
Issue HTTP requests through the most popular HTTP clients with Laravel. Build upon the Ivory HTTP Adapter.

v0.1 2015-07-31 21:09 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-27 02:17:34 UTC


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Laravel HTTP Adapter is officialy deprecated. Use phphttp/laravel based upon httplug instead.

Laravel HTTP Adapter is an Ivory HTTP Adapter bridge, which integrates the ability of using multiple adapters with their own configuration through one API.


To use this package without running into trouble you will need PHP 5.5+ or HHVM 3.6+, and Composer.

  1. Get the latest version of Laravel HTTP Adapter, add the following line to your composer.json file "hiddeco/laravel-http-adapter": "0.1"

    The package supports the following adapters, you will need to install the ones you want to use.

    • "ext-curl": "*"
    • "ext-http": "*"
    • "guzzle/guzzle": "^3.9.4@dev"
    • "guzzlehttp/guzzle": "^4.1.4|^5.0"
    • "kriswallsmith/buzz": "^0.13"
    • "nategood/httpful": "^0.2.17"
    • "zendframework/zendframework1": "^1.12.9"
    • "zendframework/zend-http": "^2.3.4"
  2. Run composer update or composer install

  3. Register the Laravel HTTP Adapter service provider in config/app.php by adding 'HiddeCo\HttpAdapter\HttpAdapterServiceProvider' to the providers key

  4. Add the HttpAdapter facade to the aliases key: 'HttpAdapter' => 'HiddeCo\HttpAdapter\Facades\HttpAdapter'


To manage your HTTP adapters run the php artisan vendor:publish command, this will create the config/httpadapter.php file where you can modify and manage your adapter connections.

The following configuration options are available:

Global Configuration

The Global Configuration (global) overrules all the other configurations set for your HTTP adapters. It accepts the same parameters as an HTTP adapter connection does.

Default Connection Name

The adapter connection name set here (default) is the default connection used for all requests. However, you may use as many connections as you need using the manager class. The default setting is 'main'.

HTTP Adapter Connections

This is the place to configure your HTTP adapter connections (connections). A default configuration with possible options is already present and there is no limit to the amount of connections.

The following adapters are available: buzz, cake, curl, file_get_contents, fopen, guzzle, guzzle_http, httpful, react, socket, zend1 and zend2.


HTTP Adapter Manager

The HttpAdapterManager is where the magic happens. Bounded to the ioc container as httpadapter and accessible by using the Facade\HttpAdapter facade. It uses parts of the Laravel Manager package to manage the HTTP adapter connections. For more information about the Manager you should check out the respective docs.

It is worth noting the connection returned will always be an instance of \Ivory\HttpAdapter\HttpAdapterInterface. You can find more information about this instance and its methods in the Ivory HTTP Adapter docs.

HTTP Adapter Facade

The HTTP Adapter facade will pass static method calls to the httpadapter object in the ioc container, which as stated before is the HttpAdapterManager class.


The usage of this package is fairly simple. The main connection is preconfigured and uses the file_get_contents HTTP adapter, no other configuration options are set for this connection by default.

Using the Facade

use HiddeCo\HttpAdapter\Facades\HttpAdapter;

$request = HttpAdapter::get('http://awesome.com');
$body = $request->getBody();
// and you're done

Using the HTTP Adapter Manager

The HTTPAdapterManager returns an instance of \Ivory\HttpAdapter\HttpAdapterInterface and will behave like it. If you want to call a specific connection, you can use the connection method:

use HiddeCo\HttpAdapter\Facades\HttpAdapter;

$request = HttpAdapter::connection('alternative')->get('http://awesome.com');

Changing the default connection and further explanations:

use HiddeCo\HttpAdapter\Facades\HttpAdapter;

// are all the same because 

// returns 'main' as set in the configuration file

// the 'alternative' connection is now the default connection

Dependency Injection

Prefer the use of a dependency injection over facades? You can easily inject the manager:

use HiddeCo\HttpAdapter\HttpAdapterManager;

class Foo
	protected $httpadapter;
	public function __construct(HttpAdapterManager $httpadapter)
	public function bar()


If you set the eventable key in the general or local HTTP adapter configuration to true the \Ivory\HttpAdapter\EventDispatcherHttpAdapter will be used to make your HTTP adapter connection. This way it's possible to listen to events that are dispatched using the Laravel dispatcher. All available events can be found in the Ivory HTTP docs.

use Ivory\HttpAdapter\Event\Events;
use Ivory\HttpAdapter\Event\PostSendEvent;

Event::listen(Events::POST_SEND, function (PostSendEvent $event) {
	Log::info("A request was made");

It is also possible to register the event listener using the EventServiceProvider.


Laravel HTTP Adapter is licensed under the MIT License (MIT).