
Allows to install tools as standalone Composer dependencies.

v1.8.3 2024-04-09 10:51 UTC


How to use cotor

You can install any composer based dev tool with cotor. It will install each package in a tools folder in your current working directory. For each tool a standalone folder named by the package without the vendor will be created.


  • list: Lists all available commands.
  • install: Installs all tools and extensions listed in your composer.json at extra.cotor.
  • install $name: Installs a new tool. $name must be a tool's package or registered shortcut name.
  • update $name: Updates an installed tool. $name must be a tool's package or registered shortcut name.
  • update-all: Updates all installed tools.
  • outdated: Lists all tools and checks if they are up-to-date.
  • extend $name $extension: Installs a tool extension. $name must be a tool's package or registered shortcut name. $extension must be the package name of the extension.


Cotor tracks your required tools in the extra section in your composer.json file:

  "extra": {
    "cotor": {
      "friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer": "^3.1",
      "phpstan/phpstan": "^1.5",
      "vimeo/psalm": "^4.10"

This way you can keep track of the tools and cotor can install them easily.

How to build cotor

  1. Ensure you've got box installed in your $PATH.
  2. Run box compile to create a new cotor.phar.

box takes the latest git tag or hash to propagate this as the PHARs version. So be sure to hava a proper git history before running the command.