
ApiClient Wrapper for symfony/httpclient

1.3.2 2022-12-28 12:46 UTC


Wrapper for Api-Rest petition.

Complete documentation in :

Supports BearerAuth.

1-Use the Manager

  • Create a Client

     use Insidesuki\ApiManager\Authentification\DefaultBearerClient;
     // config the client
     // credentials taken from .env file
     $apiClient = new DefaultBearerClient(

- Create Authenticator
> example in BearerAuthenticator and Symfony httpclient component.
use Insidesuki\ApiManager\Authentification\BearerAuthenticator;

$apiAuth = new BearerAuthenticator(
	new NativeHttpClient(),

- Create  manager

use Insidesuki\ApiManager\Authentification\BearerAuthenticator;

$apiManager = new ApiManager($apiAuth);

**2-Usage as a repository**
- Create a new repo

use Insidesuki\ApiManager\DefaultBearerRepository;
use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\NativeHttpClient;

$apiRepo = new DefaultBearerApiRepository(
	new NativeHttpClient(),

- find:
> $result = $apiRepo->find('api/endpoint/params');

- findOrFail, throw exception
> $result = $apiRepo->findOrFail('api/endpoint/params');

- put

$putData = [
	'data' => [
			'field' => 'value'

$result = $apiRepo->put('api/endPoint/{id}',$data);

**3-Test your own endpoint**

**3.1-Preparing the envorinment**

- Set in your .env.local test:

> api self tests


< seltest-api-credentials

- Make sure that in your .env.test file, the following keys exist:

> lexik/jwt-authentication-bundle

JWT_SECRET_KEY=%kernel.project_dir%/config/jwt/private.pem JWT_PUBLIC_KEY=%kernel.project_dir%/config/jwt/public.pem JWT_PASSPHRASE=A_PASS_PHRASE

< lexik/jwt-authentication-bundle

- Make sure that in the xml of phpunit.xml.dist there are no lexik/jwt-authentication-bundle keys
- Create a new test for your ActionController
- Extends the new test from Insidesuki\ApiManager\Test\MyApiPlatformTest

**3.2-Testing GET request**

public function testOk()


	// test if response code is 200 or 201 or 204
	// test if api response data is equals to a json schema (json string)
	// test count


**3.3-Testing POST/PUT request**

POST request, is same as a GET request, but it needs a jsonData or array of data,as second argument.


		// test if response code is 200 or 201 or 204


