "createdAt" => "2023-05-07T05:28:27.000Z",
    "updatedAt" => "2023-05-07T05:28:27.000Z"
  "code" => 200,
  "message" => "success",

Get Webhook

Pass the ID of the webhook

return Maya::webhook()->getById('98397531-e6cd-4c5c-ba6c-089546098989');


  "data" => [
    "id" => "98397531-e6cd-4c5c-ba6c-089546098989",
    "name" => "PAYMENT_SUCCESS",
    "callbackUrl" => "",
    "createdAt" => "2023-05-07T05:28:27.000Z",
    "updatedAt" => "2023-05-07T05:28:27.000Z"
  "code" => 200,
  "message" => "success",

Update Webhook

Pass the ID of the webhook that you want update and the new URL. The first parameter will be the ID of the webhook and the second parameter will be the new URL.

return Maya::webhook()->update('98397531-e6cd-4c5c-ba6c-089546098989', ''); 


  "data" => [
    "id" => "98397531-e6cd-4c5c-ba6c-089546098989",
    "name" => "PAYMENT_SUCCESS",
    "callbackUrl" => "",
    "createdAt" => "2023-05-07T05:28:27.000Z",
    "updatedAt" => "2023-05-07T05:28:27.000Z"
  "code" => 200,
  "message" => "success",

Delete Webhook

Pass the ID of the webhook that you want to delete.

return Maya::webhook()->delete('98397531-e6cd-4c5c-ba6c-089546098989'); 


  "data" => [
    "id" => "98397531-e6cd-4c5c-ba6c-089546098989",
    "name" => "PAYMENT_SUCCESS",
    "callbackUrl" => "",
    "createdAt" => "2023-05-07T05:28:27.000Z",
    "updatedAt" => "2023-05-07T05:28:27.000Z"
  "code" => 200,
  "message" => "success",


Use the MayaCustomization by injecting the facade to your application.

use Iss\LaravelMayaSdk\Facades\Maya;

Set Customization

Set your LogoUrl, IconUrl, AppleTouchIconUrl, CustomTitle and ColorScheme. These are the required fields.

Helper functions:

  • hideReceipt() or showReceipt() - Indicates if the merchant does not allow its payers to freely send transaction receipts.
  • skipResultPage() or doNotSkipResultPage() - Indicates if the merchant does not want to show the payment result page. When skipped, the payment page redirects immediately to the merchant's redirect URL.
  • showMerchantName() or hideMerchantName() - Indicates if the merchant name on the result page is displayed.
return Maya::customization()->setLogoUrl("")
        ->setCustomTitle("Merchant Store")


  "data" => [
    "logoUrl" => "",
    "iconUrl" => "",
    "appleTouchIconUrl" => "",
    "customTitle" => "Merchant Store",
    "colorScheme" => "#85c133",
    "redirectTimer" => 10,
    "hideReceiptInput" => false,
    "skipResultPage" => true,
    "showMerchantName" => true
  "code" => 200,
  "message" => "success",

Get Customization

return Maya::customization()->get();


  "data" => [
    "logoUrl" => "",
    "iconUrl" => "",
    "appleTouchIconUrl" => "",
    "customTitle" => "Merchant Store",
    "colorScheme" => "#85c133",
    "redirectTimer" => 10,
    "hideReceiptInput" => false,
    "skipResultPage" => true,
    "showMerchantName" => true
  "code" => 200,
  "message" => "success",

Delete Customization

return Maya::customization()->delete();


// Blank Response


See the open issues for a list of proposed features (and known issues).


Contributions are welcome and will be fully credited.

Please read and understand the contribution guide before creating an issue or pull request.


This project is open source, and as such, the maintainers give their free time to build and maintain the source code held within. They make the code freely available in the hope that it will be of use to other developers. It would be extremely unfair for them to suffer abuse or anger for their hard work.

Please be considerate towards maintainers when raising issues or presenting pull requests. Let's show the world that developers are civilized and selfless people.

It's the duty of the maintainer to ensure that all submissions to the project are of sufficient quality to benefit the project. Many developers have different skillsets, strengths, and weaknesses. Respect the maintainer's decision, and do not be upset or abusive if your submission is not used.


When requesting or submitting new features, first consider whether it might be useful to others. Open source projects are used by many developers, who may have entirely different needs to your own. Think about whether or not your feature is likely to be used by other users of the project.


Before filing an issue:

  • Attempt to replicate the problem, to ensure that it wasn't a coincidental incident.
  • Check to make sure your feature suggestion isn't already present within the project.
  • Check the pull requests tab to ensure that the bug doesn't have a fix in progress.
  • Check the pull requests tab to ensure that the feature isn't already in progress.

Before submitting a pull request:

  • Check the codebase to ensure that your feature doesn't already exist.
  • Check the pull requests to ensure that another person hasn't already submitted the feature or fix.



Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.