improved / iterable
Functions to interact with arrays, iterators and other traversable objects
- php: >=7.2.0
- improved/type: ~0.1.0
Requires (Dev)
- jasny/php-code-quality: ~2.3
- phpstan/phpstan: ~0.11.0
Functional-style operations, such as map-reduce transformations on arrays, iterators and other traversable objects.
These functions are different from their array_*
counterparts, as they work with any kind of iterable rather than just
arrays. If you're not familiar with Iterators and Generators in PHP, please first read paragraph
"What are iterators?".
The library supports the procedural and object-oriented programming paradigm.
composer require improved/iterable
General methods
Chainable methods
map(callable $callback)
mapKeys(callable $callback)
apply(callable $callback)
chunk(int $size)
group(callable $callback)
unwind(int|string $column[, int|string|null $mapKey[, bool $preserveKeys]])
fill(mixed $value)
column(int|string|null $valueColumn[, int|string|null $keyColumn])
project(array $mapping)
reshape(array $columns)
setKeys(Traversable $keys)
filter(callable $matcher)
unique([callable $callback])
limit(int $size)
slice(int $offset[, int $size])
before(callable $matcher[, bool $include])
after(callable $matcher[, bool $include])
Type handling
Other methods
first([bool $required])
last([bool $required])
find(callable $matcher)
findKey(callable $matcher)
min([callable $compare])
max([callable $compare])
count(): int
reduce(callable $callback[, mixed $initial])
sum(): int|float
average(): int|float
concat([string $glue]): string
Builder methods
All functions and objects are in the Improved
namespace. Either alias the namespace as i
or import each function
use Improved as i; $filteredValues = i\iterable_filter($values, function($value) { return is_int($value) && $value > 10; }); $uniqueValues = i\iterable_unique($filteredValues); $mappedValues = i\iterable_map($uniqueValues, function($value) { return $value * $value - 1; }); $firstValues = i\iterable_slice($mappedValues, 0, 10); $result = i\iterable_to_array($firstValues);
Alternatively use the iterator pipeline.
use Improved\IteratorPipeline\Pipeline; $result = Pipeline::with($values) ->filter(function($value) { return is_int($value) && $value < 10; }) ->unique() ->map(function($value) { return $value * $value - 1; }) ->limit(10) ->toArray();
This library provides Utility methods for creating streams.
takes an array or Traversable
object as source argument. The static with()
method can be used instead of
use Improved\IteratorPipeline\Pipeline; Pipeline::with([ new Person("Max", 18), new Person("Peter", 23), new Person("Pamela", 23) ]); $dirs = new Pipeline(new \DirectoryIterator('some/path'));
A pipeline uses PHP generators, which are forward-only and non-rewindable. This means a pipeline can only be used one.
The PipelineBuilder
can be used to create a blueprint for pipelines. The builder contains the mapping methods of
and not the other methods.
The static Pipeline::build()
method can be used as syntax sugar to create a builder.
use Improved\IteratorPipeline\Pipeline; $blueprint = Pipeline::build() ->checkType('string') ->filter(function(string $value): bool) { strlen($value) > 10; }); // later $pipeline = $blueprint->with($iterable);
A PipelineBuilder
is an immutable object, each method call creates a new copy of the builder.
Alternatively the pipeline builder can be invoked, which creates a pipeline and calls toArray()
on it.
use Improved\IteratorPipeline\Pipeline; $unique = Pipeline::build() ->unique() ->values(); $result = $unique($values);
The then()
method can be used to combine two pipeline builder.
use Improved\IteratorPipeline\Pipeline; $first = Pipeline::build()->unique()->values(); $second = Pipeline::build()->map(function($value) { return ucwords($value); }); $titles = $first->then($second); $result = $titles($values);
Custom Pipeline class
A Pipeline
is not an immutable object, unlike the PipelineBuilder
. Only the iterable
returned from latest step is
relevant and kept by the pipeline. As such, you can extend the Pipeline
class and use that any chainable method,
without the object changing.
