
Sending WhatsApp message using Qontak

1.3.3 2024-08-28 09:05 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-27 01:44:07 UTC


Sending WhatsApp message via Qontak API, using HTTPlug.


First install HTTPlug adapter or client and PSR-17 package compatible

composer require php-http/curl-client laminas/laminas-diactoros

and then install this package :

composer require inisiatif/whatsapp-qontak-php


Non framework usage

First your must be created a valid and approved WhatsApp template.

use Inisiatif\WhatsappQontakPhp\Client;
use Inisiatif\WhatsappQontakPhp\Credential;
use Inisiatif\WhatsappQontakPhp\Message\Body;
use Inisiatif\WhatsappQontakPhp\Message\Button;
use Inisiatif\WhatsappQontakPhp\Message\Header;
use Inisiatif\WhatsappQontakPhp\Message\Message;
use Inisiatif\WhatsappQontakPhp\Message\Receiver;
use Inisiatif\WhatsappQontakPhp\Message\Language;

$credentials = new Credential('username', 'password', 'clientId', 'clientSecret');

$client = new Client($credentials);

// Create message receiver
$receiver = new Receiver('+6281318788271', 'Nuradiyana');

// [Optional] Create language, supported 'en' and 'id', default is 'id'
$language = new Language('id');

// [Optional] Create params message body
$body = [
    new Body('Nuradiyana'),
    new Body('Gorengan'),

// [Optional] Create header message, support "DOCUMENT", "VIDEO", "IMAGE"
$header = new Header(
    Header::TYPE_DOCUMENT, '', 'file-name.pdf'

// [Optional] Create buttons
$buttons = [new Button('url', '')];

$message = new Message($receiver, $language, $body, $header, $buttons);
$response = $client->send('templateId', 'channelId', $message);

// Message Id and Receiver Name
echo $response->getMessageId();
echo $response->getName();

// All raw data

Using in Laravel as Notification Channel

  1. Add new config value in config/services.php and then setting each value in .env
'qontak' => [
    'username' => env('QONTAK_USERNAME', null),
    'password' => env('QONTAK_PASSWORD', null),
    'client_id' => env('QONTAK_CLIENT_ID', null),
    'client_secret' => env('QONTAK_CLIENT_SECRET', null),
  1. Add this code in register method AppServiceProvider
$this->app->singleton(\Inisiatif\WhatsappQontakPhp\ClientInterface::class, function () {
    return $this->app->runningUnitTests() ? \Inisiatif\WhatsappQontakPhp\ClientFactory::makeTestingClient() :  \Inisiatif\WhatsappQontakPhp\ClientFactory::makeFromArray(
  1. Then create or register ContakChannel in notification class
use Illuminate\Bus\Queueable;
use Illuminate\Notifications\Notification;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\ShouldQueue;
use Inisiatif\WhatsappQontakPhp\Message\Message;
use Inisiatif\WhatsappQontakPhp\Message\Receiver;
use Inisiatif\WhatsappQontakPhp\Illuminate\Envelope;
use Inisiatif\WhatsappQontakPhp\Illuminate\QontakChannel;
use Inisiatif\WhatsappQontakPhp\Illuminate\QontakNotification;

class InvoicePaid extends Notification implements QontakNotification
    use Queueable;
    public function via($notifiable): array
        return [QontakChannel::class];
    public function toQontak($notifiable): Envelope
        // First create message object
        $receiver = new Receiver('+6281318788271', 'Nuradiyana');
        $message = new Message($receiver);
        // Then create envelope object and return it
        return new Envelope('templateId', 'channelId', $message);


๐Ÿงน Fixing codebase with Easy Coding Standard:

composer ecs

โš—๏ธ Run static analysis using Psalm:

composer psalm

๐Ÿš€ Run the entire test suite:

composer test


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.