
PHP SDK for the Freshdesk API (v2)

0.3.1 2016-09-07 22:38 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-07 17:30:33 UTC


This is a PHP 7.2+ SDK for the Freshdesk API v2.

If you have questions, please contact me or open an issue on GitHub.

Quick Start

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use \Freshdesk\Api;

$api = new Api("your_freshdesk_api_key", "your_freshdesk_domain");

$all = $api->tickets->all();
$some = $api->tickets->all(['page' => 2]);
$new = $api->tickets->create($data);
$updated = $api->tickets->update($data);
$existing = $api->tickets->view($id);

//Responses are simple arrays, e.g.:
$id = $existing['id'];
$first = $all[0];

Framework Integration


To integrate this library into your application, use Composer.

Then just run:

composer require michal-borek/freshdesk-php-sdk

API Overview

Full documentation is available here

Getting started

Creating a new API instance is very easy. All you need is your Freshdesk API key and your Freshdesk domain.

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use \Freshdesk\Api;

$api = new Api("your_freshdesk_api_key", "your_freshdesk_domain");


The available methods for each resource are available via a public property on the api, for example:

$contacts = $api->contacts->update($contactId, $data);

$me = $api->agents->current();

$company = $api->companies->create($data);

$deleted = $api->groups->delete($groupId);

$ticket = $api->tickets->view($filters);

//Time Entries
$time = $api->timeEntries->all($ticket['id']);

$ticket = $api->conversations->note($ticketId, $data);

$newCategory = $api->categories->create($data);

$forum = $api->forums->create($categoryId, $data);

$topics = $api->topics->monitor($topicId, $userId);

$comment = $api->comments->create($forumId);

//Email Configs
$configs = $api->emailConfigs->all();

$product = $api->products->view($productId);

//Business Hours
$hours = $api->businessHours->all();

//SLA Policy
$policies = $api->slaPolicies->all();


All responses are arrays of data. Please refer to Freshdesk's documentation for further information.


All GET requests accept an optional array $query parameter to filter results. For example:

//Page 2 with 50 results per page
$page2 = $this->forums->all(['page' => 2, 'per_page' => 50]);

//Tickets for a specific customer
$tickets = $this->tickets->view(['company_id' => $companyId]);

Please read the Freshdesk documentation for further information on filtering GET requests.


Nearly all api calls are available except for the Solutions and Surveys, which Freshdesk has not yet implemented...


The library was written Matthew Clarkson from Hilenium then forked and adopted for Laravel 8.x by Michał Borek for Wocozon.