However is a step returns a Pipeline
object (including any object that extends the pipeline), the then
method will
return that object instead of $this
. This can be used to inject a custom class later in a pipe or in a pipeline
use Improved\IteratorPipeline\Pipeline; class MyPipeline extends Pipeline { function product() { $product = 1; foreach ($this->iterable as $value) { $product *= $value; } return $product; } }
Starting with your custom class
$product = (new MyPipeline)->column('amount')->product();
In an existing pipeline
$pipeline = (new Pipeline)->column('amount'); $product = $pipeline ->then(function(iterable $iterable) { return new MyPipeline($iterable); }) ->product();
In a pipeline builder
$builder = (new PipelineBuilder) ->then(function(iterable $iterable) { return new MyPipeline($iterable); }) ->column('amount') ->product();
This is the only way to get a PipelineBuilder
to return a custom Pipeline
class without also creating a custom
Method reference
The then()
method defines a new step in the pipeline. As argument it takes a callback that must return a Generator
or other Traversable
Pipeline::with(['apple' => 'green', 'berry' => 'blue', 'cherry' => 'red']) ->then(function(\Traversable $values): \Generator { foreach ($values as $key => $value) { yield $key[0] => "$value $key"; } }) ->toArray(); // ['a' => 'green apple', 'b' => 'blue berry', 'c' => 'red cherry']
It may be used to apply a custom (outer) iterator.
Pipeline::with(['apple' => 'green', 'berry' => 'blue', 'cherry' => 'red']) ->then(function(\Traversable $values): \Iterator { return new MyCustomIterator($values); });
The Pipeline implements the IteratorAggregate
interface. This means it's
traversable. Alternatively you can use getIterator()
Copy the elements of the iterator into an array.
Pipeline::with(["one", "two", "three"]) ->toArray();
Traverse over the iterator, not capturing the values. This is particularly useful after apply()
Pipeline::with($objects) ->apply(function($object, $key) { $object->type = $key; }) ->walk();
Map each element to a value using a callback function.
Pipeline::with([3, 2, 2, 3, 7, 3, 6, 5]) ->map(function(int $i): int { return $i * $i; }) ->toArray(); // [9, 4, 4, 9, 49, 9, 36, 25]
The second argument of the callback is the key.
Pipeline::with(['apple' => 'green', 'berry' => 'blue', 'cherry' => 'red']) ->map(function(string $value, string $key): string { return "{$value} {$key}"; }) ->toArray(); // ['apple' => 'green apple', 'berry' => 'blue berry', 'cherry' => 'red cherry']
Map the key of each element to a new key using a callback function.
The second argument of the callback is the value and second is the key.
Pipeline::with(['apple' => 'green', 'berry' => 'blue', 'cherry' => 'red']) ->mapKeys(function(string $value, string $key): string { return subst($key, 0, 1); }) ->toArray(); // ['a' => 'green', 'b' => 'blue', 'c' => 'red']
Apply a callback to each element of an iterator. Any value returned by the callback is ignored.
$persons = [ 'client' => new Person("Max", 18), 'seller' => new Person("Peter", 23), 'lawyer' => new Person("Pamela", 23) ]; Pipeline::with($persons) ->apply(function(Person $value, string $key): void { $value->role = $key; }) ->toArray();
Divide iterable into chunks of specified size.
Pipeline::with(['I', 'II', 'III', 'IV', 'V', 'VI', 'VII', 'VIII', 'IX', 'X']) ->chunk(4); // <iterator>[ // <iterator>['I', 'II', 'III', 'IV'], // <iterator>['V', 'VI', 'VII', 'VIII'], // <iterator>['IX', 'X'] // ]
Chunks are iterators rather than arrays. Keys are preserved.
Group elements of an iterator, with the group name as key and an array of elements as value.
Pipeline::with(['apple', 'berry', 'cherry', 'apricot']) ->group(function(string $value): string { return $value[0]; }) ->toArray(); // ['a' => ['apple', 'apricot'], 'b' => ['berry'], 'c' => ['cherry']]
The second argument is the key.
