
Simple implementation of Yandex Disk API

1.0.6 2024-04-16 10:55 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-16 13:03:23 UTC



Package installation via composer:

composer require impressiveweb/yandex-disk


Go to and click on a button to get OAuth token.

use ImpressiveWeb\YandexDisk\Client;
// Access token.
$accessToken = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';

// Client init with an access token and default path prefix to a whole disk:/.
$client = new Client($accessToken);

Go to create your first App and add necessary permissions.

After getting client_id and client_secret you can use it for a client initialization.

// Auth credentials.
$credentials = [
    'client_id' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
    'client_secret' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',

// Client init with credentials and access to the whole disk.
// Default value for path prefix is set to disk:/.
$client = new Client($credentials);

// If you create you first APP, use path of your APP.
$pathPrefix = 'disk:/Applications/YourApp'

// Client init with credentials and access to your Application.
$client = new Client($credentials, $pathPrefix);

// Create and proceed an auth url to get a code.
$authUrl = $client->getAuthUrl([
    'redirect_uri' => 'https://your-domain-app'
    // ...other options

// After redirecting to your project domain use code from a query.
// https://your-app?code=xxxxxx

// Code that is taken from a query.
$code = 'xxxxxx'

// Make a request to get an access and a refresh token. 
$reply = $client->authCodeAndGetToken($code);

// Reply data.
array:4 [▼
  "access_token" => "xx_xxxXXxxxAAAABWGbHaAAqjUwAAAADvXc-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
  "expires_in" => 25137530
  "refresh_token" => "1:xxxxxxxx:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
  "token_type" => "bearer"

// If reply has been successful you've got both tokens.
$accessToken = $reply['access_token'];

// Save a refresh token somewhere in a secret place.
$refreshToken = $reply['refresh_token'];

// Refresh token should be set to make sure an automatic access token update.

Here are several examples of API usage.

Get a disk meta information.

// Get a disk meta information.
$reply = $client->discInfo();

// Reply data.
array:11 [▼
  "max_file_size" => 1073741824
  "paid_max_file_size" => 53687091200
  "total_space" => 10737418240
  "reg_time" => "2021-06-29T10:20:40+00:00"
  "trash_size" => 165164170
  "is_paid" => false
  "used_space" => 3342277118
  "system_folders" => array:15 [▶]
  "user" => array:6 [▶]
  "unlimited_autoupload_enabled" => false
  "revision" => 1711829122396623

// Get a disk meta information with a list of attributes to be returned.
$reply = $client->discInfo(['max_file_size', 'paid_max_file_size', 'total_space']);

// Reply data.
array:3 [▼
  "max_file_size" => 1073741824
  "paid_max_file_size" => 53687091200
  "total_space" => 10737418240

Get all contents with metadata information.

// If a path is not set a path prefix will be used as a root directory.
$reply = $client->listContent();

// Reply data.
array:10 [▼
  "_embedded" => array:6 [▶]
  "name" => "disk"
  "exif" => []
  "resource_id" => "1444524506:144a2c7976ad2f6f60317baa505447af1dee1fbb4a13f4dccab8bb252846d6ee"
  "created" => "2012-04-04T20:00:00+00:00"
  "modified" => "2012-04-04T20:00:00+00:00"
  "path" => "disk:/"
  "comment_ids" => []
  "type" => "dir"
  "revision" => 1624962040946659

// There is a default limit for 20 items per one request when you read catalogues.
// You can increase a default amount of items on a Client initialization step.
$client = new Client(itemsLimit: 100);

// Since php 8.0 you can use named arguments and skip a lot of default arguments.

// Get a list of items for a root directory using selected fields.
$reply = $client->listContent(fields: ['_embedded.items.path']);

// Reply data.
array:1 [▼
  "_embedded" => array:1 [▼
    "items" => array:2 [▼
      0 => array:1 [▼
        "path" => "disk:/Applications"
      1 => array:1 [▼
        "path" => "disk:/Downloads"
      // Other items.

// Get a list of items by a path with 200 items limit.
$limit = 200;
$path = 'path/to/resource';

// Returns 100 items using a specified path.
$client->listContent($path, limit: $limit);

// Returns 100 items that are sorted by size using a specified path.
$client->listContent($path, limit: $limit, sort: 'size');

// Returns items using a specified path recursively.
// Amount of all items in this case depends on subdirectories you have in a path.  
$client->listContent($path, limit: $limit, deep: true);

Work with directories.

$path = 'path/to/created/dir';
$from = 'from/path';
$to = 'to/path';

// Add a new folder.

// Copy a file or a folder.
$client->copy($from, $to);

// Move a file or a folder to a different location.
$client->move($from, $to);

// Delete a folder or a file at a given path.

Download resources.

// 1. Get a download url.
$path = 'path/to/existing/resource/on/disk';
$reply = $client->getDownloadUrl($path, ['href']);

// Reply data.
array:1 [▼
  "href" => "[...]"

// 2. Depends on an application requirements you can get a link and download a resource directly via GET method. 
$link = $reply['href'];

// 2. Or open a stream and use it for your own needs.
$stream = $client->getStream($link);

Upload resources.

// 1. Get an upload url.
$path = 'path/to/where/resource/will/be/placed/on/disk';
$reply = $client->getUploadUrl($path);

// Reply data.
array:4 [▼
  "operation_id" => "d97f66b1638b1438825ed6d5a5433eb15f95bd5298[...]"
  "href" => "[...]"
  "method" => "PUT"
  "templated" => false
// If href in reply data will not be requested for 30 minutes it won't be available for uploading, and you need to create another one.

// 2. Use href however you want. 

// 3. Or use an upload method to upload file using getStream helper.
$name = 'picture.jpg';
$fromPath = __DIR__.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$name;
$toPath = "path/on/disk/$name";
// Open a stream.
$stream = $client->getStream($fromPath, 'r+');
// Upload file.
$client->upload($toPath, $stream);

Work with a Trash.

$path = 'path/to/trash/resource';

// Listing a trash content.

// Listing a trash content in a specified path.

// Restore a specified resource from a trash.

// Remove a resource from a basket. 

// Clear the whole trash.

Some other methods are self-descriptive and easy to understand because the most of them are similar to an original Yandex Disk API.

Read an official API documentation to get more details how to use methods and its arguments.

If you need to use a common interface among different filesystems you can use Flysystem:

This Flysystem Adapter: is fully compatible with this version of Yandex Disk API.