
Create Read Update Delete interface with a focus on usability and full support of relationships.

1.3 2021-06-22 13:31 UTC


Core functionality for HEIW applications. Including:

  • User
  • Role
  • ...


Additional documentation can be found in uxcrudible/docs/ folder.


Install laravel

Install Laravel 8 as normal.

composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel blog

Configure DB connection

Edit your connections settings in .env

Add default authentication

Run the following command in the terminal:

composer require laravel/ui
php artisan ui vue --auth
npm install
npm run dev

If you have an error Error: Cannot find module 'webpack/lib/rules/DescriptionDataMatcherRulePlugin' run npm i vue-loader then re-run npm run dev

Create config file

Create a config file for Uxcrud in config called uxcrud.php


return [
     * The colour of the theme.
    'theme_colour' => 'blue',

     * Controller namespace
     * Uxcrud will automatically look for a model's matching controllers in the
     * sub-folder specified.
     * This can be altered to your preference, it will need a trailing slash
     * e.g. 'Uxcrud\\'
    'controller_namespace' => 'Uxcrud\\',

     * Model namespace
     * Uxcrud will automatically look for a controler's matching model in the
     * sub-folder specified.
     * This can be altered to your preference, it will need a trailing slash
     * e.g. 'Models\\'
    'model_namespace' => 'Models\\',

     * Policy namespace
     * Uxcrud will automatically look for the policy in the sub-folder specified.
     * This can be altered to your preference, it will need a trailing slash
     * e.g. 'Policies\\'
    'policy_namespace' => 'Policies\\',

     * Number of items per page to load for remote data for filters.
    'remote_data_page_length' => 25,

     * Application Locale Configuration
     * The available locales that will be provided.
     * The fallback locale is the first locale listed.
     * locale code
     *      name    Localised name
     *      icon    Flag icon
     *      host    Host for locale
    'locales' => [
        'en' => [
            'name' => 'English',
            'icon' => 'flag-icon-gb',
            'host' => env('HOST_EN')
        'cy' => [
            'name' => 'Cymraeg',
            'icon' => 'flag-icon-wales',
            'host' => env('HOST_CY')

     * Number of seconds after which to show the session timeout dialog.
    'session_timeout_dialog' => 30 * 60, //env('SESSION_LIFETIME') * .8 * 60,

     * Number of seconds to show the dialog timer for before locking.
    'session_timeout_dialog_showtime' => 30,

     * Set to false to not allow withdrawing from privacy statement.
    'gdpr_allow_withdraw' => true,

     * Id of the Email Template that allows for free text entry.
    'email_template_free_template_id' => 1

Require Uxcrud

composer require heiw/uxcrudible

Setup Laravel

You can now setup Laravel to use Uxcrud in the app.

In routes\web.php add

use Heiw\Uxcrudible\Facades\AuthTranslation;

and replace



AuthTranslation::routes(['register' => false]);

Delete the default users migration file from database\migrations:


Add the HEIW packages (optional)

The HEIW NHS package is optional, it can be required by running:

composer require heiw/nhs

Add package service providers

Add the package service providers to config/app.php:

 * Package Service Providers...

Add middleware

Add page permissions to app/Http/Kernel.php

protected $routeMiddleware = [
    // :: add to the bottom of list of middle ware
    'pagePermission' => \Heiw\Uxcrudible\Middleware\PagePermissionMiddleware::class

Extend User from Uxcrudible

To use Uxcrud you will need to create a User class in App/User.php which extends \Heiw\Uxcrudible\Models\User


namespace App;

class User extends \Heiw\Uxcrudible\Models\User


Also edit any existing User in App/Models/User.php to extend the above user

// ...
class User extends \App\User
// ...

Create User Policy

Ensure the default UserPolicy in created app\Policies\UserPolicy.php to call UxcrudUserPolicy.


namespace App\Policies;

use Heiw\Uxcrudible\Policies\UxcrudUserPolicy;

class UserPolicy extends UxcrudUserPolicy


Copy public assets

To copy the public assets to the correct place, please run the following command after installation.

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=public --force

Enable translatable

To enable run

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=translatable --force

To configure follow instructions in /vendor/heiw/uxcrudible/docs/translatable.md

Disable strict

In config/database.php change the mysql connection strict to false:

    'connections' => [
        'mysql' => [
            'strict' => false

Generate default tables

For a completely new database run

php artisan migrate:refresh --seed
php artisan db:seed --class=Heiw\Uxcrudible\Seeds\DatabaseSeeder

For upgrading an existing database run the following two separate commands.

php artisan migrate
php artisan db:seed --class=Heiw\Uxcrudible\Seeds\DatabaseSeeder

Once the user table has been seeded you can either reset your password or create your own account.

php artisan tinker

In the Tinker console

$users = \App\Models\User::all(['id', 'lastname']);

Once you have identified your account the password can be set:

$yourAccount = \App\Models\User::find(7); // where 7 is your account id from the dump
$yourAccount->password = \Illuminate\Support\Facades\Hash::make('password');
dd($yourAccount); // Your account will now show the 'password' hash

Log in

All being well you can now log in!

To force a login open your browser to your app host name /admin/settings.