
A ReactPHP API Application Template in order to create very fast APIs!

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1.0.0 2020-12-14 11:08 UTC

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Last update: 2024-12-28 17:37:33 UTC


A ReactPHP API Application Template in order to create very fast APIs!

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Heartbeat Loris

Loris is one of the slowest animals alive, the opposite of this library!


  • Action based Routing (route XYZ should open Action XYZ)
  • CORS Middleware.
  • DI Injection and Container Defintion.
  • HTTP Browser to fetch data from another API.
  • Helpers to work with JSON Data.


The package is only available trough composer

composer require heartbeat/loris


Create an index.php file which holds the LORIS Application:


use Heartbeat\Loris\Application;

require_once '../vendor/autoload.php';

$app = new Application('');
// builds the server, register informations
// start the loop run

Create the MyAction Action:


namespace App\Actions;

use Heartbeat\Loris\Action;
use Heartbeat\Loris\Response\JsonResponse;

class MyAction extends Action
    public function route(): string
        return '/my-super-action';

    public function run(array $params)
        return new JsonResponse(200, [
            'message' => [
                'hello world!'

Or an example which generates an action which makes another call to an API:


namespace App\Actions;

use Heartbeat\Loris\Action;
use Heartbeat\Loris\Response\JsonResponse;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use Clue\React\Buzz\Browser;

class MyAction extends Action
    public function route(): string
        return '/my-super-action';

    public function run(array $params)
        $client = new Browser($this->loop);
        return $client->get('https://api.example.com')->then(function(ResponseInterface $reponse) {
            // create the response from 
            $content = (string) $reponse->getBody();

            // ... do something with content :-)
            return new JsonResponse(200, ['message' => $content]);

In the action you can do whatever you like, in our example we gatter informations from an api and return those informations.

You are now able to access localhost:8001/my-upser-action which returns the content from the action above.

Using DI

In order to register and reuse any objects inside your application you can use the following simple di mechanism:

$app = new Application('');
$app->addDefintion(MyDiExample::class, function() {
    return New MyDiExample();

now you are able to access the di defintion in the actions trough construct param:

class TestAction extends Action
    public function __construct(MyDiExample $myDiExample)