
WordPress MU plugin to enable or disable plugins in specific environments



A WordPress MU plugin that allows plugins to be enabled or disabled based on current environment.

It's created for sites built on Bedrock or any other Composer-based framework. It's configured purely by defining environment details, there's no GUI. Listed plugins will be disabled or enabled for the network in a multi-site instance.


Install using Composer

composer require ingenyus/configure-environment-plugins


Add the following constants to your .env file (or set in your hosting environment using alternative means). Multiple plugins can be specified with a comma-delimited string:

DISABLED_PLUGINS='akismet/akismet.php, hello-dolly/hello-dolly.php'

Add the following lines to config/application.php:

if ( env('ENABLED_PLUGINS') ) {
    Config::define( 'ENABLED_PLUGINS', explode(',', env('ENABLED_PLUGINS')) );
if ( env('DISABLED_PLUGINS') ) {
    Config::define( 'DISABLED_PLUGINS', explode(',', env('DISABLED_PLUGINS')) );


The plugin defines four actions you can hook into:

 * Called after local plugins have been disabled
 * @param string[] $disabled_plugins
add_action( 'environment_plugins_after_disabling_local_plugins', function( $disabled_plugins ) { /* Do something */ } );

 * Called after local plugins have been enabled
 * @param string[] $enabled_plugins
add_action( 'environment_plugins_after_enabling_local_plugins', function( $enabled_plugins ) { /* Do something */ } );

 * Called after network plugins have been disabled
 * @param string[] $disabled_plugins
add_action( 'environment_plugins_after_disabling_network_plugins', function( $disabled_plugins ) { /* Do something */ } );

 * Called after network plugins have been enabled
 * @param string[] $enabled_plugins
add_action( 'environment_plugins_after_enabling_network_plugins', function( $enabled_plugins ) { /* Do something */ } );