
Assign globaly unique ids to models

1.0.1 2022-07-17 01:45 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-17 06:43:39 UTC


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Trait to generate 64 bit globally unique ids for all running PHP processes. The unique ID is a 64-bits integer number. Ids are guaranteed to be time ordered. The content of the integer is as follows, for example:

63 62 ------------------------------------------ 21 20 ------------ 9 8 ---------- 0
 0           42 bits time in milliseonds                 12 bits          9 bits
            140 years until rollover to 0           unique machine id  local counter

Note: bit 63 must be 0 since PHP doesn't support unsigned integers.

In this example, each PHP process can create up to 512 new ids per millisecond before any collision occurs. A total of 2,097,152 new ids could be created per milliseconds in this system.

Note: JS cannot process integers larger than 2^53-1 at this time. A good compromise is to use 42-6-5 bits as values, allowing for 64 * 32 = 2048 new ids per milliseconds. In case this is not appropriate (not enough ids/sec), the following snippet may be used to parse the raw response before deserialization:

function (data) {
    data = data.replace(/:\s*(-?\d+),/g, (match, $1) => {
        if ($1 <= Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) {
            return match;
        return ':"'+$1+'",';
    return data;


This package requires Laravel 9 and above, apcu and redis php extensions and a redis server.


Require this package with composer.

composer require ifullgaz/laravel-global-unique-id

Laravel uses Package Auto-Discovery, so doesn't require you to manually add the ServiceProvider.

Laravel without auto-discovery:

If you don't use auto-discovery, add the ServiceProvider to the providers array in config/app.php


Copy the package config to your local config with the publish command:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=globaluniqueid-config


The following options may be configured in the the globaluniqueid.php file:

| Start date
| Starting reference date. Should be before today.
'start_date' => env('GLOBAL_UNIQUE_ID_START_DATE', '01/01/2022'),

| Timestamp size
| Number of bits to use for the timestamp.
| The more bits used, the larger the date range
| eg: 42 bits -> ~140 years, 41 bits -> ~70 years...
'timestamp_size' => env('GLOBAL_UNIQUE_ID_TIMESTAMP_SIZE', 42),

| Machine id size
| Number of bits to use for the machine id.
| The more bits used, the more PHP processes can run concurrently.
| eg: 11 bits -> 2^11 (2048) concurrent processes
'machine_id_size' => env('GLOBAL_UNIQUE_ID_MACHINE_ID_SIZE', 11),

| Counter size
| Number of bits to use for the local counter.
| The more bits used, the higher the local counter can go.
| eg: 10 bits -> 2^10 (1024) values
'counter_size' => env('GLOBAL_UNIQUE_ID_COUNTER_SIZE', 10),


Add the trait to a class that has a numerical primary key as such:

use Ifullgaz\GlobalUniqueId\Models\Traits\GlobalUniqueId;

class MyClass extends Model
    use GlobalUniqueId;