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HDNET coding standards via githook mechanism

v1.0.7 2021-04-22 13:17 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-19 04:08:49 UTC


Forces HDNET's coding standards on commits


  • run composer require hdnet/hdnet-standards in your project


  • copy the .php_cs into the root directory of your project and configure the finder if necessary
  • create a captainhook.json in the root directory of your project (Example: captainhookSample.json)
  • [Usually you would need to vendor/bin/captainhook configure, but creating the captainhook.json by hand does that for you]
  • Activate captainhook with vendor/bin/captainhook install
  • Configure HDNET Standards to your project


  • Change the Jira-Project
"action": "\\HDNET\\Standards\\Hook\\Message\\JiraIssue",
    "options": {
    "project": "HDNET"
  • Change path to json-, xml- and yaml-files
    "action": "\\HDNET\\Standards\\Hook\\JsonHook",
    "options": {
        "directory" : "src/"
    "action": "\\HDNET\\Standards\\Hook\\YamlHook",
    "options": {
        "directory" : "src/"
    "action": "\\HDNET\\Standards\\Hook\\XmlHook",
    "options": {
        "directory" : "src/"

Instead of validating the commit message with the rules of Chris Beams, you can use conventional commits with the following configuration in the captainhook.json:

"action": "\\HDNET\\Standards\\Hook\\Message\\ConventionalCommits",
    "options": {
        "config": {
        "typeCase": null,
        "types": [],
        "scopeCase": null,
        "scopeRequired": false,
        "scopes": [],
        "descriptionCase": null,
        "descriptionEndMark": null,
        "bodyRequired": false,
        "bodyWrapWidth": null,
        "requiredFooters": []


  • lando phpunit => Execute unit tests