
A PHP library to interact with the Inmovilla API

v1.0.0 2024-12-19 11:01 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-20 20:10:49 UTC


Latest Version PHP License

inmovilla-api-client is a PHP library that provides an interface for interacting with the Inmovilla real estate API. It simplifies requests, pagination, and data handling, allowing developers to focus on building applications.

Note: This project is not affiliated with, endorsed by, or maintained by Inmovilla.


  • API Configuration: Easy setup using .ini files or arrays.
  • Request Handling: Supports batch requests and flexible filtering.
  • DTOs: Data transfer objects for working with API data in a structured way.
  • Pagination: Handles paginated responses seamlessly.
  • PSR Compliance: Built with PSR-7, PSR-11, and PSR-18 standards.


  • PHP: 7.4 or higher.
  • Composer: For dependency management.
  • Required PHP extensions:
    • ext-json
    • ext-curl


Install the package using Composer:

composer require inigo-aldama/inmovilla-api-client


Using an .ini File

Create a configuration file (e.g., config/api.ini) with the following content:

api_url = ""
domain = ""
agency = "my-agency"
password = "my-password"
language = 1

Load the configuration with:

use Inmovilla\ApiClient\ApiClientConfig;

$config = ApiClientConfig::fromIniFile('config/api.ini');

Using an Array

Alternatively, use an array for configuration:

$config = ApiClientConfig::fromArray([
    'AGENCY' => 'my-agency',
    'PASSWORD' => 'my-password',
    'LANGUAGE' => 1,
    'API_URL' => '',
    'DOMAIN' => '',

Example: Complete Flow

This example demonstrates how to retrieve cities, their zones, and properties associated with those zones, as well as fetch detailed property information.


use Inmovilla\Repository\CiudadRepository;
use Inmovilla\Repository\ZonaRepository;
use Inmovilla\Repository\PropiedadRepository;
use Inmovilla\Repository\PropiedadFichaRepository;

$cities = $cityRepository->findAll();

foreach ($cities->items as $city) {
    $zones = $zoneRepository->findByCity($city->cod_ciu);

    foreach ($zones->items as $zone) {
        $properties = $propertyRepository->findByZone($zone->cod_zona);

        foreach ($properties->items as $property) {
            $details = $propertyDetailsRepository->findOneByCodOffer($property->cod_ofer);

Extending a Repository

To add custom functionality to a repository, you can extend the base class and implement your own methods. Here’s an example of adding a method to fetch properties with an elevator:


namespace Inmovilla\Repository;

use Inmovilla\DTO\Pagination\PaginacionPropiedadesDTO;

class CustomPropertyRepository extends PropiedadRepository
    public function findWithElevator(int $startPosition = 1, int $numElements = 100, string $order = 'precioinmo, precioalq'): PaginacionPropiedadesDTO
        $where = $this->buildWhereClause(['ascensor' => 1]);
        $response = $this->addRequest(PaginacionPropiedadesDTO::ARRAY_DATA_KEY, $startPosition, $numElements, $where, $order);
        return PaginacionPropiedadesDTO::fromArray($response);

Example Usage

$customPropertyRepository = new CustomPropertyRepository($client);
$propertiesWithElevator = $customPropertyRepository->findWithElevator();

foreach ($propertiesWithElevator->items as $property) {
    echo "Property: Ref=" . $property->ref . PHP_EOL;

Using the API Client Directly

If you want to bypass the repositories, you can use the API client directly to make custom requests:


use Inmovilla\ApiClient\ApiClientConfig;
use Inmovilla\ApiClient\ApiClientFactory;
use GuzzleHttp\Client as GuzzleClient;
use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\HttpFactory;

$config = ApiClientConfig::fromIniFile('config/api.ini');
$httpClient = new GuzzleClient();
$requestFactory = new HttpFactory();

$client = ApiClientFactory::createFromConfig($config, $httpClient, $requestFactory);

$request = new Request('properties', 1, 100, 'ascensor=1', 'precioinmo, precioalq');
$requestBatch = new RequestBatch();
$response = $client->sendRequest($requestBatch);

foreach ($response['properties'] as $property) {
    echo "Property: Ref=" . $property['ref'] . PHP_EOL;

DTOs (Data Transfer Objects)

The library uses DTOs (Data Transfer Objects) to map API responses to structured PHP objects. Below are the key DTOs and their purposes:

General DTOs

  • CiudadDTO: Represents a city.
  • ZonaDTO: Represents a zone within a city.

Property DTOs

  • PropiedadDTO: Represents a property in a property listing.
  • PropiedadFichaDTO: Represents detailed information about a specific property. This is retrieved when querying property details using its offer code.

Pagination DTOs

  • PaginacionPropiedadesDTO: Handles paginated property listings.
  • PaginacionCiudadesDTO: Handles paginated city data.
  • PaginacionZonasDTO: Handles paginated zone data.
  • PaginacionDestacadosDTO: Handles paginated "featured" properties.


Run PHPUnit tests to validate functionality:

./vendor/bin/phpunit --testdox


  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch (git checkout -b feature/new-feature).
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Add new feature').
  4. Push to your branch (git push origin feature/new-feature).
  5. Open a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.