Pipeline::with(['apple' => 'green', 'berry' => 'blue', 'cherry' => 'red', 'apricot' => 'orange']) ->group(function(string $value, string $key): string { return $key[0]; }) ->toArray(); // ['a' => ['apple' => 'green', 'apricot' => 'orange'], 'b' => ['berry' => 'blue'], 'c' => ['cherry' => 'red']]
Walk through all sub-iterables and concatenate them.
$groups = [ ['one', 'two'], ['three', 'four', 'five'], [], ['six'], 'seven' ]; Pipeline::with($groups) ->flatten() ->toArray(); // ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven']
By default the keys are dropped, replaces by an incrementing counter (so as an numeric array). By passing true
second parameters, the keys are remained.
Deconstruct an iterable property/item for each element. The result is one element for each item in the iterable property. You must specify which column to unwind.
$elements = [ ['ref' => 'a', 'numbers' => ['I' => 'one', 'II' => 'two']], ['ref' => 'b', 'numbers' => 'three'], ['ref' => 'c', 'numbers' => []] ]; Pipeline::with($elements) ->unwind('numbers') ->toArray(); // [ // ['ref' => 'a', 'numbers' => 'one'], // ['ref' => 'a', 'numbers' => 'two'], // ['ref' => 'b', 'numbers' => 'three'], // ['ref' => 'c', 'numbers' => null] // ]
The second argument is optional, taking a column name to add each key to the element.
Pipeline::with($elements) ->unwind('numbers', 'nrkey') ->toArray(); // [ // ['ref' => 'a', 'numbers' => 'one', 'nrkey' => 'I'], // ['ref' => 'a', 'numbers' => 'two', 'nrkey' => 'II], // ['ref' => 'b', 'numbers' => 'three', 'nrkey' => null], // ['ref' => 'c', 'numbers' => null, 'nrkey' => null] // ]
By default each new element of the resulting iterator is a numeric sequence. To preverse the keys, pass true
as third
argument. Beware that this will result in duplicate keys.
Set all values of the iterable. Don't touch the keys.
This can be used in combination with flip
to something similar to array_fill_keys
$fields = ['foo', 'bar', 'qux']; Pipeline::with($fields) ->flip() ->fill(42) ->toArray(); // ['foo' => 42, 'bar' => 42, 'qux' => 42]
Return the values from a single column / property. Each element should be an array or object.
$rows = [ ['one' => 'uno', 'two' => 'dos', 'three' => 'tres', 'four' => 'cuatro', 'five' => 'cinco'], ['one' => 'yi', 'two' => 'er', 'three' => 'san', 'four' => 'si', 'five' => 'wu'], ['one' => 'één', 'two' => 'twee', 'three' => 'drie', 'five' => 'vijf'] ]; Pipeline::with($rows) ->column('three') ->toArray(); // ['tres', 'san', 'drie']
Create key/value pairs by specifying the key.
$rows = [ ['one' => 'uno', 'two' => 'dos', 'three' => 'tres', 'four' => 'cuatro', 'five' => 'cinco'], ['one' => 'yi', 'two' => 'er', 'three' => 'san', 'four' => 'si', 'five' => 'wu'], ['one' => 'één', 'two' => 'twee', 'three' => 'drie', 'five' => 'vijf'] ]; Pipeline::with($rows) ->column('three', 'two') ->toArray(); // ['dos' => 'tres', 'er' => 'san', 'twee' -=> 'drie']
Alternatively you may only specify the key column, using null
for the value column, to keep the value unmodified.
If an element doesn't have a specified key, the key and/or value will be null
Project each element of an iterator to an associated (or numeric) array. Each element should be an array or object.
For the projection, a mapping [new key => old key]
must be supplied.
$rows = [ ['one' => 'uno', 'two' => 'dos', 'three' => 'tres', 'four' => 'cuatro', 'five' => 'cinco'], ['one' => 'yi', 'two' => 'er', 'three' => 'san', 'four' => 'si', 'five' => 'wu'], ['one' => 'één', 'two' => 'twee', 'three' => 'drie', 'five' => 'vijf'] ]; Pipeline::with($rows) ->project(['I' => 'one', 'II' => 'two', 'II' => 'three', 'IV' => 'four']) ->toArray(); // [ // ['I' => 'uno', 'II' => 'dos', 'III' => 'tres', 'IV' => 'cuatro'], // ['I' => 'yi', 'II' => 'er', 'III' => 'san', 'IV' => 'si'], // ['I' => 'één', 'II' => 'twee', 'III' => 'drie', 'IV' => null] // ]
If an element doesn't have a specified key, the value will be null
The order of keys of the projected array is always the same as the order of the mapping. The mapping may also be a numeric array.
Reshape each element of an iterator, adding or removing properties or keys.
The method takes an array with the column name as key. The value may be a boolean, specifying if th column should remain or be removed. Alternatively the column may be a string or int, renaming the column name (key).
Columns that are not specified are untouched. This has the same effect as 'column' => true
$rows = [ ['one' => 'uno', 'two' => 'dos', 'three' => 'tres', 'four' => 'cuatro', 'five' => 'cinco'], ['three' => 'san', 'two' => 'er', 'five' => 'wu', 'four' => 'si'], ['two' => 'twee', 'four' => 'vier'] ]; Pipeline::with($rows) ->reshape(['one' => true, 'two' => false, 'three' => 'III', 'four' => 0]) ->toArray(); // [ // ['one' => 'uno', 'five' => 'cinco', 'III' => 'tres', 0 => 'cuatro'], // ['five' => 'wu', 'III' => 'san', 0 => 'si'], // [0 => 'vier'] // ];
Note that unlike with project()
, the array or object is modified. If the element does not have the specific key, it's
ignored. If the element is not an object or array, it's untouched.
Keep the values, drop the keys. The keys become an incremental number. This is comparable to
Pipeline::with(['I' => 'one', 'II' => 'two', 'III' => 'three', 'IV' => 'four']) ->values() ->toArray(); // ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four']
Use the keys as values. The keys become an incremental number. This is comparable to
Pipeline::with(['I' => 'one', 'II' => 'two', 'III' => 'three', 'IV' => 'four']) ->keys() ->toArray(); // ['I', 'II', 'III', 'IV']
Use another iterator as keys and the current iterator as values.
Pipeline::with(['one', 'two', 'three', 'four']) ->setKeys(['I', 'II', 'III', 'IV']) ->toArray(); // ['I' => 'one', 'II' => 'two', 'III' => 'three', 'IV' => 'four']
The key may be any type and doesn't need to be unique.
The number of elements yielded from the iterator only depends on the number of keys. If there are more keys than
values, the value defaults to null
. If there are more values than keys, the additional values are not returned.
Use values as keys and visa versa.
Pipeline::with(['one' => 'uno', 'two' => 'dos', 'three' => 'tres', 'four' => 'cuatro']) ->flip() ->toArray(); // ['uno' => 'one', 'dos' => 'two', 'tres' => 'three', 'cuatro' => 'four']
Both the value and key may be any type and don't need to be unique.
Eliminate elements based on a criteria.
The callback function is required and should return a boolean.
Pipeline::with([3, 2, 2, 3, 7, 3, 6, 5]) ->filter(function(int $i): bool { return $i % 2 === 0; // is even }) ->toArray(); // [1 => 2, 2 => 2, 6 => 6]
The second argument of the callback is the key.
Pipeline::with(['apple' => 'green', 'berry' => 'blue', 'cherry' => 'red', 'apricot' => 'orange']) ->filter(function(string $value, string $key): bool { return $key[0] === 'a'; }) ->toArray(); // ['apple' => 'green', 'apricot' => 'orange']
Filter out null
values or null
keys from iterable.
Pipeline::with(['one', 'two', null, 'four', null]) ->cleanup() ->toArray(); // [0 => 'one', 1 => 'two', 3 => 'four']
With iterators, keys may be of any type. Elements with null
keys are also filtered out.
Filter on unique elements.
Pipeline::with(['foo', 'bar', 'qux', 'foo', 'zoo']) ->unique() ->toArray(); // [0 => 'foo', 1 => 'bar', 2 => qux, 4 => 'zoo']
You can pass a callback, which should return a value. Filtering on distinct values will be based on that value.
$persons = [ new Person("Max", 18), new Person("Peter", 23), new Person("Pamela", 23) ]; Pipeline::with($persons) ->unique(function(Person $value): int { return $value->age; }) ->toArray(); // [0 => Person {'name' => "Max", 'age' => 18}, 1 => Person {'name' => "Peter", 'age' => 23}]
All values are stored for reference. The callback function can also be used to serialize and hash the value.
Pipeline::with($persons) ->unique(function(Person $value): int { return hash('sha256', serialize($value)); }); });
The seconds argument is the key.
Pipeline::with(['apple' => 'green', 'berry' => 'blue', 'cherry' => 'red', 'apricot' => 'orange']) ->unique(function(string $value, string $key): string { return $key[0]; }) ->toArray(); // ['apple' => 'green', 'berry' => 'blue', 'cherry' => 'red']
Uses strict comparison (===
), so '10' and 10 won't match.
The keys of an iterator don't have to be unique (and don't have to be a scalar). This is unlike an associated array.
The uniqueKeys()
method filters our duplicate keys.
$someGenerator = function($max) { for ($i = 0; $i < $max; $i++) { $key = substr(md5((string)$i), 0, 1); // char [0-9a-f] yield $key => $i; } }; Pipeline::with($someGenerator(1000)) ->uniqueKeys() ->toArray(); // ['c' => 0, 'e' => 3, 'a' => 4, 1 => 6, 8 => 7, 4 => 9, 'd' => 10, 6 => 11 9 => 15 7 => 17, // 3 => 21, 'b' => 22, 0 => 27, 'f' => 44, 2 => 51, 5 => 91]
Get only the first elements of an iterator.
Pipeline::with([3, 2, 2, 3, 7, 3, 6, 5]) ->limit(3) ->toArray(); // [3, 2, 2]
Get a limited subset of the elements using an offset.
Pipeline::with([3, 2, 2, 3, 7, 3, 6, 5]) ->slice(3) ->toArray(); // [3, 7, 3, 6, 5]
You may also specify a limit.
Pipeline::with([3, 2, 2, 3, 7, 3, 6, 5]) ->slice(3, 2) ->toArray(); // [3, 7]
Get elements until a match is found.
Pipeline::with(['apple' => 'green', 'berry' => 'red', 'cherry' => 'red', 'apricot' => 'orange']) ->before(function($value, $key) { return $value === 'red'; }) ->toArray(); // ['apple' => 'green']
The seconds argument is the key.
Pipeline::with(['apple' => 'green', 'berry' => 'red', 'cherry' => 'red', 'apricot' => 'orange']) ->before(function($value, $key) { return $key === 'berry'; }) ->toArray(); // ['apple' => 'green']
Optionally the matched value can be included in the result
Pipeline::with(['apple' => 'green', 'berry' => 'red', 'cherry' => 'red', 'apricot' => 'orange']) ->before(function($value) { return $value === 'red'; }) ->toArray(); // ['apple' => 'green', 'berry' => 'red']
Get elements after a match is found.
Pipeline::with(['apple' => 'green', 'berry' => 'red', 'cherry' => 'red', 'apricot' => 'orange']) ->before(function($value, $key) { return $value === 'red'; }) ->toArray(); // ['cherry' => 'red', 'apricot' => 'orange']
The seconds argument is the key.
Pipeline::with(['apple' => 'green', 'berry' => 'red', 'cherry' => 'red', 'apricot' => 'orange']) ->before(function($value, $key) { return $key === 'berry'; }) ->toArray(); // ['cherry' => 'red', 'apricot' => 'orange']
Optionally the matched value can be included in the result
Pipeline::with(['apple' => 'green', 'berry' => 'red', 'cherry' => 'red', 'apricot' => 'orange']) ->before(function($value) { return $value === 'red'; }) ->toArray(); // ['berry' => 'red', 'cherry' => 'red', 'apricot' => 'orange']
Sorting requires traversing through the iterator to index all elements.
Create an iterator with sorted elements.
Pipeline::with(["Charlie", "Echo", "Bravo", "Delta", "Foxtrot", "Alpha"]) ->sort() ->toArray(); // ["Alpha", "Beta", "Charlie", "Delta", "Echo", "Foxtrot"]
Instead of using the default sorting, a callback may be passed as user defined comparison function.
Pipeline::with(["Charlie", "Echo", "Bravo", "Delta", "Foxtrot", "Alpha"]) ->sort(function($a, $b): int { return strlen($a) <=> strlen($b) ?: $a <=> $b; }) ->toArray(); // ["Echo", "Alpha", "Bravo", "Delta", "Charlie", "Foxtrot"]
The callback must return < 0 if str1 is less than str2; > 0 if str1 is greater than str2, and 0 if they are equal.
Create an iterator with sorted elements by key.
Pipeline::with(["Charlie" => "three", "Bravo" => "two", "Delta" => "four", "Alpha" => "one"]) ->sortKeys() ->toArray(); // ["Alpha" => "one", "Bravo" => "two", "Charlie" => "three", "Delta" => "four"]
A callback may be passed as user defined comparison function.
Pipeline::with(["Charlie" => "three", "Bravo" => "two", "Delta" => "four", "Alpha" => "one"]) ->sortKeys(function($a, $b): int { return strlen($a) <=> strlen($b) ?: $a <=> $b; }) ->toArray(); // ["Alpha" => "one", "Bravo" => "two", "Delta" => "four", "Charlie" => "three"]
Create an iterator with elements in the reversed orderd. The keys are preserved.
Pipeline::with(range(5, 10)) ->reverse() ->toArray(); // [5 => 10, 4 => 9, 3 => 8, 2 => 7, 1 => 6, 0 => 5]
Type handling
Validate that a value has a specific type using type_check
A TypeError
is thrown if any element of the iterable doesn't match the type.
Pipeline::with($values) ->typeCheck(['int', 'float']) ->toArray();
As type you may specific any PHP type, a pseudo types like iterable
or callable
, as class name or a resource type.
For resources use the resource type, plus "resource", eg "stream resource"
As second argument, a Throwable
object may be passed, this is either an Exception
or Error
The error message may contain up to three sprintf place holders. The first %s
is replaced with the type of the value.
The second is used for the description of the key. The third is typically not needed, but when specified is
replaced with the given type(s).
Pipeline::with($values) ->expectType('int', new \UnexpectedValue('Element %2$s should be an integer, %1$s given')) ->toArray();
A question mark can be added to a class to accept null, eg "?string"
is similar to using ["string", "null"]
Cast a value to the specific type. This method uses
from | to | |
string |
int |
only numeric strings and < PHP_INT_MAX |
string |
float |
only numeric strings |
int |
bool |
only 0 or 1 |
int |
float |
int |
string |
float |
int |
if float < PHP_INT_MAX |
float |
string |
bool |
int |
array |
object \ stdClass |
if array has no numeric keys |
object |
string |
if only has __toString() method |
object |
array \ iterable |
only stdClass objects |
null |
any scalar | |
null |
array |
null |
object \ stdClass |
If the value can't be cast, a TypeError
is thrown. Similar to typeCheck()
a Throwable
with a message may be passed as second argument.
In contrary typeCheck
, only one type may be specified. A question mark can be added to a class to accept null, eg
will try to cast everything to a string except null
These methods invoke traversing through the iterator and return a single element.
Get the first element.
Pipeline::with(["one", "two", "three"]) ->first(); // "one"
Optionally a RangeException
can be thrown if the iterable is empty.
Get the last element.
Pipeline::with(["one", "two", "three"]) ->last(); // "three"
Find the first element that matches a condition. Returns null
if no element is found.
Pipeline::with(["one", "two", "three"]) ->find(function(string $value): bool { return substr($value, 0, 1) === 't'; }); // "two"
It's possible to use the key in this callable.
Pipeline::with(["one" => "uno", "two" => "dos", "three" => "tres"]) ->find(function(string $value, string $key): bool { return substr($key, 0, 1) === 't'; }); // "dos"
Find the first element that matches a condition and return the key (rather than the value). Returns null
if no element
is found.
Pipeline::with(["I" => "one", "II" => "two", "III" => "three"]) ->find(function(string $value): bool { return substr($value, 0, 1) === 't'; }); // "II"
It's possible to use the key in this callable.
Pipeline::with(["one" => "uno", "two" => "dos", "three" => "tres"]) ->find(function(string $value, string $key): bool { return substr($key, 0, 1) === 't'; }); // "two"
Check if any element matches the given condition.
Pipeline::with(["one", "two", "three"]) ->hasAny(function(string $value): bool { return substr($value, 0, 1) === 't'; }); // true
The callback is similar to find
Check if all elements match the given condition.
Pipeline::with(["one", "two", "three"]) ->hasAny(function(string $value): bool { return substr($value, 0, 1) === 't'; }); // false
The callback is similar to find
Check the no element matches the given condition. This is the inverse of hasAny()
Pipeline::with(["one", "two", "three"]) ->hasNone(function(string $value): bool { return substr($value, 0, 1) === 't'; }); // false
The callback is similar to find
Returns the minimal element according to a given comparator.
Pipeline::with([99.7, 24, -7.2, -337, 122.0])) ->min(); // -337
It's possible to pass a callable for custom logic for comparison.
Pipeline::with([99.7, 24, -7.2, -337, 122.0]) ->min(function($a, $b) { return abs($a) <=> abs($b); }); // -7.2
Returns the maximal element according to a given comparator.
Pipeline::with([99.7, 24, -7.2, -337, 122.0])) ->max(); // 122.0
It's possible to pass a callable for custom logic for comparison.
Pipeline::with([99.7, 24, -7.2, -337, 122.0]) ->max(function($a, $b) { return abs($a) <=> abs($b); }); // -337
Traverse through all elements and reduce it to a single value.
Returns the number of elements.
Pipeline::with([2, 8, 4, 12])) ->count(); // 4
Reduce all elements to a single value using a callback.
Pipeline::with([2, 3, 4]) ->reduce(function(int $product, int $value): int { return $product * $value; }, 1); // 24
The third argument is the key
Pipeline::with(['I' => 'one, 'II' => 'two', 'III' => 'three']) ->reduce(function(string $list, string $value, string $key): string { return $list . sprintf("{%s:%s}", $key, $value); }, ''); // "{I:one}{II:two}{III:three}"
Calculate the sum of a numbers. If no elements are present, the result is 0.
Pipeline::with([2, 8, 4, 12]) ->sum(); // 26
Calculate the arithmetic mean. If no elements are present, the result is NAN
Pipeline::with([2, 8, 4, 12])) ->average(); // 6.5
Concatenate the input elements, separated by the specified delimiter, in encounter order.
This is comparable to implode on normal arrays.
Pipeline::with(["hello", "sweet", "world"]) ->concat(" - "); // "hello - sweet - world"
The stub()
method a stub step, which does nothing but can be replaced later using unstub()
PipelineBuilder stub(string name)
PipelineBuilder unstub(string name, callable $callable, mixed ...$args)
These methods only exists in the pipeline builder.
$blueprint = Pipeline::build() ->expectType('string') ->stub('process'); ->sort(); // Later $pipeline = $blueprint ->unstub('process', i\iterable_map, i\function_partial(i\string_convert_case, ___, i\STRING_UPPERCASE)));
What are iterators?
