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Coretik page builer service

v2.2.1 2024-02-28 08:52 UTC


Latest Stable Version License

Pagebuilder with ACF for Coretik

Coretik page builder provides a modern way for developers to build blocks for page builder with live admin preview (and it is WP-CLI friendly !). It uses framework logic containing reusable components and composite blocks and it manages as many components levels as necessary.


This package works with StoutLogic/acf-builder to create fields and just provide a way to build StoutLogic\AcfBuilder\FieldsBuilder blocks. You have to include them in any other fields you want.

Block instance defined all its features :

  • rendering method ;
  • admin fields and admin preview ;

Three blocks types exists :

  • Components : the lower block level, used to build other blocks ;
  • Block : a free way to build a complete block instance ;
  • Composite : a fast way to build blocks based on many components or others blocks ;

Components doesn't appear in the user library. There are only used to build others blocks.



composer require idetik/coretik-page-builder


This builder comes with some components ready to use. You can find them in ./src/Library/Component/


First, you should define your own environment variables to ovveride the default settings. The default config list :

// The template directory in your theme to save the html views parts
'' => 'templates/blocks/',

// The blocks classes directory
'' => 'src/Services/PageBuilder/Blocks/',

// The template acf directory in your theme to save the additional admin styles and scripts
'' => 'templates/acf/',

// Your blocks root namespace based on your app
'blocks.rootNamespace' => ($c['rootNamespace'] ?? 'App') . '\\Services\\PageBuilder\\Blocks',

// The blocks library containing all of your blocks
'blocks' => $c->get('pageBuilder.library')

// The fields directory to create and write complex fields groups
'' => 'src/admin/fields/blocks/',

// The block thumbnail directory to save the blocks previews thumbnails
'' => \get_stylesheet_directory() . '/assets/images/admin/acf/',

// The block thumbnail url to get the blocks previews thumbnails
'fields.thumbnails.baseUrl' => '<##ASSETS_URL##>/images/admin/acf/',
// Example to change the template directory
add_filter('coretik/page-builder/config', function ($config) {
    $config[''] = 'my-theme-templates/';
    return $config;

Blocks classes


This lower block level allow you to reuse some basics fields in your theme. Simplified example for the titleComponent provided in this package as ready to use.


namespace Coretik\PageBuilder\Library\Component;

use Coretik\PageBuilder\Core\Block\BlockComponent;
use StoutLogic\AcfBuilder\FieldsBuilder;

class TitleComponent extends BlockComponent
    const NAME = 'component.title';
    const LABEL = 'My title'; // Admin label

     * All fields to be retrieved must be declared as property class.
     * There are automatically populated with values from the database.
    protected $title;
    protected $tag;

    public function fieldsBuilder(): FieldsBuilder
        $field = $this->createFieldsBuilder();
            // First field : 'title'
            // Second field : 'tag'
            ->addRadio('tag', ['layout' => 'horizontal'])
                ->setLabel('Title level')

        return $field;

    * The block formatted data. You can apply your own format rules.
    public function toArray()
        return [
            'title' => $this->title,
            'tag' => $this->tag

    * This is usefull to get html from light component without template file
    protected function getPlainHtml(array $parameters): string
        // Return <hN>A title from my acf field</hN>
        return sprintf(
            '<%1$s class="my_title_class">%2$s</%1$s>',


Blocks use the same logic than the components except there are available directly in the block library. A block can reuse components with the php trait Coretik\PageBuilder\Core\Block\Traits\Components

use Components;

$titleComponent = $this->component('component.title'); // Or with some defined values : $this->component(['acf_fc_layout' => 'component.title', 'tag' => 'h2'])
$titleFields = $titleComponent->fields();


Compose block based on others blocks or components. Simply create a complex block. This example shows you a way to create a title and wysiwyg editor block.


namespace Coretik\PageBuilder\Library\Block;

use Coretik\PageBuilder\Core\Block\BlockComposite;
use Coretik\PageBuilder\Library\{

use function Coretik\PageBuilder\Core\Block\Modifier\required;

class TitleAndTextComposite extends BlockComposite
    const NAME = 'block.title-editor';
    const LABEL = 'Title and editor';

    // By default, the rendering method is HTML. Other methods are RenderingType::Array or RenderingType::Object
    const RENDER_COMPONENTS = RenderingType::Html;

     * Define all sub blocks to build in this composite block.
     * The acf fields will be constructed and rendered from each component.
    protected function prepareComponents(): array
        return [
            'title' => TitleComponent::class,
             * Some modifiers functions are available to help you to build specifics composite blocks.
             * See `/src/Core/Block/Modifier/modifiers.php` 
            'editor' => required(WysiwygComponent::class), // required(Block::class) set acf field as required

    // Or use template in your
    protected function getPlainHtml(array $parameters): string
         * Following the RenderingType, the values will change. By default, values are the html rendered by each of sub blocks
         * RenderingType::Array allow you to get values from toArray method of each sub blocks
         * RenderingType::Object allow you to get sub blocks instances
        return sprintf('%s%s', $parameters['title'], $parameters['editor']);

Template example

<div class="title-with-editor-block">
    <div class="title-with-editor-block__title">
        <?= $title ?>
    <div class="title-with-editor-block__editor">
        <?= $editor ?>

WP-CLI : Create Blocks

These commands will create the PHP files to create and render a block or component.

Create component

wp page-builder create-component "My super component"

Create composite

wp page-builder create-composite "My super block composite"

Create blocks

wp page-builder create-block "My super block"

Options availables for each commands:

[--name=<name>] : The block name to retrieve template (ex: component.title, template based in blocks/component/title.php), default is component.<labelToCamelCase>

[--class=<class>] : The block classname, default is (Component/<labelToCamelCase>Component)

[--without-acf-admin-files] : Avoid to create ACF admin files (script, style and template)

[--without-template-file] : Avoid to create template file

[--w] : Shortcut to create only class file

[--quiet] : Disable output

[--force]: Override existings files

Include it in your FieldsBuilder

// Get the flexible content instance
$pageBuilder = app()->get('pageBuilder.field');

// You can filter ou use some specifics blocks as necessary

// Generate the FieldsBuilder with your $fieldName, example "blocks"
$pageBuilder = $pageBuilder->field('blocks');

$page = new FieldsBuilder('page_builder', [
    'title' => 'Builder',
    'acfe_autosync' => ['php'],
    'hide_on_screen' => [
    'position' => 'normal',
    'style' => 'seamless',
    'label_placement' => 'top',
    'instruction_placement' => 'label'

    ->setLocation('post_type', '==', 'page');