
Type handling

v0.1.1 2019-02-20 21:41 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-12 06:16:59 UTC


improved PHP library

type handling

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Library for type handling.

This library provides a set of consistent functions for PHP. You should always use these types rather than the ones provided by PHP natively.


composer require improved/type




bool type_is(mixed $var, string|string[] $type)

Return true if variable has the specified type.

As type you can specify any internal type, including callable and object, a class name or a resource type (eg stream resource).

Typed arrays or iteratators are not supported, as it would require looping through them.

A question mark can be added to a class to accept null, eg "?string" is similar to using ["string", "null"].


mixed type_check(mixed $var, string|string[] $type, Throwable $throwable = null)

Validate that a variable has a specific type. The same types cas in type_is() can be used.

Typed arrays or iteratators are not supported. Use iterable_check_type instead.

By default a TypeError is thrown. Optionally you can pass an exception instead.

The message may contain a %s, which is replaced by the type description of $var. It optionally may contain a second %s which is replaced by the description of the required type. Use sprintf positioning to use the required type first.

If the message or the exception or error contains a %, a new throwable of the same type is created with the filled out message.

The function returns $var if the type matches, so you can use it while setting a variable.

use Improved as i;

$date = i\type_check(get_some_date(), DateTimeInterface::class);
$name = i\type_check($user->getName(), 'string');
$number = i\type_check(get_distance(), ['int', 'float']);

$foo = i\type_check(do_something(), Foo::class, new UnexpectedException('Wanted %2$s, not %1$s'));

A question mark can be added to a class to accept null, eg "?string" is similar to using ["string", "null"].


mixed type_cast(mixed $var, string $type, Throwable $throwable = null)

Check the variable has a specific type or can be casted to that type, otherwise throw a TypeError or exception.

This function is similar to type_check, with the difference that is will cast the value in some cases

from to
string int only numeric strings and < PHP_INT_MAX
string float only numeric strings
int bool only 0 or 1
int float
int string
float int if float < PHP_INT_MAX
float string
bool int
array object \ stdClass if array has no numeric keys
object string if only has __toString() method
object array \ iterable only stdClass objects
null any scalar
null array
null object \ stdClass

In contrary to type_is and type_check, only one type may be specified.

A question mark can be added to a class to accept null, eg ?string will try to cast everything to a string except null.


string type_describe(mixed $var, bool $detailed = false)

Get the type of a variable in a descriptive way to using in an (error) message.

For scalar, null and array values, the result is the same a gettype. Except for floats which will return float rather than double.

Objects are have their class name, appended with object. For resources the resource type is returned, appended with resource.

type_describe('hello');        // string
type_describe(22);             // integer
type_describe(STDIN);          // stream resource
type_describe(new DateTime()); // instance of DateTime

The detailed option describes both the value an type. This is similar to what is used in the error messages of type_check and type_cast.

type_describe('hello');         // string(5) "hello"
type_describe(22);              // int(22)
type_describe(["a", "b", "c"]); // array(3)