Iterators are traversable objects. That means that when you use them in a foreach
loop, you're not looping through
the properties of the object. Instead the current()
, key()
and valid()
methods are called each time we go through
the loop.
The current()
method gives the current value, the key()
method gives the current key and the valid()
checks if we're should continue looping.
In the following example we extend IteratorIterator
to overwrite the current()
use Improved as i; class UpperIterator extends IteratorIterator { public function current() { return i\string_case_convert(parent::current(), i\STRING_UPPERCASE); } }; class NoSpaceIterator extends IteratorIterator { public function current() { return i\string_replace(parent::current(), " ", ""); } }; $data = get_some_data(); $iterator = new NoSpaceIterator(new UpperIterator(new ArrayIterator($data)));
At this point nothing is executed. Neither string_case_convert
or string_replace
. Only once we loop, these functions
are called.
foreach ($iterator as $cleanValue) { echo $cleanValue; }
This will be the same as doing
foreach ($data as $value) { $upperValue = i\string_case_convert($value, i\STRING_UPPERCASE); $cleanValue = i\string_replace($upper, " ", ""); echo $cleanValue; }
Difference to working with arrays
When working with arrays, we tend to loop through them for each operation. Look at array_map
$upperData = array_map(function($value) { return i\string_case_convert($value, i\STRING_UPPERCASE); }, $data); $cleanData = array_map(function($value) { return i\string_replace($value, i\STRING_UPPERCASE); }, $upperData); foreach ($cleanData as $cleanValue) { echo $cleanValue; }
Which is similar to
$upperData = []; $cleanData = []; foreach ($data as $value) { $upperData[] = i\string_case_convert($value, i\STRING_UPPERCASE); } foreach ($upperData as $upperValue) { $cleanData[] = i\string_replace($upperValue, i\STRING_UPPERCASE); } foreach ($cleanData as $cleanValue) { echo $cleanValue; }
Of course we could combine these operators an apply them in a simple loop without the use of iterators. However this couples all that logic. If a method returns all values in upper case, a second and unrelated method (in a different class) might remove the spaces. For iterators this doesn't matter.
Iterator keys
With iterators, the key doesn't need to be a string or integer, but can be any type and doesn't need to be unique.
It can very convenient to make the key an array or object and keeping the value a scalar. As such you can do link operations like case conversion, etc. Another application is to group child objects per parent object.
Generators are special iterators which are automatically created by PHP when you use the
function iterable_first_word(iterable $values): Generator { foreach ($values as $key => $value) { $word = i\string_before($value, " "); yield $key => $word; } }
PHP 7.2+ is highly optimized to work with generators increasing performance and saving memory. This makes generators preferable to custom iterators, which can be slow.
Unexpected generator behaviour
If you add a return
statement, the function will still return a Generator object. You can get that result with the
method, but this is typically not what's intended.
function get_values(iterable $values) { if (is_array($values)) { return array_values($values); } foreach ($values as $value) { yield $value; } }
The following code will not work as intended. It will not return an array, but always a Generator
Also note that the none of the code in the get_values
function will execute until the we start the loop
function iterable_first_word(iterable $values): Generator { var_dump($values); foreach ($values as $key => $value) { yield $key => i\string_before($value, " "); } } $words = iterable_first_word($values); // Nothing is outputted yet foreach ($words as $word) { // Now we get the var_dump() as the function is executed till yield // ... }
Forward-only iterators
Some iterators, including generators, are forward-only iterators, meaning you can only loop through them once.
function numbers_to($count) { for ($i = 1; $i <= $count; $i++) { yield $i; } } $oneToTen = numbers_to(10); foreach ($oneToTen as $number) { echo $number; } // The following loop will cause an error to be thrown. foreach ($oneToTen as $number) { foo($number); }
This has consequences when using
the iterable_
functions and Pipeline
objects. Though this can be overcome using a PipelineBuilder
And now you know :-)