
PHP SDK package for Infobip API

v1.1.0 2022-04-06 14:24 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-13 03:50:06 UTC


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This is a PHP SDK for Infobip API and you can use it as a dependency to add Infobip APIs to your application. To use this, you'll need an Infobip account. If you do not own one, you can create a free account here.

Table of contents:

General Info

For infobip-api-php-sdk versioning we use Semantic Versioning scheme.


Published under MIT License.

Compatibility Chart


To start using the infobip-api-php-sdk library add it as dependency to your composer.json project dependency:

composer require infobip-community/infobip-api-php-sdk

Or you can add it manually to composer.json file:

"require": {
    "infobip-community/infobip-api-php-sdk": "1.*"

And then simply run composer install to download dependencies.

Basic usage

Example on how to create the InfobipClient instance. You can also define it in your DI Container and get configuration data from the env() or configuration file.

$infobipClient = new Infobip\InfobipClient(
    3 // timeout in seconds, optional parameter


A simple example of using the InfobipClient for calling the :

// example 1
$resource = new \Infobip\Resources\WhatsApp\WhatsAppTextMessageResource(
    new \Infobip\Resources\WhatsApp\Models\TextContent('text message')

$response = $infobipClient


There is a couple of Infobip exceptions that you could stumble upon while using the InfobipClient:

  • Bad request (400)
  • Unauthorized (401)
  • Forbidden (403)
  • Not found (404)
  • Unprocessable entity (422)
  • Too many requests (429)
  • Internal server error (500)

Of course, there is a way of handling those:

try {
    $resource = new WhatsAppTextMessageResource();
    $response = $infobipClient
} catch (InfobipException $exception) {
    $exception->getMessage(); // error message
    $exception->getCode(); // http status code
    $exception->getValidationErrors(); // array of validation errors, only available on 400 Bad request and 422 Unprocessable entity exceptions


Register the InfobipServiceProvider in your config/app.php configuration file:

'providers' => [
    // Application Service Providers...
    // ...

    // Other Service Providers...
    // ...

And then run the following command to copy the Infobip configuration file to your config directory:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Infobip\Support\Laravel\InfobipServiceProvider"

After that, you can start using the Infobip API PHP SDK package in your Laravel project, just inject the InfobipClient into your codebase:


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Infobip\InfobipClient;
use Infobip\Resources\WhatsApp\WhatsAppTextMessageResource;
use Infobip\Resources\WhatsApp\Models\TextContent;

final class InfobipController
    public function sendTextMessage(Request $request, InfobipClient $infobipClient)
        $resource = new WhatsAppTextMessageResource(
            new TextContent($request->input('message'))
        $response = $infobipClient
        return $response;


Add and bind InfobipClient to your config/services.yaml file:

      $apiKey: '%infobip.api_key%'
      $baseUrl: '%infobip.base_url%'
      $timeout: '%infobip.timeout%'


Infobip API Documentation can be found here.


Feel free to participate in this open source project. These are some console commands that could help you with the development like linter, static analysis and coding standards fixer:

vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix src
vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix tests

For running the PHPunit tests:
